Debora Gil, Agnes Borras, Manuel Ballester, Francesc Carreras, Ruth Aris, Manuel Vazquez, et al. (2011). "MIOCARDIA: Integrating cardiac function and muscular architecture for a better diagnosis " In Association for Computing Machinery (Ed.), 14th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies. Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract: Deep understanding of myocardial structure of the heart would unravel crucial knowledge for clinical and medical procedures. The MIOCARDIA project is a multidisciplinary project in cooperation with l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau, Clinica la Creu Blanca and Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The ultimate goal of this project is defining a computational model of the myocardium. The model takes into account the deep interrelation between the anatomy and the mechanics of the heart. The paper explains the workflow of the MIOCARDIA project. It also introduces a multiresolution reconstruction technique based on DT-MRI streamlining for simplified global myocardial model generation. Our reconstructions can restore the most complex myocardial structures and provides evidences of a global helical organization.
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2012). "Assessing agonist efficacy in an uncertain Em world " In A. Christopoulus and M. Bouvier (Ed.), 40th Keystone Symposia on mollecular and celular biology (79). Keystone Symposia.
Abstract: The operational model of agonism has been widely used for the analysis of agonist action since its formulation in 1983. The model includes the Em parameter, which is defined as the maximum response of the system. The methods for Em estimation provide Em values not significantly higher than the maximum responses achieved by full agonists. However, it has been found that that some classes of compounds as, for instance, superagonists and positive allosteric modulators can increase the full agonist maximum response, implying upper limits for Em and thereby posing doubts on the validity of Em estimates. Because of the correlation between Em and operational efficacy, τ, wrong Em estimates will yield wrong τ estimates.
In this presentation, the operational model of agonism and various methods for the simulation of allosteric modulation will be analyzed. Alternatives for curve fitting will be presented and discussed.
Patricia Marquez, Debora Gil, & Aura Hernandez-Sabate. (2012). "Error Analysis for Lucas-Kanade Based Schemes " In 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (Vol. 7324, pp. 184–191). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Abstract: Optical flow is a valuable tool for motion analysis in medical imaging sequences. A reliable application requires determining the accuracy of the computed optical flow. This is a main challenge given the absence of ground truth in medical sequences. This paper presents an error analysis of Lucas-Kanade schemes in terms of intrinsic design errors and numerical stability of the algorithm. Our analysis provides a confidence measure that is naturally correlated to the accuracy of the flow field. Our experiments show the higher predictive value of our confidence measure compared to existing measures.
Keywords: Optical flow, Confidence measure, Lucas-Kanade, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Albert Andaluz, Francesc Carreras, Cristina Santa Marta, & Debora Gil. (2012). "Myocardial torsion estimation with Tagged-MRI in the OsiriX platform " In Wiro Niessen(Erasmus MC) and Marc Modat(UCL) (Ed.), ISBI Workshop on Open Source Medical Image Analysis software. IEEE.
Abstract: Myocardial torsion (MT) plays a crucial role in the assessment of the functionality of the
left ventricle. For this purpose, the IAM group at the CVC has developed the Harmonic Phase Flow (HPF) plugin for the Osirix DICOM platform . We have validated its funcionalty on sequences acquired using different protocols and including healthy and pathological cases. Results show similar torsion trends for SPAMM acquisitions, with pathological cases introducing expected deviations from the ground truth. Finally, we provide the plugin free of charge at http://iam.cvc.uab.es
Patricia Marquez, Debora Gil, & Aura Hernandez-Sabate. (2013). "Evaluation of the Capabilities of Confidence Measures for Assessing Optical Flow Quality " In ICCV Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars (pp. 624–631).
Abstract: Assessing Optical Flow (OF) quality is essential for its further use in reliable decision support systems. The absence of ground truth in such situations leads to the computation of OF Confidence Measures (CM) obtained from either input or output data. A fair comparison across the capabilities of the different CM for bounding OF error is required in order to choose the best OF-CM pair for discarding points where OF computation is not reliable. This paper presents a statistical probabilistic framework for assessing the quality of a given CM. Our quality measure is given in terms of the percentage of pixels whose OF error bound can not be determined by CM values. We also provide statistical tools for the computation of CM values that ensures a given accuracy of the flow field.
A. M. Here, B. C. Lopez, Debora Gil, J. J. Camarero, & Jordi Martinez-Vilalta. (2013). "A new software to analyse wood anatomical features in conifer species " In International Symposium on Wood Structure in Plant Biology and Ecology.
Abstract: International Symposium on Wood Structure in Plant Biology and Ecology
Debora Gil, Agnes Borras, Sergio Vera, & Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester. (2013). "A Validation Benchmark for Assessment of Medial Surface Quality for Medical Applications " In 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (Vol. 7963, pp. 334–343). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Abstract: Confident use of medial surfaces in medical decision support systems requires evaluating their quality for detecting pathological deformations and describing anatomical volumes. Validation in the medical imaging field is a challenging task mainly due to the difficulties for getting consensual ground truth. In this paper we propose a validation benchmark for assessing medial surfaces in the context of medical applications. Our benchmark includes a home-made database of synthetic medial surfaces and volumes and specific scores for evaluating surface accuracy, its stability against volume deformations and its capabilities for accurate reconstruction of anatomical volumes.
Keywords: Medial Surfaces; Shape Representation; Medical Applications; Performance Evaluation
Sergio Vera, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, & Debora Gil. (2013). "Volumetric Anatomical Parameterization and Meshing for Inter-patient Liver Coordinate System Deffinition " In 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, Debora Gil, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2013). "On-line lumen centre detection in gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy " In Klaus Miguel Angel and Drechsler Stefan and González Ballester Raj and Wesarg Cristina and Shekhar Marius George and Oyarzun Laura M. and L. Erdt (Ed.), Second International Workshop Clinical Image-Based Procedures (Vol. 8361, pp. 31–38). Springer International Publishing.
Abstract: We present in this paper a novel lumen centre detection for gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopic images. The proposed method is based on the appearance and geometry of the lumen, which we defined as the darkest image region which centre is a hub of image gradients. Experimental results validated on the first public annotated gastro-respiratory database prove the reliability of the method for a wide range of images (with precision over 95 %).
Keywords: Lumen centre detection; Bronchoscopy; Colonoscopy
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2013). "Detecting loss of diversity for an efficient termination of EAs " In 15th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 561–566).
Abstract: Termination of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) at its steady state so that useless iterations are not performed is a main point for its efficient application to black-box problems. Many EA algorithms evolve while there is still diversity in their population and, thus, they could be terminated by analyzing the behavior some measures of EA population diversity. This paper presents a numeric approximation to steady states that can be used to detect the moment EA population has lost its diversity for EA termination. Our condition has been applied to 3 EA paradigms based on diversity and a selection of functions
covering the properties most relevant for EA convergence.
Experiments show that our condition works regardless of the search space dimension and function landscape.
Keywords: EA termination; EA population diversity; EA steady state