Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez, & Enric Marti. (1998). "A string based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans " In Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Systems Second International Workshop, GREC' 97 Nancy, France, August 22–23, 1997 Selected Papers (Vol. 1389, pp. 91–103). LNCS. Springer Link.
Abstract: This paper deals with the recognition of symbols and structural textures in architectural plans using string matching techniques. A plan is represented by an attributed graph whose nodes represent characteristic points and whose edges represent segments. Symbols and textures can be seen as a set of regions, i.e. closed loops in the graph, with a particular arrangement. The search for a symbol involves a graph matching between the regions of a model graph and the regions of the graph representing the document. Discriminating a texture means a clustering of neighbouring regions of this graph. Both procedures involve a similarity measure between graph regions. A string codification is used to represent the sequence of outlining edges of a region. Thus, the similarity between two regions is defined in terms of the string edit distance between their boundary strings. The use of string matching allows the recognition method to work also under presence of distortion.
Enric Marti, Jordi Vitria, & Alberto Sanfeliu. (1998). "Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes ". AERFAI.
Abstract: Los sistemas actuales de reconocimiento automático del lenguaje oral se basan en dos etapas básicas de procesado: la parametrización, que extrae la evolución temporal de los parámetros que caracterizan la voz, y el reconocimiento propiamente dicho, que identifica la cadena de palabras de la elocución recibida con ayuda de los modelos que representan el conocimiento adquirido en la etapa de aprendizaje. Tomando como línea divisoria la palabra, dichos modelos son de tipo acústicofonético o gramatical. Los primeros caracterizan las palabras incluidas en el vocabulario de la aplicación o tarea a la que está orientado el sistema de reconocimiento, usando a menudo para ello modelos de unidades de habla de extensión inferior a la palabra, es decir, de unidades subléxicas. Por otro lado, la gramática incluye el conocimiento acerca de las combinaciones permitidas de palabras para formar las frases o su probabilidad. Queda fuera del esquema la denominada comprensión del habla, que utiliza adicionalmente el conocimiento semántico y pragmático para captar el significado de la elocución de entrada al sistema a partir de la cadena (o cadenas alternativas) de palabras que suministra el reconocedor.
Cristina Cañero, Petia Radeva, Oriol Pujol, Ricardo Toledo, Debora Gil, J. Saludes, et al. (1999). "Optimal Stent Implantation: Three-dimensional Evaluation of the Mutual Position of Stent and Vessel via Intracoronary Ecography " In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99).
Abstract: We present a new automatic technique to visualize and quantify the mutual position between the stent and the vessel wall by considering their three-dimensional reconstruction. Two deformable generalized cylinders adapt to the image features in all IVUS planes corresponding to the vessel wall and the stent in order to reconstruct the boundaries of the stent and the vessel in space. The image features that characterize the stent and the vessel wall are determined in terms of edge and ridge image detectors taking into account the gray level of the image pixels. We show that the 30 reconstruction by deformable cylinders is accurate and robust due to the spatial data coherence in the considered volumetric IVUS image. The main clinic utility of the stent and vessel reconstruction by deformable’ cylinders consists of its possibility to visualize and to assess the optimal stent introduction.
Cristina Cañero, Petia Radeva, Oriol Pujol, Ricardo Toledo, Debora Gil, J. Saludes, et al. (1999). "Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of the coronary tree using intravascular ultrasound images " In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99).
Abstract: In this paper we propose a new Computer Vision technique to reconstruct the vascular wall in space using a deformable model-based technique and compounding methods, based in biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound data jicsion. It is also proposed a generalpurpose three-dimensional guided interpolation method. The three dimensional centerline of the vessel is reconstructed from geometrically corrected biplane angiographies using automatic segmentation methods and snakes. The IVUS image planes are located in the threedimensional space and correctly oriented. A led interpolation method based in B-SurJaces and snakes isused to fill the gaps among image planes
Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1999)." A graph-edit algorithm for hand-drawn graphical document recognition and their automatic introduction into CAD systems" . Machine Graphics & Vision, 8, 195–211.
Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1999)." Graph-edit algorithms for hand-drawn graphical document recognition and their automatic introduction" . Machine Graphics & Vision journal, special issue on Graph transformation, .
Josep Llados, Enric Marti, & Jaime Lopez-Krahe. (1999). "A Hough-based method for hatched pattern detection in maps and diagrams " In Proceeding of the Fifth Int. Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR ’99 (pp. 479–482).
Abstract: A hatched area is characterized by a set of parallel straight lines placed at regular intervals. In this paper, a Hough-based schema is introduced to recognize hatched areas in technical documents from attributed graph structures representing the document once it has been vectorized. Defining a Hough-based transform from a graph instead of the raster image allows to drastically reduce the processing time and, second, to obtain more reliable results because straight lines have already been detected in the vectorization step. A second advantage of the proposed method is that no assumptions must be made a priori about the slope and frequency of hatching patterns, but they are computed in run time for each hatched area.
Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (1999). "Application of deformable template matching to symbol recognition in hand-written architectural draw " In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on. Bangalore (India).
Abstract: We propose to use deformable template matching as a new approach to recognize characters and lineal symbols in hand-written line drawings, instead of traditional methods based on vectorization and feature extraction. Bayesian formulation of the deformable template matching allows combining fidelity to the ideal shape of the symbol with maximum flexibility to get the best fit to the input image. Lineal nature of symbols can be exploited to define a suitable representation of models and the set of deformations to be applied to them. Matching, however, is done over the original binary image to avoid losing relevant features during vectorization. We have applied this method to hand-written architectural drawings and experimental results demonstrate that symbols with high distortions from ideal shape can be accurately identified.
Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (1999)." Recognition of lineal symbols in hand-written drawings using deformable template matching" In Proceedings of the VIII Symposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes.
Debora Gil, Petia Radeva, Jordi Saludes, & J. Mauri. (2000). "Automatic Segmentation of Artery Wall in Coronary IVUS Images: A Probabilistic Approach " In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Vol. 4, pp. 352–355).
Abstract: Intravascular ultrasound images represent a unique tool to analyze the morphology of arteries and vessels (plaques, restenosis, etc). The poor quality of these images makes unsupervised segmentation based on traditional segmentation algorithms (such as edge or ridge/valley detection) fail to achieve the expected results. In this paper we present a probabilistic flexible template to separate different regions in the image. In particular, we use elliptic templates to model and detect the shape of the vessel inner wall in IVUS images. We present the results of successful segmentation obtained from patients undergoing stent treatment. A physician team has validated these results.