Gabriel Villalonga, Joost Van de Weijer and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Recognizing new classes with synthetic data in the loop: application to traffic sign recognition. SENS, 20(3), 583.
Abstract: On-board vision systems may need to increase the number of classes that can be recognized in a relatively short period. For instance, a traffic sign recognition system may suddenly be required to recognize new signs. Since collecting and annotating samples of such new classes may need more time than we wish, especially for uncommon signs, we propose a method to generate these samples by combining synthetic images and Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) technology. In particular, the GAN is trained on synthetic and real-world samples from known classes to perform synthetic-to-real domain adaptation, but applied to synthetic samples of the new classes. Using the Tsinghua dataset with a synthetic counterpart, SYNTHIA-TS, we have run an extensive set of experiments. The results show that the proposed method is indeed effective, provided that we use a proper Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to perform the traffic sign recognition (classification) task as well as a proper GAN to transform the synthetic images. Here, a ResNet101-based classifier and domain adaptation based on CycleGAN performed extremely well for a ratio∼ 1/4 for new/known classes; even for more challenging ratios such as∼ 4/1, the results are also very positive.
Yi Xiao, Felipe Codevilla, Akhil Gurram, Onay Urfalioglu and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Multimodal end-to-end autonomous driving. TITS, 1–11.
Abstract: A crucial component of an autonomous vehicle (AV) is the artificial intelligence (AI) is able to drive towards a desired destination. Today, there are different paradigms addressing the development of AI drivers. On the one hand, we find modular pipelines, which divide the driving task into sub-tasks such as perception and maneuver planning and control. On the other hand, we find end-to-end driving approaches that try to learn a direct mapping from input raw sensor data to vehicle control signals. The later are relatively less studied, but are gaining popularity since they are less demanding in terms of sensor data annotation. This paper focuses on end-to-end autonomous driving. So far, most proposals relying on this paradigm assume RGB images as input sensor data. However, AVs will not be equipped only with cameras, but also with active sensors providing accurate depth information (e.g., LiDARs). Accordingly, this paper analyses whether combining RGB and depth modalities, i.e. using RGBD data, produces better end-to-end AI drivers than relying on a single modality. We consider multimodality based on early, mid and late fusion schemes, both in multisensory and single-sensor (monocular depth estimation) settings. Using the CARLA simulator and conditional imitation learning (CIL), we show how, indeed, early fusion multimodality outperforms single-modality.
Jiaolong Xu, Sebastian Ramos, David Vazquez and Antonio Lopez. 2016. Hierarchical Adaptive Structural SVM for Domain Adaptation. IJCV, 119(2), 159–178.
Abstract: A key topic in classification is the accuracy loss produced when the data distribution in the training (source) domain differs from that in the testing (target) domain. This is being recognized as a very relevant problem for many
computer vision tasks such as image classification, object detection, and object category recognition. In this paper, we present a novel domain adaptation method that leverages multiple target domains (or sub-domains) in a hierarchical adaptation tree. The core idea is to exploit the commonalities and differences of the jointly considered target domains.
Given the relevance of structural SVM (SSVM) classifiers, we apply our idea to the adaptive SSVM (A-SSVM), which only requires the target domain samples together with the existing source-domain classifier for performing the desired adaptation. Altogether, we term our proposal as hierarchical A-SSVM (HA-SSVM).
As proof of concept we use HA-SSVM for pedestrian detection, object category recognition and face recognition. In the former we apply HA-SSVM to the deformable partbased model (DPM) while in the rest HA-SSVM is applied to multi-category classifiers. We will show how HA-SSVM is effective in increasing the detection/recognition accuracy with respect to adaptation strategies that ignore the structure of the target data. Since, the sub-domains of the target data are not always known a priori, we shown how HA-SSVM can incorporate sub-domain discovery for object category recognition.
Keywords: Domain Adaptation; Pedestrian Detection
Jiaolong Xu, Liang Xiao and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Self-supervised Domain Adaptation for Computer Vision Tasks. ACCESS, 7, 156694–156706.
Abstract: Recent progress of self-supervised visual representation learning has achieved remarkable success on many challenging computer vision benchmarks. However, whether these techniques can be used for domain adaptation has not been explored. In this work, we propose a generic method for self-supervised domain adaptation, using object recognition and semantic segmentation of urban scenes as use cases. Focusing on simple pretext/auxiliary tasks (e.g. image rotation prediction), we assess different learning strategies to improve domain adaptation effectiveness by self-supervision. Additionally, we propose two complementary strategies to further boost the domain adaptation accuracy on semantic segmentation within our method, consisting of prediction layer alignment and batch normalization calibration. The experimental results show adaptation levels comparable to most studied domain adaptation methods, thus, bringing self-supervision as a new alternative for reaching domain adaptation. The code is available at this link. https://github.com/Jiaolong/self-supervised-da.
Fei Yang, Luis Herranz, Joost Van de Weijer, Jose Antonio Iglesias, Antonio Lopez and Mikhail Mozerov. 2020. Variable Rate Deep Image Compression with Modulated Autoencoder. SPL, 27, 331–335.
Abstract: Variable rate is a requirement for flexible and adaptable image and video compression. However, deep image compression methods (DIC) are optimized for a single fixed rate-distortion (R-D) tradeoff. While this can be addressed by training multiple models for different tradeoffs, the memory requirements increase proportionally to the number of models. Scaling the bottleneck representation of a shared autoencoder can provide variable rate compression with a single shared autoencoder. However, the R-D performance using this simple mechanism degrades in low bitrates, and also shrinks the effective range of bitrates. To address these limitations, we formulate the problem of variable R-D optimization for DIC, and propose modulated autoencoders (MAEs), where the representations of a shared autoencoder are adapted to the specific R-D tradeoff via a modulation network. Jointly training this modulated autoencoder and the modulation network provides an effective way to navigate the R-D operational curve. Our experiments show that the proposed method can achieve almost the same R-D performance of independent models with significantly fewer parameters.
