Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Debora Gil, David Roche, Monica M. S. Matsumoto, & Sergio S. Furuie. (2011). "Inferring the Performance of Medical Imaging Algorithms " In Pedro Real, Daniel Diaz-Pernil, Helena Molina-Abril, Ainhoa Berciano, & Walter Kropatsch (Eds.), 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (Vol. 6854, pp. 520–528). L. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Abstract: Evaluation of the performance and limitations of medical imaging algorithms is essential to estimate their impact in social, economic or clinical aspects. However, validation of medical imaging techniques is a challenging task due to the variety of imaging and clinical problems involved, as well as, the difficulties for systematically extracting a reliable solely ground truth. Although specific validation protocols are reported in any medical imaging paper, there are still two major concerns: definition of standardized methodologies transversal to all problems and generalization of conclusions to the whole clinical data set.
We claim that both issues would be fully solved if we had a statistical model relating ground truth and the output of computational imaging techniques. Such a statistical model could conclude to what extent the algorithm behaves like the ground truth from the analysis of a sampling of the validation data set. We present a statistical inference framework reporting the agreement and describing the relationship of two quantities. We show its transversality by applying it to validation of two different tasks: contour segmentation and landmark correspondence.
Keywords: Validation, Statistical Inference, Medical Imaging Algorithms.
Debora Gil, Agnes Borras, Manuel Ballester, Francesc Carreras, Ruth Aris, Manuel Vazquez, et al. (2011). "MIOCARDIA: Integrating cardiac function and muscular architecture for a better diagnosis " In Association for Computing Machinery (Ed.), 14th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies. Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract: Deep understanding of myocardial structure of the heart would unravel crucial knowledge for clinical and medical procedures. The MIOCARDIA project is a multidisciplinary project in cooperation with l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau, Clinica la Creu Blanca and Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The ultimate goal of this project is defining a computational model of the myocardium. The model takes into account the deep interrelation between the anatomy and the mechanics of the heart. The paper explains the workflow of the MIOCARDIA project. It also introduces a multiresolution reconstruction technique based on DT-MRI streamlining for simplified global myocardial model generation. Our reconstructions can restore the most complex myocardial structures and provides evidences of a global helical organization.
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2013). "Detecting loss of diversity for an efficient termination of EAs " In 15th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 561–566).
Abstract: Termination of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) at its steady state so that useless iterations are not performed is a main point for its efficient application to black-box problems. Many EA algorithms evolve while there is still diversity in their population and, thus, they could be terminated by analyzing the behavior some measures of EA population diversity. This paper presents a numeric approximation to steady states that can be used to detect the moment EA population has lost its diversity for EA termination. Our condition has been applied to 3 EA paradigms based on diversity and a selection of functions
covering the properties most relevant for EA convergence.
Experiments show that our condition works regardless of the search space dimension and function landscape.
Keywords: EA termination; EA population diversity; EA steady state
Sergio Vera, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, & Debora Gil. (2013). "Volumetric Anatomical Parameterization and Meshing for Inter-patient Liver Coordinate System Deffinition " In 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Patricia Marquez, H. Kause, A. Fuster, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, L. Florack, Debora Gil, et al. (2014). "Factors Affecting Optical Flow Performance in Tagging Magnetic Resonance Imaging " In 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (Vol. 8896, pp. 231–238). Springer International Publishing.
Abstract: Changes in cardiac deformation patterns are correlated with cardiac pathologies. Deformation can be extracted from tagging Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI) using Optical Flow (OF) techniques. For applications of OF in a clinical setting it is important to assess to what extent the performance of a particular OF method is stable across dierent clinical acquisition artifacts. This paper presents a statistical validation framework, based on ANOVA, to assess the motion and appearance factors that have the largest in uence on OF accuracy drop.
In order to validate this framework, we created a database of simulated tMRI data including the most common artifacts of MRI and test three dierent OF methods, including HARP.
Keywords: Optical flow; Performance Evaluation; Synthetic Database; ANOVA; Tagging Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Rosa Maria Ortiz, Debora Gil, Elisa Minchole, Marta Diez-Ferrer, & Noelia Cubero de Frutos. (2017). "Classification of Confolcal Endomicroscopy Patterns for Diagnosis of Lung Cancer " In 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer.
Abstract: Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (CLE) is an emerging imaging technique that allows the in-vivo acquisition of cell patterns of potentially malignant lesions. Such patterns could discriminate between inflammatory and neoplastic lesions and, thus, serve as a first in-vivo biopsy to discard cases that do not actually require a cell biopsy.
