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Xavier Soria, Angel Sappa and Riad I. Hammoud. 2018. Wide-Band Color Imagery Restoration for RGB-NIR Single Sensor Images. SENS, 18(7), 2059.
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Fadi Dornaika and Angel Sappa. 2008. Evaluation of an Appearance-based 3D Face Tracker using Dense 3D Data.
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Francisco Blanco and 7 others. 2014. Taking advantage of Hyperspectral Imaging classification of urinary stones against conventional IR Spectroscopy. JBiO, 19(12), 126004–1 - 126004–9.
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Ferran Diego, Daniel Ponsa, Joan Serrat and Antonio Lopez. 2011. Video Alignment for Change Detection. TIP, 20(7), 1858–1869.
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Gabriel Villalonga, Joost Van de Weijer and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Recognizing new classes with synthetic data in the loop: application to traffic sign recognition. SENS, 20(3), 583.
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Carme Julia, Felipe Lumbreras and Angel Sappa. 2011. A Factorization-based Approach to Photometric Stereo. IJIST, 21(1), 115–119.
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Mohammad Rouhani and Angel Sappa. 2012. Implicit Polynomial Representation through a Fast Fitting Error Estimation. TIP, 21(4), 2089–2098.
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Zhijie Fang and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Intention Recognition of Pedestrians and Cyclists by 2D Pose Estimation. TITS, 21(11), 4773–4783.
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Jose Luis Gomez, Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2021. Co-Training for Deep Object Detection: Comparing Single-Modal and Multi-Modal Approaches. SENS, 21(9), 3185.
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Felipe Lumbreras and Joan Serrat. 1996. Segmentation of petrographical images of marbles. Computers and Geosciences, 22(5), 547–558.
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