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Kaida Xiao, Chenyang Fu, D.Mylonas, Dimosthenis Karatzas, & S. Wuerger. (2013). Unique Hue Data for Colour Appearance Models. Part ii: Chromatic Adaptation Transform. CRA - Color Research & Application, 38(1), 22–29.
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Ferran Diego, Joan Serrat, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). Joint spatio-temporal alignment of sequences. TMM - IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 15(6), 1377–1387.
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Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, Antoni Rosell, Albert Andaluz, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2013). Segmentation of Tracheal Rings in Videobronchoscopy combining Geometry and Appearance. In Sebastiano Battiato and José Braz (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Vol. 1, pp. 153–161). LNCS. Portugal: SciTePress.
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Jose Manuel Alvarez, Theo Gevers, Ferran Diego, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). Road Geometry Classification by Adaptative Shape Models. TITS - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(1), 459–468.
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Lluis Pere de las Heras, David Fernandez, Ernest Valveny, Josep Llados, & Gemma Sanchez. (2013). Unsupervised wall detector in architectural floor plan. In 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 1245–1249).
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Onur Ferhat, & Fernando Vilariño. (2013). A Cheap Portable Eye-Tracker Solution for Common Setups. In 17th European Conference on Eye Movements.
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Francesco Ciompi, Simone Balocco, Carles Caus, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2013). Stent shape estimation through a comprehensive interpretation of intravascular ultrasound images. In 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (Vol. 8150, pp. 345–352). LNCS. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Joan Serrat, Felipe Lumbreras, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). Cost estimation of custom hoses from STL files and CAD drawings. COMPUTIND - Computers in Industry, 64(3), 299–309.
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Albert Gordo, Florent Perronnin, & Ernest Valveny. (2013). Large-scale document image retrieval and classification with runlength histograms and binary embeddings. PR - Pattern Recognition, 46(7), 1898–1905.
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Fares Alnajar, Theo Gevers, Roberto Valenti, & Sennay Ghebreab. (2013). Calibration-free Gaze Estimation using Human Gaze Patterns. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 137–144).
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German Ros, J. Guerrero, Angel Sappa, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). VSLAM pose initialization via Lie groups and Lie algebras optimization. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 5740–5747).
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Yainuvis Socarras, Sebastian Ramos, David Vazquez, Antonio Lopez, & Theo Gevers. (2013). Adapting Pedestrian Detection from Synthetic to Far Infrared Images. In ICCV Workshop on Visual Domain Adaptation and Dataset Bias. Sydney, Australy.
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Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, Debora Gil, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2013). On-line lumen centre detection in gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy. In Klaus Miguel Angel and Drechsler Stefan and González Ballester Raj and Wesarg Cristina and Shekhar Marius George and Oyarzun Laura M. and L. Erdt (Ed.), Second International Workshop Clinical Image-Based Procedures (Vol. 8361, pp. 31–38). LNCS. Springer International Publishing.
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Jiaolong Xu, Sebastian Ramos, Xu Hu, David Vazquez, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). Multi-task Bilinear Classifiers for Visual Domain Adaptation. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop.
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Rahat Khan, Joost Van de Weijer, Dimosthenis Karatzas, & Damien Muselet. (2013). Towards multispectral data acquisition with hand-held devices. In 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp. 2053–2057).
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