Razieh Rastgoo, Kourosh Kiani, & Sergio Escalera. (2023). A deep co-attentive hand-based video question answering framework using multi-view skeleton. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 1401–1429.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel hand –based Video Question Answering framework, entitled Multi-View Video Question Answering (MV-VQA), employing the Single Shot Detector (SSD), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and Co-Attention mechanism with RGB videos as the inputs. Our model includes three main blocks: vision, language, and attention. In the vision block, we employ a novel representation to obtain some efficient multiview features from the hand object using the combination of five 3DCNNs and one LSTM network. To obtain the question embedding, we use the BERT model in language block. Finally, we employ a co-attention mechanism on vision and language features to recognize the final answer. For the first time, we propose such a hand-based Video-QA framework including the multi-view hand skeleton features combined with the question embedding and co-attention mechanism. Our framework is capable of processing the arbitrary numbers of questions in the dataset annotations. There are different application domains for this framework. Here, as an application domain, we applied our framework to dynamic hand gesture recognition for the first time. Since the main object in dynamic hand gesture recognition is the human hand, we performed a step-by-step analysis of the hand detection and multi-view hand skeleton impact on the model performance. Evaluation results on five datasets, including two datasets in VideoQA, two datasets in dynamic hand gesture, and one dataset in hand action recognition show that MV-VQA outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
Simone Balocco, Carlo Gatta, Oriol Pujol, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2010). SRBF: Speckle Reducing Bilateral Filtering. UMB - Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 36(8), 1353–1363.
Abstract: Speckle noise negatively affects medical ultrasound image shape interpretation and boundary detection. Speckle removal filters are widely used to selectively remove speckle noise without destroying important image features to enhance object boundaries. In this article, a fully automatic bilateral filter tailored to ultrasound images is proposed. The edge preservation property is obtained by embedding noise statistics in the filter framework. Consequently, the filter is able to tackle the multiplicative behavior modulating the smoothing strength with respect to local statistics. The in silico experiments clearly showed that the speckle reducing bilateral filter (SRBF) has superior performances to most of the state of the art filtering methods. The filter is tested on 50 in vivo US images and its influence on a segmentation task is quantified. The results using SRBF filtered data sets show a superior performance to using oriented anisotropic diffusion filtered images. This improvement is due to the adaptive support of SRBF and the embedded noise statistics, yielding a more homogeneous smoothing. SRBF results in a fully automatic, fast and flexible algorithm potentially suitable in wide ranges of speckle noise sizes, for different medical applications (IVUS, B-mode, 3-D matrix array US).
Antonio Hernandez, Carlo Gatta, Sergio Escalera, Laura Igual, Victoria Martin-Yuste, Manel Sabate, et al. (2012). Accurate coronary centerline extraction, caliber estimation and catheter detection in angiographies. TITB - IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 16(6), 1332–1340.
Abstract: Segmentation of coronary arteries in X-Ray angiography is a fundamental tool to evaluate arterial diseases and choose proper coronary treatment. The accurate segmentation of coronary arteries has become an important topic for the registration of different modalities which allows physicians rapid access to different medical imaging information from Computed Tomography (CT) scans or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In this paper, we propose an accurate fully automatic algorithm based on Graph-cuts for vessel centerline extraction, caliber estimation, and catheter detection. Vesselness, geodesic paths, and a new multi-scale edgeness map are combined to customize the Graph-cuts approach to the segmentation of tubular structures, by means of a global optimization of the Graph-cuts energy function. Moreover, a novel supervised learning methodology that integrates local and contextual information is proposed for automatic catheter detection. We evaluate the method performance on three datasets coming from different imaging systems. The method performs as good as the expert observer w.r.t. centerline detection and caliber estimation. Moreover, the method discriminates between arteries and catheter with an accuracy of 96.5%, sensitivity of 72%, and precision of 97.4%.
Miguel Reyes, Albert Clapes, Jose Ramirez, Juan R Revilla, & Sergio Escalera. (2013). Automatic Digital Biometry Analysis based on Depth Maps. COMPUTIND - Computers in Industry, 64(9), 1316–1325.
Abstract: World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world population is affected by back-related disorders during his life. Current practices to analyze musculo-skeletal disorders (MSDs) are expensive, subjective, and invasive. In this work, we propose a tool for static body posture analysis and dynamic range of movement estimation of the skeleton joints based on 3D anthropometric information from multi-modal data. Given a set of keypoints, RGB and depth data are aligned, depth surface is reconstructed, keypoints are matched, and accurate measurements about posture and spinal curvature are computed. Given a set of joints, range of movement measurements is also obtained. Moreover, gesture recognition based on joint movements is performed to look for the correctness in the development of physical exercises. The system shows high precision and reliable measurements, being useful for posture reeducation purposes to prevent MSDs, as well as tracking the posture evolution of patients in rehabilitation treatments.
Keywords: Multi-modal data fusion; Depth maps; Posture analysis; Anthropometric data; Musculo-skeletal disorders; Gesture analysis
Jose Seabra, Francesco Ciompi, Oriol Pujol, J. Mauri, Petia Radeva, & Joao Sanchez. (2011). Rayleigh Mixture Model for Plaque Characterization in Intravascular Ultrasound. TBME - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58(5), 1314–1324.
Abstract: Vulnerable plaques are the major cause of carotid and coronary vascular problems, such as heart attack or stroke. A correct modeling of plaque echomorphology and composition can help the identification of such lesions. The Rayleigh distribution is widely used to describe (nearly) homogeneous areas in ultrasound images. Since plaques may contain tissues with heterogeneous regions, more complex distributions depending on multiple parameters are usually needed, such as Rice, K or Nakagami distributions. In such cases, the problem formulation becomes more complex, and the optimization procedure to estimate the plaque echomorphology is more difficult. Here, we propose to model the tissue echomorphology by means of a mixture of Rayleigh distributions, known as the Rayleigh mixture model (RMM). The problem formulation is still simple, but its ability to describe complex textural patterns is very powerful. In this paper, we present a method for the automatic estimation of the RMM mixture parameters by means of the expectation maximization algorithm, which aims at characterizing tissue echomorphology in ultrasound (US). The performance of the proposed model is evaluated with a database of in vitro intravascular US cases. We show that the mixture coefficients and Rayleigh parameters explicitly derived from the mixture model are able to accurately describe different plaque types and to significantly improve the characterization performance of an already existing methodology.