Enric Marti, Xavier Binefa, & G.EstapeRV. (2008)." Caronte, plataforma para la gestión de la actividad docente de una asignatura. Análisis de su impacto en ingenierías, para su adaptación al EEES" . , Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, DGU.
Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, Petia Radeva, Ricardo Toledo, & Jordi Vitria. (2008)." Caronte: diseño, implementación y mejora de actividades de evaluación y primeras experiencias en asignaturas" . Lleida.
Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (1997)." Dimensions analysis in hand-drawn architectural drawings" In (SNRFAI’97) 7th Spanish National Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (pp. 90–91). CVC-UAB.
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2011). "Using statistical inference for designing termination conditions ensuring convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms " In 11th European Conference on Artificial Life.
Abstract: A main challenge in Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) is determining a termination condition ensuring stabilization close to the optimum in real-world applications. Although for known test functions distribution-based quantities are good candidates (as far as suitable parameters are used), in real-world problems an open question still remains unsolved. How can we estimate an upper-bound for the termination condition value ensuring a given accuracy for the (unknown) EA solution?
We claim that the termination problem would be fully solved if we defined a quantity (depending only on the EA output) behaving like the solution accuracy. The open question would be, then, satisfactorily answered if we had a model relating both quantities, since accuracy could be predicted from the alternative quantity. We present a statistical inference framework addressing two topics: checking the correlation between the two quantities and defining a regression model for predicting (at a given confidence level) accuracy values from the EA output.
Mireia Sole, Joan Blanco, Debora Gil, Oliver Valero, G. Fonseka, M. Lawrie, et al. (2017). "Chromosome Territories in Mice Spermatogenesis: A new three-dimensional methodology of study " In 11th European CytoGenesis Conference.
Francesco Brughi, Debora Gil, Llorenç Badiella, Eva Jove Casabella, & Oriol Ramos Terrades. (2014). "Exploring the impact of inter-query variability on the performance of retrieval systems " In 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (Vol. 8814, 413–420). Springer International Publishing.
Abstract: This paper introduces a framework for evaluating the performance of information retrieval systems. Current evaluation metrics provide an average score that does not consider performance variability across the query set. In this manner, conclusions lack of any statistical significance, yielding poor inference to cases outside the query set and possibly unfair comparisons. We propose to apply statistical methods in order to obtain a more informative measure for problems in which different query classes can be identified. In this context, we assess the performance variability on two levels: overall variability across the whole query set and specific query class-related variability. To this end, we estimate confidence bands for precision-recall curves, and we apply ANOVA in order to assess the significance of the performance across different query classes.
Josep Llados, Jaime Lopez-Krahe, Gemma Sanchez, & Enric Marti. (2000)." Interprétation de cartes et plans par mise en correspondance de graphes de attributs" In 12 Congrès Francophone AFRIF–AFIA (Vol. 3, pp. 225–234).
Patricia Marquez, Debora Gil, & Aura Hernandez-Sabate. (2012). "A Complete Confidence Framework for Optical Flow " In Rita Cucchiara V. M. Andrea Fusiello (Ed.), 12th European Conference on Computer Vision – Workshops and Demonstrations (Vol. 7584, pp. 124–133). Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012: Springer-Verlag.
Abstract: Medial representations are powerful tools for describing and parameterizing the volumetric shape of anatomical structures. Existing methods show excellent results when applied to 2D objects, but their quality drops across dimensions. This paper contributes to the computation of medial manifolds in two aspects. First, we provide a standard scheme for the computation of medial manifolds that avoid degenerated medial axis segments; second, we introduce an energy based method which performs independently of the dimension. We evaluate quantitatively the performance of our method with respect to existing approaches, by applying them to synthetic shapes of known medial geometry. Finally, we show results on shape representation of multiple abdominal organs, exploring the use of medial manifolds for the representation of multi-organ relations.
Keywords: Optical flow, confidence measures, sparsification plots, error prediction plots
Carles Sanchez, Antonio Esteban Lansaque, Agnes Borras, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2017). "Towards a Videobronchoscopy Localization System from Airway Centre Tracking " In 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (pp. 352–359).
Abstract: Bronchoscopists use fluoroscopy to guide flexible bronchoscopy to the lesion to be biopsied without any kind of incision. Being fluoroscopy an imaging technique based on X-rays, the risk of developmental problems and cancer is increased in those subjects exposed to its application, so minimizing radiation is crucial. Alternative guiding systems such as electromagnetic navigation require specific equipment, increase the cost of the clinical procedure and still require fluoroscopy. In this paper we propose an image based guiding system based on the extraction of airway centres from intra-operative videos. Such anatomical landmarks are matched to the airway centreline extracted from a pre-planned CT to indicate the best path to the nodule. We present a
feasibility study of our navigation system using simulated bronchoscopic videos and a multi-expert validation of landmarks extraction in 3 intra-operative ultrathin explorations.
Keywords: Video-bronchoscopy; Lung cancer diagnosis; Airway lumen detection; Region tracking; Guided bronchoscopy navigation
Debora Gil, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Mireia Burnat, Steven Jansen, & Jordi Martinez-Vilalta. (2009). "Structure-Preserving Smoothing of Biomedical Images " In 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (Vol. 5702, pp. 427–434). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Abstract: Smoothing of biomedical images should preserve gray-level transitions between adjacent tissues, while restoring contours consistent with anatomical structures. Anisotropic diffusion operators are based on image appearance discontinuities (either local or contextual) and might fail at weak inter-tissue transitions. Meanwhile, the output of block-wise and morphological operations is prone to present a block structure due to the shape and size of the considered pixel neighborhood. In this contribution, we use differential geometry concepts to define a diffusion operator that restricts to image consistent level-sets. In this manner, the final state is a non-uniform intensity image presenting homogeneous inter-tissue transitions along anatomical structures, while smoothing intra-structure texture. Experiments on different types of medical images (magnetic resonance, computerized tomography) illustrate its benefit on a further process (such as segmentation) of images.
Keywords: non-linear smoothing; differential geometry; anatomical structures segmentation; cardiac magnetic resonance; computerized tomography.