Raul Gomez, Ali Furkan Biten, Lluis Gomez, Jaume Gibert, Marçal Rusiñol and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2019. Selective Style Transfer for Text. 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.805–812.
Abstract: This paper explores the possibilities of image style transfer applied to text maintaining the original transcriptions. Results on different text domains (scene text, machine printed text and handwritten text) and cross-modal results demonstrate that this is feasible, and open different research lines. Furthermore, two architectures for selective style transfer, which means
transferring style to only desired image pixels, are proposed. Finally, scene text selective style transfer is evaluated as a data augmentation technique to expand scene text detection datasets, resulting in a boost of text detectors performance. Our implementation of the described models is publicly available.
Keywords: transfer; text style transfer; data augmentation; scene text detection
Raul Gomez, Lluis Gomez, Jaume Gibert and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2019. Self-Supervised Learning from Web Data for Multimodal Retrieval. Multi-Modal Scene Understanding Book.279–306.
Abstract: Self-Supervised learning from multimodal image and text data allows deep neural networks to learn powerful features with no need of human annotated data. Web and Social Media platforms provide a virtually unlimited amount of this multimodal data. In this work we propose to exploit this free available data to learn a multimodal image and text embedding, aiming to leverage the semantic knowledge learnt in the text domain and transfer it to a visual model for semantic image retrieval. We demonstrate that the proposed pipeline can learn from images with associated text without supervision and analyze the semantic structure of the learnt joint image and text embeddingspace. Weperformathoroughanalysisandperformancecomparisonoffivedifferentstateof the art text embeddings in three different benchmarks. We show that the embeddings learnt with Web and Social Media data have competitive performances over supervised methods in the text basedimageretrievaltask,andweclearlyoutperformstateoftheartintheMIRFlickrdatasetwhen training in the target data. Further, we demonstrate how semantic multimodal image retrieval can be performed using the learnt embeddings, going beyond classical instance-level retrieval problems. Finally, we present a new dataset, InstaCities1M, composed by Instagram images and their associated texts that can be used for fair comparison of image-text embeddings.
Keywords: self-supervised learning; webly supervised learning; text embeddings; multimodal retrieval; multimodal embedding
Y. Patel, Lluis Gomez, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas and C.V. Jawahar. 2019. Self-Supervised Visual Representations for Cross-Modal Retrieval. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval.182–186.
Abstract: Cross-modal retrieval methods have been significantly improved in last years with the use of deep neural networks and large-scale annotated datasets such as ImageNet and Places. However, collecting and annotating such datasets requires a tremendous amount of human effort and, besides, their annotations are limited to discrete sets of popular visual classes that may not be representative of the richer semantics found on large-scale cross-modal retrieval datasets. In this paper, we present a self-supervised cross-modal retrieval framework that leverages as training data the correlations between images and text on the entire set of Wikipedia articles. Our method consists in training a CNN to predict: (1) the semantic context of the article in which an image is more probable to appear as an illustration, and (2) the semantic context of its caption. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is not only capable of learning discriminative visual representations for solving vision tasks like classification, but that the learned representations are better for cross-modal retrieval when compared to supervised pre-training of the network on the ImageNet dataset.
Lluis Gomez, Y. Patel, Marçal Rusiñol, C.V. Jawahar and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2017. Self‐supervised learning of visual features through embedding images into text topic spaces. 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Abstract: End-to-end training from scratch of current deep architectures for new computer vision problems would require Imagenet-scale datasets, and this is not always possible. In this paper we present a method that is able to take advantage of freely available multi-modal content to train computer vision algorithms without human supervision. We put forward the idea of performing self-supervised learning of visual features by mining a large scale corpus of multi-modal (text and image) documents. We show that discriminative visual features can be learnt efficiently by training a CNN to predict the semantic context in which a particular image is more probable to appear as an illustration. For this we leverage the hidden semantic structures discovered in the text corpus with a well-known topic modeling technique. Our experiments demonstrate state of the art performance in image classification, object detection, and multi-modal retrieval compared to recent self-supervised or natural-supervised approaches.
Subhajit Maity and 6 others. 2023. SelfDocSeg: A Self-Supervised vision-based Approach towards Document Segmentation. 17th International Conference on Doccument Analysis and Recognition.342–360.
