Debora Gil, Jaume Garcia, Manuel Vazquez, Ruth Aris, & Guillaume Houzeaux. (2008). "Patient-Sensitive Anatomic and Functional 3D Model of the Left Ventricle Function " In 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanichs (WCCM8)/5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008). Venezia (Italia).
Abstract: Early diagnosis and accurate treatment of Left Ventricle (LV) dysfunction significantly increases the patient survival. Impairment of LV contractility due to cardiovascular diseases is reflected in its motion patterns. Recent advances in medical imaging, such as Magnetic Resonance (MR), have encouraged research on 3D simulation and modelling of the LV dynamics. Most of the existing 3D models consider just the gross anatomy of the LV and restore a truncated ellipse which deforms along the cardiac cycle. The contraction mechanics of any muscle strongly depends on the spatial orientation of its muscular fibers since the motion that the muscle undergoes mainly takes place along the fibers. It follows that such simplified models do not allow evaluation of the heart electro-mechanical function and coupling, which has recently risen as the key point for understanding the LV functionality . In order to thoroughly understand the LV mechanics it is necessary to consider the complete anatomy of the LV given by the orientation of the myocardial fibres in 3D space as described by Torrent Guasp. We propose developing a 3D patient-sensitive model of the LV integrating, for the first time, the ven- tricular band anatomy (fibers orientation), the LV gross anatomy and its functionality. Such model will represent the LV function as a natural consequence of its own ventricular band anatomy. This might be decisive in restoring a proper LV contraction in patients undergoing pace marker treatment. The LV function is defined as soon as the propagation of the contractile electromechanical pulse has been modelled. In our experiments we have used the wave equation for the propagation of the electric pulse. The electromechanical wave moves on the myocardial surface and should have a conductivity tensor oriented along the muscular fibers. Thus, whatever mathematical model for electric pulse propa- gation [4] we consider, the complete anatomy of the LV should be extracted. The LV gross anatomy is obtained by processing multi slice MR images recorded for each patient. Information about the myocardial fibers distribution can only be extracted by Diffusion Tensor Imag- ing (DTI), which can not provide in vivo information for each patient. As a first approach, we have computed an average model of fibers from several DTI studies of canine hearts. This rough anatomy is the input for our electro-mechanical propagation model simulating LV dynamics. The average fiber orientation is updated until the simulated LV motion agrees with the experimental evidence provided by the LV motion observed in tagged MR (TMR) sequences. Experimental LV motion is recovered by applying image processing, differential geometry and interpolation techniques to 2D TMR slices [5]. The pipeline in figure 1 outlines the interaction between simulations and experimental data leading to our patient-tailored model.
Keywords: Left Ventricle; Electromechanical Models; Image Processing; Magnetic Resonance.
Debora Gil, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Elisa Minchole, Carles Sanchez, Noelia Cubero de Frutos, Marta Diez-Ferrer, et al. (2017). "Classification of Confocal Endomicroscopy Patterns for Diagnosis of Lung Cancer " In 6th Workshop on Clinical Image-based Procedures: Translational Research in Medical Imaging (Vol. 10550, pp. 151–159).
Abstract: Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (CLE) is an emerging imaging technique that allows the in-vivo acquisition of cell patterns of potentially malignant lesions. Such patterns could discriminate between inflammatory and neoplastic lesions and, thus, serve as a first in-vivo biopsy to discard cases that do not actually require a cell biopsy.
The goal of this work is to explore whether CLE images obtained during videobronchoscopy contain enough visual information to discriminate between benign and malign peripheral lesions for lung cancer diagnosis. To do so, we have performed a pilot comparative study with 12 patients (6 adenocarcinoma and 6 benign-inflammatory) using 2 different methods for CLE pattern analysis: visual analysis by 3 experts and a novel methodology that uses graph methods to find patterns in pre-trained feature spaces. Our preliminary results indicate that although visual analysis can only achieve a 60.2% of accuracy, the accuracy of the proposed unsupervised image pattern classification raises to 84.6%.
We conclude that CLE images visual information allow in-vivo detection of neoplastic lesions and graph structural analysis applied to deep-learning feature spaces can achieve competitive results.
