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Debora Gil; F. Javier Sanchez; Gloria Fernandez Esparrach; Jorge Bernal 3D Stable Spatio-temporal Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Videos 2015 Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy. Revised selected papers of Second International Workshop, CARE 2015, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2015 9515 140-152 details   pdf doi
Hanne Kause; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Patricia Marquez; Andrea Fuster; Luc Florack; Hans van Assen; Debora Gil Confidence Measures for Assessing the HARP Algorithm in Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2015 Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Revised selected papers of Imaging and Modelling Challenges 6th International Workshop, STACOM 2015, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2015 9534 69-79 details   pdf doi
Patricia Marquez; H. Kause; A. Fuster; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; L. Florack; Debora Gil; Hans van Assen Factors Affecting Optical Flow Performance in Tagging Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2014 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 8896 231-238 details   pdf doi
Jorge Bernal; Debora Gil; Carles Sanchez; F. Javier Sanchez Discarding Non Informative Regions for Efficient Colonoscopy Image Analysis 2014 1st MICCAI Workshop on Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy 8899 1-10 details   pdf doi
Francesco Brughi; Debora Gil; Llorenç Badiella; Eva Jove Casabella; Oriol Ramos Terrades Exploring the impact of inter-query variability on the performance of retrieval systems 2014 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition 8814 413–420 details   pdf doi
Carles Sanchez; Jorge Bernal; Debora Gil; F. Javier Sanchez On-line lumen centre detection in gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy 2013 Second International Workshop Clinical Image-Based Procedures 8361 31-38 details   pdf doi
Debora Gil; Oriol Ramos Terrades; Raquel Perez Topological Radiomics (TOPiomics): Early Detection of Genetic Abnormalities in Cancer Treatment Evolution 2021 Extended Abstracts GEOMVAP 2019, Trends in Mathematics 15 15 89–93 details   doi
Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; Enric Marti A string-based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans 1997 2nd IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition 91-103 details   pdf doi
Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; Enric Marti A string based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans 1998 Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Systems Second International Workshop, GREC' 97 Nancy, France, August 22–23, 1997 Selected Papers 1389 91-103 details   pdf doi
Ole Larsen; Petia Radeva; Enric Marti Bounds on the optimal elasticity parameters for a snake 1995 Image Analysis and Processing 37-42 details   pdf doi
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