Abstract: Document layout analysis is a known problem to the documents research community and has been vastly explored yielding a multitude of solutions ranging from text mining, and recognition to graph-based representation, visual feature extraction, etc. However, most of the existing works have ignored the crucial fact regarding the scarcity of labeled data. With growing internet connectivity to personal life, an enormous amount of documents had been available in the public domain and thus making data annotation a tedious task. We address this challenge using self-supervision and unlike, the few existing self-supervised document segmentation approaches which use text mining and textual labels, we use a complete vision-based approach in pre-training without any ground-truth label or its derivative. Instead, we generate pseudo-layouts from the document images to pre-train an image encoder to learn the document object representation and localization in a self-supervised framework before fine-tuning it with an object detection model. We show that our pipeline sets a new benchmark in this context and performs at par with the existing methods and the supervised counterparts, if not outperforms. The code is made publicly available at: this https URL
Anjan Dutta and Zeynep Akata. 2019. Semantically Tied Paired Cycle Consistency for Zero-Shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval. 32nd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.5089–5098.
Abstract: Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (SBIR) is an emerging task in computer vision, allowing to retrieve natural images relevant to sketch queries that might not been seen in the training phase. Existing works either require aligned sketch-image pairs or inefficient memory fusion layer for mapping the visual information to a semantic space. In this work, we propose a semantically aligned paired cycle-consistent generative (SEM-PCYC) model for zero-shot SBIR, where each branch maps the visual information to a common semantic space via an adversarial training. Each of these branches maintains a cycle consistency that only requires supervision at category levels, and avoids the need of highly-priced aligned sketch-image pairs. A classification criteria on the generators' outputs ensures the visual to semantic space mapping to be discriminating. Furthermore, we propose to combine textual and hierarchical side information via a feature selection auto-encoder that selects discriminating side information within a same end-to-end model. Our results demonstrate a significant boost in zero-shot SBIR performance over the state-of-the-art on the challenging Sketchy and TU-Berlin datasets.
Volkmar Frinken, Markus Baumgartner, Andreas Fischer and Horst Bunke. 2012. Semi-Supervised Learning for Cursive Handwriting Recognition using Keyword Spotting. 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.49–54.
Abstract: State-of-the-art handwriting recognition systems are learning-based systems that require large sets of training data. The creation of training data, and consequently the creation of a well-performing recognition system, requires therefore a substantial amount of human work. This can be reduced with semi-supervised learning, which uses unlabeled text lines for training as well. Current approaches estimate the correct transcription of the unlabeled data via handwriting recognition which is not only extremely demanding as far as computational costs are concerned but also requires a good model of the target language. In this paper, we propose a different approach that makes use of keyword spotting, which is significantly faster and does not need any language model. In a set of experiments we demonstrate its superiority over existing approaches.
Ayan Banerjee, Sanket Biswas, Josep Llados and Umapada Pal. 2024. SemiDocSeg: Harnessing Semi-Supervised Learning for Document Layout Analysis. IJDAR.
Abstract: Document Layout Analysis (DLA) is the process of automatically identifying and categorizing the structural components (e.g. Text, Figure, Table, etc.) within a document to extract meaningful content and establish the page's layout structure. It is a crucial stage in document parsing, contributing to their comprehension. However, traditional DLA approaches often demand a significant volume of labeled training data, and the labor-intensive task of generating high-quality annotated training data poses a substantial challenge. In order to address this challenge, we proposed a semi-supervised setting that aims to perform learning on limited annotated categories by eliminating exhaustive and expensive mask annotations. The proposed setting is expected to be generalizable to novel categories as it learns the underlying positional information through a support set and class information through Co-Occurrence that can be generalized from annotated categories to novel categories. Here, we first extract features from the input image and support set with a shared multi-scale feature acquisition backbone. Then, the extracted feature representation is fed to the transformer encoder as a query. Later on, we utilize a semantic embedding network before the decoder to capture the underlying semantic relationships and similarities between different instances, enabling the model to make accurate predictions or classifications with only a limited amount of labeled data. Extensive experimentation on competitive benchmarks like PRIMA, DocLayNet, and Historical Japanese (HJ) demonstrate that this generalized setup obtains significant performance compared to the conventional supervised approach.
Keywords: Document layout analysis; Semi-supervised learning; Co-Occurrence matrix; Instance segmentation; Swin transformer
David Fernandez, R.Manmatha, Josep Llados and Alicia Fornes. 2014. Sequential Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.101–105.
Abstract: In this work we present a handwritten word spotting approach that takes advantage of the a priori known order of appearance of the query words. Given an ordered sequence of query word instances, the proposed approach performs a
sequence alignment with the words in the target collection. Although the alignment is quite sparse, i.e. the number of words in the database is higher than the query set, the improvement in the overall performance is sensitively higher than isolated word spotting. As application dataset, we use a collection of handwritten marriage licenses taking advantage of the ordered
index pages of family names.
Josep Llados, W. Liu and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2007. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition GREC 2007.