Fadi Dornaika, Jose Manuel Alvarez, Angel Sappa and Antonio Lopez. 2011. A New Framework for Stereo Sensor Pose through Road Segmentation and Registration. TITS, 12(4), 954–966.
Abstract: This paper proposes a new framework for real-time estimation of the onboard stereo head's position and orientation relative to the road surface, which is required for any advanced driver-assistance application. This framework can be used with all road types: highways, urban, etc. Unlike existing works that rely on feature extraction in either the image domain or 3-D space, we propose a framework that directly estimates the unknown parameters from the stream of stereo pairs' brightness. The proposed approach consists of two stages that are invoked for every stereo frame. The first stage segments the road region in one monocular view. The second stage estimates the camera pose using a featureless registration between the segmented monocular road region and the other view in the stereo pair. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution combines a road segmentation algorithm with a registration technique to estimate the online stereo camera pose. The second contribution solves the registration using a featureless method, which is carried out using two different optimization techniques: 1) the differential evolution algorithm and 2) the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. We provide experiments and evaluations of performance. The results presented show the validity of our proposed framework.
Keywords: road detection
Xavier Boix, Josep M. Gonfaus, Joost Van de Weijer, Andrew Bagdanov, Joan Serrat and Jordi Gonzalez. 2012. Harmony Potentials: Fusing Global and Local Scale for Semantic Image Segmentation. IJCV, 96(1), 83–102.
Abstract: The Hierarchical Conditional Random Field(HCRF) model have been successfully applied to a number of image labeling problems, including image segmentation. However, existing HCRF models of image segmentation do not allow multiple classes to be assigned to a single region, which limits their ability to incorporate contextual information across multiple scales.
At higher scales in the image, this representation yields an oversimplied model since multiple classes can be reasonably expected to appear within large regions. This simplied model particularly limits the impact of information at higher scales. Since class-label information at these scales is usually more reliable than at lower, noisier scales, neglecting this information is undesirable. To
address these issues, we propose a new consistency potential for image labeling problems, which we call the harmony potential. It can encode any possible combi-
nation of labels, penalizing only unlikely combinations of classes. We also propose an eective sampling strategy over this expanded label set that renders tractable the underlying optimization problem. Our approach obtains state-of-the-art results on two challenging, standard benchmark datasets for semantic image segmentation: PASCAL VOC 2010, and MSRC-21.
Sergio Vera, Debora Gil, Antonio Lopez and Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester. 2012. Multilocal Creaseness Measure.
Abstract: This document describes the implementation using the Insight Toolkit of an algorithm for detecting creases (ridges and valleys) in N-dimensional images, based on the Local Structure Tensor of the image. In addition to the filter used to calculate the creaseness image, a filter for the computation of the structure tensor is also included in this submission.
Keywords: Ridges, Valley, Creaseness, Structure Tensor, Skeleton,
Mohammad Rouhani and Angel Sappa. 2012. Implicit Polynomial Representation through a Fast Fitting Error Estimation. TIP, 21(4), 2089–2098.
Abstract: Impact Factor
This paper presents a simple distance estimation for implicit polynomial fitting. It is computed as the height of a simplex built between the point and the surface (i.e., a triangle in 2-D or a tetrahedron in 3-D), which is used as a coarse but reliable estimation of the orthogonal distance. The proposed distance can be described as a function of the coefficients of the implicit polynomial. Moreover, it is differentiable and has a smooth behavior . Hence, it can be used in any gradient-based optimization. In this paper, its use in a Levenberg-Marquardt framework is shown, which is particularly devoted for nonlinear least squares problems. The proposed estimation is a generalization of the gradient-based distance estimation, which is widely used in the literature. Experimental results, both in 2-D and 3-D data sets, are provided. Comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques are presented, showing the advantages of the proposed approach.
Jose Carlos Rubio, Joan Serrat, Antonio Lopez and Daniel Ponsa. 2012. Multiple target tracking for intelligent headlights control. TITS, 13(2), 594–605.
Abstract: Intelligent vehicle lighting systems aim at automatically regulating the headlights' beam to illuminate as much of the road ahead as possible while avoiding dazzling other drivers. A key component of such a system is computer vision software that is able to distinguish blobs due to vehicles' headlights and rear lights from those due to road lamps and reflective elements such as poles and traffic signs. In a previous work, we have devised a set of specialized supervised classifiers to make such decisions based on blob features related to its intensity and shape. Despite the overall good performance, there remain challenging that have yet to be solved: notably, faint and tiny blobs corresponding to quite distant vehicles. In fact, for such distant blobs, classification decisions can be taken after observing them during a few frames. Hence, incorporating tracking could improve the overall lighting system performance by enforcing the temporal consistency of the classifier decision. Accordingly, this paper focuses on the problem of constructing blob tracks, which is actually one of multiple-target tracking (MTT), but under two special conditions: We have to deal with frequent occlusions, as well as blob splits and merges. We approach it in a novel way by formulating the problem as a maximum a posteriori inference on a Markov random field. The qualitative (in video form) and quantitative evaluation of our new MTT method shows good tracking results. In addition, we will also see that the classification performance of the problematic blobs improves due to the proposed MTT algorithm.