Miguel Oliveira, Victor Santos, Angel Sappa, P. Dias and A. Moreira. 2016. Incremental Scenario Representations for Autonomous Driving using Geometric Polygonal Primitives. RAS, 83, 312–325.
Abstract: When an autonomous vehicle is traveling through some scenario it receives a continuous stream of sensor data. This sensor data arrives in an asynchronous fashion and often contains overlapping or redundant information. Thus, it is not trivial how a representation of the environment observed by the vehicle can be created and updated over time. This paper presents a novel methodology to compute an incremental 3D representation of a scenario from 3D range measurements. We propose to use macro scale polygonal primitives to model the scenario. This means that the representation of the scene is given as a list of large scale polygons that describe the geometric structure of the environment. Furthermore, we propose mechanisms designed to update the geometric polygonal primitives over time whenever fresh sensor data is collected. Results show that the approach is capable of producing accurate descriptions of the scene, and that it is computationally very efficient when compared to other reconstruction techniques.
Keywords: Incremental scene reconstruction; Point clouds; Autonomous vehicles; Polygonal primitives
Angel Sappa and 6 others. 2016. Monocular visual odometry: A cross-spectral image fusion based approach. RAS, 85, 26–36.
Abstract: This manuscript evaluates the usage of fused cross-spectral images in a monocular visual odometry approach. Fused images are obtained through a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) scheme, where the best setup is empirically obtained by means of a mutual information based evaluation metric. The objective is to have a flexible scheme where fusion parameters are adapted according to the characteristics of the given images. Visual odometry is computed from the fused monocular images using an off the shelf approach. Experimental results using data sets obtained with two different platforms are presented. Additionally, comparison with a previous approach as well as with monocular-visible/infrared spectra are also provided showing the advantages of the proposed scheme.
Keywords: Monocular visual odometry; LWIR-RGB cross-spectral imaging; Image fusion
Angel Sappa, P. Carvajal, Cristhian A. Aguilera-Carrasco, Miguel Oliveira, Dennis Romero and Boris X. Vintimilla. 2016. Wavelet based visible and infrared image fusion: a comparative study. SENS, 16(6), 1–15.
Abstract: This paper evaluates different wavelet-based cross-spectral image fusion strategies adopted to merge visible and infrared images. The objective is to find the best setup independently of the evaluation metric used to measure the performance. Quantitative performance results are obtained with state of the art approaches together with adaptations proposed in the current work. The options evaluated in the current work result from the combination of different setups in the wavelet image decomposition stage together with different fusion strategies for the final merging stage that generates the resulting representation. Most of the approaches evaluate results according to the application for which they are intended for. Sometimes a human observer is selected to judge the quality of the obtained results. In the current work, quantitative values are considered in order to find correlations between setups and performance of obtained results; these correlations can be used to define a criteria for selecting the best fusion strategy for a given pair of cross-spectral images. The whole procedure is evaluated with a large set of correctly registered visible and infrared image pairs, including both Near InfraRed (NIR) and Long Wave InfraRed (LWIR).
Keywords: Image fusion; fusion evaluation metrics; visible and infrared imaging; discrete wavelet transform
Ferran Diego, Daniel Ponsa, Joan Serrat and Antonio Lopez. 2011. Video Alignment for Change Detection. TIP, 20(7), 1858–1869.
Abstract: In this work, we address the problem of aligning two video sequences. Such alignment refers to synchronization, i.e., the establishment of temporal correspondence between frames of the first and second video, followed by spatial registration of all the temporally corresponding frames. Video synchronization and alignment have been attempted before, but most often in the relatively simple cases of fixed or rigidly attached cameras and simultaneous acquisition. In addition, restrictive assumptions have been applied, including linear time correspondence or the knowledge of the complete trajectories of corresponding scene points; to some extent, these assumptions limit the practical applicability of any solutions developed. We intend to solve the more general problem of aligning video sequences recorded by independently moving cameras that follow similar trajectories, based only on the fusion of image intensity and GPS information. The novelty of our approach is to pose the synchronization as a MAP inference problem on a Bayesian network including the observations from these two sensor types, which have been proved complementary. Alignment results are presented in the context of videos recorded from vehicles driving along the same track at different times, for different road types. In addition, we explore two applications of the proposed video alignment method, both based on change detection between aligned videos. One is the detection of vehicles, which could be of use in ADAS. The other is online difference spotting videos of surveillance rounds.
Keywords: video alignment
Lluis Pere de las Heras, Ahmed Sheraz, Marcus Liwicki, Ernest Valveny and Gemma Sanchez. 2014. Statistical Segmentation and Structural Recognition for Floor Plan Interpretation. IJDAR, 17(3), 221–237.
Abstract: A generic method for floor plan analysis and interpretation is presented in this article. The method, which is mainly inspired by the way engineers draw and interpret floor plans, applies two recognition steps in a bottom-up manner. First, basic building blocks, i.e., walls, doors, and windows are detected using a statistical patch-based segmentation approach. Second, a graph is generated, and structural pattern recognition techniques are applied to further locate the main entities, i.e., rooms of the building. The proposed approach is able to analyze any type of floor plan regardless of the notation used. We have evaluated our method on different publicly available datasets of real architectural floor plans with different notations. The overall detection and recognition accuracy is about 95 %, which is significantly better than any other state-of-the-art method. Our approach is generic enough such that it could be easily adopted to the recognition and interpretation of any other printed machine-generated structured documents.