Santi Puch, Irina Sanchez, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Gemma Piella, & Vesna Prckovska. (2018). "Global Planar Convolutions for Improved Context Aggregation in Brain Tumor Segmentation " In International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop (Vol. 11384, pp. 393–405).
Abstract: In this work, we introduce the Global Planar Convolution module as a building-block for fully-convolutional networks that aggregates global information and, therefore, enhances the context perception capabilities of segmentation networks in the context of brain tumor segmentation. We implement two baseline architectures (3D UNet and a residual version of 3D UNet, ResUNet) and present a novel architecture based on these two architectures, ContextNet, that includes the proposed Global Planar Convolution module. We show that the addition of such module eliminates the need of building networks with several representation levels, which tend to be over-parametrized and to showcase slow rates of convergence. Furthermore, we provide a visual demonstration of the behavior of GPC modules via visualization of intermediate representations. We finally participate in the 2018 edition of the BraTS challenge with our best performing models, that are based on ContextNet, and report the evaluation scores on the validation and the test sets of the challenge.
Keywords: Brain tumors; 3D fully-convolutional CNN; Magnetic resonance imaging; Global planar convolution
Esmitt Ramirez, Carles Sanchez, Agnes Borras, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2018). "Image-Based Bronchial Anatomy Codification for Biopsy Guiding in Video Bronchoscopy " In OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters, Computer Assisted Robotic Endoscopy, Clinical Image-Based Procedures, and Skin Image Analysis (Vol. 11041).
Abstract: Bronchoscopy examinations allow biopsy of pulmonary nodules with minimum risk for the patient. Even for experienced bronchoscopists, it is difficult to guide the bronchoscope to most distal lesions and obtain an accurate diagnosis. This paper presents an image-based codification of the bronchial anatomy for bronchoscopy biopsy guiding. The 3D anatomy of each patient is codified as a binary tree with nodes representing bronchial levels and edges labeled using their position on images projecting the 3D anatomy from a set of branching points. The paths from the root to leaves provide a codification of navigation routes with spatially consistent labels according to the anatomy observes in video bronchoscopy explorations. We evaluate our labeling approach as a guiding system in terms of the number of bronchial levels correctly codified, also in the number of labels-based instructions correctly supplied, using generalized mixed models and computer-generated data. Results obtained for three independent observers prove the consistency and reproducibility of our guiding system. We trust that our codification based on viewer’s projection might be used as a foundation for the navigation process in Virtual Bronchoscopy systems.
Keywords: Biopsy guiding; Bronchoscopy; Lung biopsy; Intervention guiding; Airway codification
Marta Ligero, Guillermo Torres, Carles Sanchez, Katerine Diaz, Raquel Perez, & Debora Gil. (2019). "Selection of Radiomics Features based on their Reproducibility " In 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 403–408).
Abstract: Dimensionality reduction is key to alleviate machine learning artifacts in clinical applications with Small Sample Size (SSS) unbalanced datasets. Existing methods rely on either the probabilistic distribution of training data or the discriminant power of the reduced space, disregarding the impact of repeatability and uncertainty in features.In the present study is proposed the use of reproducibility of radiomics features to select features with high inter-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The reproducibility includes the variability introduced in the image acquisition, like medical scans acquisition parameters and convolution kernels, that affects intensity-based features and tumor annotations made by physicians, that influences morphological descriptors of the lesion.For the reproducibility of radiomics features three studies were conducted on cases collected at Vall Hebron Oncology Institute (VHIO) on responders to oncology treatment. The studies focused on the variability due to the convolution kernel, image acquisition parameters, and the inter-observer lesion identification. The features selected were those features with a ICC higher than 0.7 in the three studies.The selected features based on reproducibility were evaluated for lesion malignancy classification using a different database. Results show better performance compared to several state-of-the-art methods including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Kernel Discriminant Analysis via QR decomposition (KDAQR), LASSO, and an own built Convolutional Neural Network.
Carles Sanchez, Miguel Viñas, Coen Antens, Agnes Borras, & Debora Gil. (2018). "Back to Front Architecture for Diagnosis as a Service " In 20th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 343–346).
