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Jose Carlos Rubio, Joan Serrat, Antonio Lopez and Daniel Ponsa. 2012. Multiple target tracking for intelligent headlights control. TITS, 13(2), 594–605.
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Jose Luis Gomez, Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2021. Co-Training for Deep Object Detection: Comparing Single-Modal and Multi-Modal Approaches. SENS, 21(9), 3185.
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Jose Luis Gomez, Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2023. Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation Models. SENS, 23(2), 621.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez and Antonio Lopez. 2011. Road Detection Based on Illuminant Invariance. TITS, 12(1), 184–193.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Antonio Lopez, Theo Gevers and Felipe Lumbreras. 2014. Combining Priors, Appearance and Context for Road Detection. TITS, 15(3), 1168–1178.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Theo Gevers and Antonio Lopez. 2010. Learning photometric invariance for object detection. IJCV, 90(1), 45–61.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Theo Gevers, Ferran Diego and Antonio Lopez. 2013. Road Geometry Classification by Adaptative Shape Models. TITS, 14(1), 459–468.
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Juan Jose Rubio and 8 others. 2019. Multi-class structural damage segmentation using fully convolutional networks. COMPUTIND, 112, 103121.
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Katerine Diaz, Aura Hernandez-Sabate and Antonio Lopez. 2016. A reduced feature set for driver head pose estimation. ASOC, 45, 98–107.
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Katerine Diaz, Francesc J. Ferri and Aura Hernandez-Sabate. 2018. An overview of incremental feature extraction methods based on linear subspaces. KBS, 145, 219–235.
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