Keywords: Intelligent Headlights
Arnau Ramisa, David Aldavert, Shrihari Vasudevan, Ricardo Toledo and Ramon Lopez de Mantaras. 2012. Evaluation of Three Vision Based Object Perception Methods for a Mobile Robot. JIRC, 68(2), 185–208.
Abstract: This paper addresses visual object perception applied to mobile robotics. Being able to perceive household objects in unstructured environments is a key capability in order to make robots suitable to perform complex tasks in home environments. However, finding a solution for this task is daunting: it requires the ability to handle the variability in image formation in a moving camera with tight time constraints. The paper brings to attention some of the issues with applying three state of the art object recognition and detection methods in a mobile robotics scenario, and proposes methods to deal with windowing/segmentation. Thus, this work aims at evaluating the state-of-the-art in object perception in an attempt to develop a lightweight solution for mobile robotics use/research in typical indoor settings.
Cristhian Aguilera, Fernando Barrera, Felipe Lumbreras, Angel Sappa and Ricardo Toledo. 2012. Multispectral Image Feature Points. SENS, 12(9), 12661–12672.
Abstract: Far-Infrared and Visible Spectrum images. It allows matching interest points on images of the same scene but acquired in different spectral bands. Initially, points of interest are detected on both images through a SIFT-like based scale space representation. Then, these points are characterized using an Edge Oriented Histogram (EOH) descriptor. Finally, points of interest from multispectral images are matched by finding nearest couples using the information from the descriptor. The provided experimental results and comparisons with similar methods show both the validity of the proposed approach as well as the improvements it offers with respect to the current state-of-the-art.
Keywords: multispectral image descriptor; color and infrared images; feature point descriptor
Fernando Barrera, Felipe Lumbreras and Angel Sappa. 2012. Multimodal Stereo Vision System: 3D Data Extraction and Algorithm Evaluation. J-STSP, 6(5), 437–446.
Abstract: This paper proposes an imaging system for computing sparse depth maps from multispectral images. A special stereo head consisting of an infrared and a color camera defines the proposed multimodal acquisition system. The cameras are rigidly attached so that their image planes are parallel. Details about the calibration and image rectification procedure are provided. Sparse disparity maps are obtained by the combined use of mutual information enriched with gradient information. The proposed approach is evaluated using a Receiver Operating Characteristics curve. Furthermore, a multispectral dataset, color and infrared images, together with their corresponding ground truth disparity maps, is generated and used as a test bed. Experimental results in real outdoor scenarios are provided showing its viability and that the proposed approach is not restricted to a specific domain.
Jaume Amores. 2013. Multiple Instance Classification: review, taxonomy and comparative study. AI, 201, 81–105.
Abstract: Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has become an important topic in the pattern recognition community, and many solutions to this problemhave been proposed until now. Despite this fact, there is a lack of comparative studies that shed light into the characteristics and behavior of the different methods. In this work we provide such an analysis focused on the classification task (i.e.,leaving out other learning tasks such as regression). In order to perform our study, we implemented
fourteen methods grouped into three different families. We analyze the performance of the approaches across a variety of well-known databases, and we also study their behavior in synthetic scenarios in order to highlight their characteristics. As a result of this analysis, we conclude that methods that extract global bag-level information show a clearly superior performance in general. In this sense, the analysis permits us to understand why some types of methods are more successful than others, and it permits us to establish guidelines in the design of new MIL
Keywords: Multi-instance learning; Codebook; Bag-of-Words
Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Muhammad Anwer Rao, Joost Van de Weijer, Andrew Bagdanov, Antonio Lopez and Michael Felsberg. 2013. Coloring Action Recognition in Still Images. IJCV, 105(3), 205–221.
Abstract: In this article we investigate the problem of human action recognition in static images. By action recognition we intend a class of problems which includes both action classification and action detection (i.e. simultaneous localization and classification). Bag-of-words image representations yield promising results for action classification, and deformable part models perform very well object detection. The representations for action recognition typically use only shape cues and ignore color information. Inspired by the recent success of color in image classification and object detection, we investigate the potential of color for action classification and detection in static images. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of color descriptors and fusion approaches for action recognition. Experiments were conducted on the three datasets most used for benchmarking action recognition in still images: Willow, PASCAL VOC 2010 and Stanford-40. Our experiments demonstrate that incorporating color information considerably improves recognition performance, and that a descriptor based on color names outperforms pure color descriptors. Our experiments demonstrate that late fusion of color and shape information outperforms other approaches on action recognition. Finally, we show that the different color–shape fusion approaches result in complementary information and combining them yields state-of-the-art performance for action classification.