The goal of this work is to explore whether CLE images obtained during videobronchoscopy contain enough visual information to discriminate between benign and malign peripheral lesions for lung cancer diagnosis. To do so, we have performed a pilot comparative study with 12 patients (6 adenocarcinoma and 6 benign-inflammatory) using 2 different methods for CLE pattern analysis: visual analysis by 3 experts and a novel methodology that uses graph methods to find patterns in pre-trained feature spaces. Our preliminary results indicate that although visual analysis can only achieve a 60.2% of accuracy, the accuracy of the proposed unsupervised image pattern classification raises to 84.6%.
We conclude that CLE images visual information allow in-vivo detection of neoplastic lesions and graph structural analysis applied to deep-learning feature spaces can achieve competitive results.
Antonio Esteban Lansaque, Carles Sanchez, Agnes Borras, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2016). "Stable Anatomical Structure Tracking for video-bronchoscopy Navigation " In 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops.
Abstract: Bronchoscopy allows to examine the patient airways for detection of lesions and sampling of tissues without surgery. A main drawback in lung cancer diagnosis is the diculty to check whether the exploration is following the correct path to the nodule that has to be biopsied. The most extended guidance uses uoroscopy which implies repeated radiation of clinical sta and patients. Alternatives such as virtual bronchoscopy or electromagnetic navigation are very expensive and not completely robust to blood, mocus or deformations as to be extensively used. We propose a method that extracts and tracks stable lumen regions at dierent levels of the bronchial tree. The tracked regions are stored in a tree that encodes the anatomical structure of the scene which can be useful to retrieve the path to the lesion that the clinician should follow to do the biopsy. We present a multi-expert validation of our anatomical landmark extraction in 3 intra-operative ultrathin explorations.
Keywords: Lung cancer diagnosis; video-bronchoscopy; airway lumen detection; region tracking
Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Marta Diez-Ferrer, & Antoni Rosell. (2016). "Navigation Path Retrieval from Videobronchoscopy using Bronchial Branches " In 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops (Vol. 9401, pp. 62–70).
Abstract: Bronchoscopy biopsy can be used to diagnose lung cancer without risking complications of other interventions like transthoracic needle aspiration. During bronchoscopy, the clinician has to navigate through the bronchial tree to the target lesion. A main drawback is the difficulty to check whether the exploration is following the correct path. The usual guidance using fluoroscopy implies repeated radiation of the clinician, while alternative systems (like electromagnetic navigation) require specific equipment that increases intervention costs. We propose to compute the navigated path using anatomical landmarks extracted from the sole analysis of videobronchoscopy images. Such landmarks allow matching the current exploration to the path previously planned on a CT to indicate clinician whether the planning is being correctly followed or not. We present a feasibility study of our landmark based CT-video matching using bronchoscopic videos simulated on a virtual bronchoscopy interactive interface.
Keywords: Bronchoscopy navigation; Lumen center; Brochial branches; Navigation path; Videobronchoscopy
Debora Gil, Jaume Garcia, Ruth Aris, Guillaume Houzeaux, & Manuel Vazquez. (2009). "A Riemmanian approach to cardiac fiber architecture modelling " In R. L. R. V. L. Nithiarasu (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Mathematical & Computational Biomedical Engineering (pp. 59–62). Swansea (UK).
Abstract: There is general consensus that myocardial fiber architecture should be modelled in order to fully understand the electromechanical properties of the Left Ventricle (LV). Diffusion Tensor magnetic resonance Imaging (DTI) is the reference image modality for rapid measurement of fiber orientations by means of the tensor principal eigenvectors. In this work, we present a mathematical framework for across subject comparison of the local geometry of the LV anatomy including the fiber architecture from the statistical analysis of DTI studies. We use concepts of differential geometry for defining a parametric domain suitable for statistical analysis of a low number of samples. We use Riemannian metrics to define a consistent computation of DTI principal eigenvector modes of variation. Our framework has been applied to build an atlas of the LV fiber architecture from 7 DTI normal canine hearts.
Keywords: cardiac fiber architecture; diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging; differential (Rie- mannian) geometry.
Joel Barajas, Jaume Garcia, Karla Lizbeth Caballero, Francesc Carreras, Sandra Pujades, & Petia Radeva. (2006). "Correction of Misalignment Artifacts Among 2-D Cardiac MR Images in 3-D Space " In 1st International Wokshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging (CVII’06) (Vol. 3217, pp. 114–121). Copenhagen (Denmark).
Abstract: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance images offer the opportunity to study the heart in detail. One of the main issues in its modelling is to create an accurate 3-D reconstruction of the left ventricle from 2-D views. A first step to achieve this goal is the correct registration among the different image planes due to patient movements. In this article, we present an accurate method to correct displacement artifacts using the Normalized Mutual Information. Here, the image views are treated as planes in order to diminish the approximation error caused by the association of a certain thickness, and moved simultaneously to avoid any kind of bias in the alignment process. This method has been validated using real and syntectic plane displacements, yielding promising results.