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Joost Van de Weijer, & Fahad Shahbaz Khan. (2013). Fusing Color and Shape for Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition. In 4th Computational Color Imaging Workshop (Vol. 7786, pp. 25–34). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Naila Murray, Maria Vanrell, Xavier Otazu, & C. Alejandro Parraga. (2011). Saliency Estimation Using a Non-Parametric Low-Level Vision Model. In IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 433–440).
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Marc Serra, Olivier Penacchio, Robert Benavente, Maria Vanrell, & Dimitris Samaras. (2014). The Photometry of Intrinsic Images. In 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 1494–1501).
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Partha Pratim Roy, Eduard Vazquez, Josep Llados, Ramon Baldrich, & Umapada Pal. (2007). A System to Retrieve Text/Symbols from Color Maps using Connected Component and Skeleton Analysis. In J.M. Ogier W. L. J. Llados (Ed.), Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (79–78).
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Robert Benavente. (1999). Dealing with colour variability: application to a colour naming task.
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Jordi Vitria, Petia Radeva, X. Binefa, A. Pujol, Ernest Valveny, Robert Benavente, et al. (1999). Real time recognition of pharmaceutical products by subspace methods.
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Robert Benavente, & Maria Vanrell. (2001). A colour naming experiment.
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Maria Vanrell. (1997). Exploring the space of behaviour of a texture perception algorithm.
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Anna Salvatella, & Maria Vanrell. (2002). Towards a texture representation database.
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A. Martinez, & Robert Benavente. (1998). The AR face database.
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Javier Vazquez. (2007). Content-based Colour Space.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Antonio Lopez, & Ramon Baldrich. (2008). Illuminant Invariant Model-Based Road Segmentation. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, (1155–1180).
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Francesc Tous, Maria Vanrell, & Ramon Baldrich. (2005). Relaxed Grey-World: Computational Colour Constancy by Surface Matching. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2005), LNCS 3522:192–199.
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Felipe Lumbreras, Xavier Roca, Daniel Ponsa, Robert Benavente, Judit Martinez, Silvia Sanchez, et al. (2001). Visual Inspection of Safety Belts. In International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (Vol. 2, 526–531).
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Fernando Lopez, J.M. Valiente, Ramon Baldrich, & Maria Vanrell. (2005). Fast surface grading using color statistics in the CIELab space. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. IbPRIA 2005 (Vol. LNCS 3523, pp. 66–673).
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Eduard Vazquez, Ramon Baldrich, Javier Vazquez, & Maria Vanrell. (2007). Topological histogram reduction towards colour segmentation. In 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2007), J. Marti et al. (Eds.) LNCS 4477:55–62.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Antonio Lopez, & Ramon Baldrich. (2007). Shadow Resistant Road Segmentation from a Mobile Monocular System. In 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2007), J. Marti et al. (Eds.) LNCS 4477:9–16.
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