Pau Riba, Andreas Fischer, Josep Llados and Alicia Fornes. 2020. Learning Graph Edit Distance by Graph NeuralNetworks.
Abstract: The emergence of geometric deep learning as a novel framework to deal with graph-based representations has faded away traditional approaches in favor of completely new methodologies. In this paper, we propose a new framework able to combine the advances on deep metric learning with traditional approximations of the graph edit distance. Hence, we propose an efficient graph distance based on the novel field of geometric deep learning. Our method employs a message passing neural network to capture the graph structure, and thus, leveraging this information for its use on a distance computation. The performance of the proposed graph distance is validated on two different scenarios. On the one hand, in a graph retrieval of handwritten words~\ie~keyword spotting, showing its superior performance when compared with (approximate) graph edit distance benchmarks. On the other hand, demonstrating competitive results for graph similarity learning when compared with the current state-of-the-art on a recent benchmark dataset.
Klara Janousckova, Jiri Matas, Lluis Gomez and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2020. Text Recognition – Real World Data and Where to Find Them. 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.4489–4496.
Abstract: We present a method for exploiting weakly annotated images to improve text extraction pipelines. The approach uses an arbitrary end-to-end text recognition system to obtain text region proposals and their, possibly erroneous, transcriptions. The method includes matching of imprecise transcriptions to weak annotations and an edit distance guided neighbourhood search. It produces nearly error-free, localised instances of scene text, which we treat as “pseudo ground truth” (PGT). The method is applied to two weakly-annotated datasets. Training with the extracted PGT consistently improves the accuracy of a state of the art recognition model, by 3.7% on average, across different benchmark datasets (image domains) and 24.5% on one of the weakly annotated datasets 1 1 Acknowledgements. The authors were supported by Czech Technical University student grant SGS20/171/0HK3/3TJ13, the MEYS VVV project CZ.02.1.01/0.010.0J16 019/0000765 Research Center for Informatics, the Spanish Research project TIN2017-89779-P and the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya.
Minesh Mathew, Ruben Tito, Dimosthenis Karatzas, R.Manmatha and C.V. Jawahar. 2020. Document Visual Question Answering Challenge 2020. 33rd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition – Short paper.
Abstract: This paper presents results of Document Visual Question Answering Challenge organized as part of “Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era” workshop, in CVPR 2020. The challenge introduces a new problem – Visual Question Answering on document images. The challenge comprised two tasks. The first task concerns with asking questions on a single document image. On the other hand, the second task is set as a retrieval task where the question is posed over a collection of images. For the task 1 a new dataset is introduced comprising 50,000 questions-answer(s) pairs defined over 12,767 document images. For task 2 another dataset has been created comprising 20 questions over 14,362 document images which share the same document template.
Anjan Dutta and Zeynep Akata. 2019. Semantically Tied Paired Cycle Consistency for Zero-Shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval. 32nd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.5089–5098.
Abstract: Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (SBIR) is an emerging task in computer vision, allowing to retrieve natural images relevant to sketch queries that might not been seen in the training phase. Existing works either require aligned sketch-image pairs or inefficient memory fusion layer for mapping the visual information to a semantic space. In this work, we propose a semantically aligned paired cycle-consistent generative (SEM-PCYC) model for zero-shot SBIR, where each branch maps the visual information to a common semantic space via an adversarial training. Each of these branches maintains a cycle consistency that only requires supervision at category levels, and avoids the need of highly-priced aligned sketch-image pairs. A classification criteria on the generators' outputs ensures the visual to semantic space mapping to be discriminating. Furthermore, we propose to combine textual and hierarchical side information via a feature selection auto-encoder that selects discriminating side information within a same end-to-end model. Our results demonstrate a significant boost in zero-shot SBIR performance over the state-of-the-art on the challenging Sketchy and TU-Berlin datasets.
Juan Ignacio Toledo, Manuel Carbonell, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2019. Information Extraction from Historical Handwritten Document Images with a Context-aware Neural Model. PR, 86, 27–36.
Abstract: Many historical manuscripts that hold trustworthy memories of the past societies contain information organized in a structured layout (e.g. census, birth or marriage records). The precious information stored in these documents cannot be effectively used nor accessed without costly annotation efforts. The transcription driven by the semantic categories of words is crucial for the subsequent access. In this paper we describe an approach to extract information from structured historical handwritten text images and build a knowledge representation for the extraction of meaning out of historical data. The method extracts information, such as named entities, without the need of an intermediate transcription step, thanks to the incorporation of context information through language models. Our system has two variants, the first one is based on bigrams, whereas the second one is based on recurrent neural networks. Concretely, our second architecture integrates a Convolutional Neural Network to model visual information from word images together with a Bidirecitonal Long Short Term Memory network to model the relation among the words. This integrated sequential approach is able to extract more information than just the semantic category (e.g. a semantic category can be associated to a person in a record). Our system is generic, it deals with out-of-vocabulary words by design, and it can be applied to structured handwritten texts from different domains. The method has been validated with the ICDAR IEHHR competition protocol, outperforming the existing approaches.