Abstract: Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model in which a provider hosts applications in a server that customers use via internet. Since SaaS does not require to install applications on customers' own computers, it allows the use by multiple users of highly specialized software without extra expenses for hardware acquisition or licensing. A SaaS tailored for clinical needs not only would alleviate licensing costs, but also would facilitate easy access to new methods for diagnosis assistance. This paper presents a SaaS client-server architecture for Diagnosis as a Service (DaaS). The server is based on docker technology in order to allow execution of softwares implemented in different languages with the highest portability and scalability. The client is a content management system allowing the design of websites with multimedia content and interactive visualization of results allowing user editing. We explain a usage case that uses our DaaS as crowdsourcing platform in a multicentric pilot study carried out to evaluate the clinical benefits of a software for assessment of central airway obstruction.
Esmitt Ramirez, Carles Sanchez, & Debora Gil. (2019). "Localizing Pulmonary Lesions Using Fuzzy Deep Learning " In 21st International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 290–294).
Abstract: The usage of medical images is part of the clinical daily in several healthcare centers around the world. Particularly, Computer Tomography (CT) images are an important key in the early detection of suspicious lung lesions. The CT image exploration allows the detection of lung lesions before any invasive procedure (e.g. bronchoscopy, biopsy). The effective localization of lesions is performed using different image processing and computer vision techniques. Lately, the usage of deep learning models into medical imaging from detection to prediction shown that is a powerful tool for Computer-aided software. In this paper, we present an approach to localize pulmonary lung lesion using fuzzy deep learning. Our approach uses a simple convolutional neural network based using the LIDC-IDRI dataset. Each image is divided into patches associated a probability vector (fuzzy) according their belonging to anatomical structures on a CT. We showcase our approach as part of a full CAD system to exploration, planning, guiding and detection of pulmonary lesions.
Guillermo Torres, Jan Rodríguez Dueñas, Sonia Baeza, Antoni Rosell, Carles Sanchez, & Debora Gil. (2023). "Prediction of Malignancy in Lung Cancer using several strategies for the fusion of Multi-Channel Pyradiomics Images " In 7th Workshop on Digital Image Processing for Medical and Automotive Industry in the framework of SYNASC 2023.
Abstract: This study shows the generation process and the subsequent study of the representation space obtained by extracting GLCM texture features from computer-aided tomography (CT) scans of pulmonary nodules (PN). For this, data from 92 patients from the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital were used. The workflow focuses on feature extraction using Pyradiomics and the VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The aim of the study is to assess whether the data obtained have a positive impact on the diagnosis of lung cancer (LC). To design a machine learning (ML) model training method that allows generalization, we train SVM and neural network (NN) models, evaluating diagnosis performance using metrics defined at slice and nodule level.
Debora Gil, Antonio Esteban Lansaque, Sebastian Stefaniga, Mihail Gaianu, & Carles Sanchez. (2019). "Data Augmentation from Sketch " In International Workshop on Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Vol. 11840, pp. 155–162).
Abstract: State of the art machine learning methods need huge amounts of data with unambiguous annotations for their training. In the context of medical imaging this is, in general, a very difficult task due to limited access to clinical data, the time required for manual annotations and variability across experts. Simulated data could serve for data augmentation provided that its appearance was comparable to the actual appearance of intra-operative acquisitions. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a powerful tool for artistic style transfer, but lack a criteria for selecting epochs ensuring also preservation of intra-operative content.
We propose a multi-objective optimization strategy for a selection of cycleGAN epochs ensuring a mapping between virtual images and the intra-operative domain preserving anatomical content. Our approach has been applied to simulate intra-operative bronchoscopic videos and chest CT scans from virtual sketches generated using simple graphical primitives.
Keywords: Data augmentation; cycleGANs; Multi-objective optimization
Gloria Fernandez Esparrach, Jorge Bernal, Cristina Rodriguez de Miguel, Debora Gil, Fernando Vilariño, Henry Cordova, et al. (2015). "Colonic polyps are correctly identified by a computer vision method using wm-dova energy maps " In Proceedings of 23 United European- UEG Week 2015.