Keywords: Document image analysis; Handwritten documents; Named entity recognition; Deep neural networks
Katerine Diaz, Jesus Martinez del Rincon, Marçal Rusiñol and Aura Hernandez-Sabate. 2019. Feature Extraction by Using Dual-Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors. JMIV, 61(3), 331–351.
Abstract: In this paper, a dual online subspace-based learning method called dual-generalized discriminative common vectors (Dual-GDCV) is presented. The method extends incremental GDCV by exploiting simultaneously both the concepts of incremental and decremental learning for supervised feature extraction and classification. Our methodology is able to update the feature representation space without recalculating the full projection or accessing the previously processed training data. It allows both adding information and removing unnecessary data from a knowledge base in an efficient way, while retaining the previously acquired knowledge. The proposed method has been theoretically proved and empirically validated in six standard face recognition and classification datasets, under two scenarios: (1) removing and adding samples of existent classes, and (2) removing and adding new classes to a classification problem. Results show a considerable computational gain without compromising the accuracy of the model in comparison with both batch methodologies and other state-of-art adaptive methods.
Keywords: Online feature extraction; Generalized discriminative common vectors; Dual learning; Incremental learning; Decremental learning
Lasse Martensson, Ekta Vats, Anders Hast and Alicia Fornes. 2019. In Search of the Scribe: Letter Spotting as a Tool for Identifying Scribes in Large Handwritten Text Corpora.
Abstract: In this article, a form of the so-called word spotting-method is used on a large set of handwritten documents in order to identify those that contain script of similar execution. The point of departure for the investigation is the mediaeval Swedish manuscript Cod. Holm. D 3. The main scribe of this manuscript has yet not been identified in other documents. The current attempt aims at localising other documents that display a large degree of similarity in the characteristics of the script, these being possible candidates for being executed by the same hand. For this purpose, the method of word spotting has been employed, focusing on individual letters, and therefore the process is referred to as letter spotting in the article. In this process, a set of ‘g’:s, ‘h’:s and ‘k’:s have been selected as templates, and then a search has been made for close matches among the mediaeval Swedish charters. The search resulted in a number of charters that displayed great similarities with the manuscript D 3. The used letter spotting method thus proofed to be a very efficient sorting tool localising similar script samples.
Keywords: Scribal attribution/ writer identification; digital palaeography; word spotting; mediaeval charters; mediaeval manuscripts
Thanh Ha Do, Oriol Ramos Terrades and Salvatore Tabbone. 2019. DSD: document sparse-based denoising algorithm. PAA, 22(1), 177–186.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a sparse-based denoising algorithm for scanned documents. This method can be applied to any kind of scanned documents with satisfactory results. Unlike other approaches, the proposed approach encodes noise documents through sparse representation and visual dictionary learning techniques without any prior noise model. Moreover, we propose a precision parameter estimator. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art methods on document denoising.
Keywords: Document denoising; Sparse representations; Sparse dictionary learning; Document degradation models
Raul Gomez, Ali Furkan Biten, Lluis Gomez, Jaume Gibert, Marçal Rusiñol and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2019. Selective Style Transfer for Text. 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.805–812.
Abstract: This paper explores the possibilities of image style transfer applied to text maintaining the original transcriptions. Results on different text domains (scene text, machine printed text and handwritten text) and cross-modal results demonstrate that this is feasible, and open different research lines. Furthermore, two architectures for selective style transfer, which means
transferring style to only desired image pixels, are proposed. Finally, scene text selective style transfer is evaluated as a data augmentation technique to expand scene text detection datasets, resulting in a boost of text detectors performance. Our implementation of the described models is publicly available.
Keywords: transfer; text style transfer; data augmentation; scene text detection
Raul Gomez, Lluis Gomez, Jaume Gibert and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2019. Self-Supervised Learning from Web Data for Multimodal Retrieval. Multi-Modal Scene Understanding Book.279–306.
Abstract: Self-Supervised learning from multimodal image and text data allows deep neural networks to learn powerful features with no need of human annotated data. Web and Social Media platforms provide a virtually unlimited amount of this multimodal data. In this work we propose to exploit this free available data to learn a multimodal image and text embedding, aiming to leverage the semantic knowledge learnt in the text domain and transfer it to a visual model for semantic image retrieval. We demonstrate that the proposed pipeline can learn from images with associated text without supervision and analyze the semantic structure of the learnt joint image and text embeddingspace. Weperformathoroughanalysisandperformancecomparisonoffivedifferentstateof the art text embeddings in three different benchmarks. We show that the embeddings learnt with Web and Social Media data have competitive performances over supervised methods in the text basedimageretrievaltask,andweclearlyoutperformstateoftheartintheMIRFlickrdatasetwhen training in the target data. Further, we demonstrate how semantic multimodal image retrieval can be performed using the learnt embeddings, going beyond classical instance-level retrieval problems. Finally, we present a new dataset, InstaCities1M, composed by Instagram images and their associated texts that can be used for fair comparison of image-text embeddings.
Keywords: self-supervised learning; webly supervised learning; text embeddings; multimodal retrieval; multimodal embedding