Sagnik Das, Hassan Ahmed Sial, Ke Ma, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell, & Dimitris Samaras. (2020). Intrinsic Decomposition of Document Images In-the-Wild. In 31st British Machine Vision Conference.
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Domicele Jonauskaite, Lucia Camenzind, C. Alejandro Parraga, Cecile N Diouf, Mathieu Mercapide Ducommun, Lauriane Müller, et al. (2021). Colour-emotion associations in individuals with red-green colour blindness. PeerJ, 9, e11180.
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Trevor Canham, Javier Vazquez, Elise Mathieu, & Marcelo Bertalmío. (2021). Matching visual induction effects on screens of different size. JOV - Journal of Vision, 21(6(10)), 1–22.
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Graham D. Finlayson, Javier Vazquez, & Fufu Fang. (2021). The Discrete Cosine Maximum Ignorance Assumption. In 29th Color and Imaging Conference (pp. 13–18).
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Yasuko Sugito, Trevor Canham, Javier Vazquez, & Marcelo Bertalmio. (2021). A Study of Objective Quality Metrics for HLG-Based HDR/WCG Image Coding. SMPTE - SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, 53–65.
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Bojana Gajic, Ariel Amato, Ramon Baldrich, Joost Van de Weijer, & Carlo Gatta. (2022). Area Under the ROC Curve Maximization for Metric Learning. In CVPR 2022 Workshop on Efficien Deep Learning for Computer Vision (ECV 2022, 5th Edition).
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Bojana Gajic, & Ramon Baldrich. (2018). Cross-domain fashion image retrieval. In CVPR 2018 Workshop on Women in Computer Vision (WiCV 2018, 4th Edition) (pp. 19500–19502).
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Bojana Gajic, Eduard Vazquez, & Ramon Baldrich. (2017). Evaluation of Deep Image Descriptors for Texture Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017) (pp. 251–257).
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Marcos V Conde, Javier Vazquez, Michael S Brown, & Radu TImofte. (2024). NILUT: Conditional Neural Implicit 3D Lookup Tables for Image Enhancement. In 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
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Danna Xue, Javier Vazquez, Luis Herranz, Yang Zhang, & Michael S Brown. (2023). Integrating High-Level Features for Consistent Palette-based Multi-image Recoloring. CGF - Computer Graphics Forum, .
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Jaykishan Patel, Alban Flachot, Javier Vazquez, David H. Brainard, Thomas S. A. Wallis, Marcus A. Brubaker, et al. (2023). A deep convolutional neural network trained to infer surface reflectance is deceived by mid-level lightness illusions. JV - Journal of Vision, 23(9), 4817.
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Marcos V Conde, Florin Vasluianu, Javier Vazquez, & Radu Timofte. (2023). Perceptual image enhancement for smartphone real-time applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (pp. 1848–1858).
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Danna Xue, Luis Herranz, Javier Vazquez, & Yanning Zhang. (2023). Burst Perception-Distortion Tradeoff: Analysis and Evaluation. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
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Yawei Li, Yulun Zhang, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool, Zhijun Tu, Kunpeng Du, et al. (2023). NTIRE 2023 challenge on image denoising: Methods and results. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 1904–1920).
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Justine Giroux, Mohammad Reza Karimi Dastjerdi, Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, Javier Vazquez, & Jean François Lalonde. (2024). Towards a Perceptual Evaluation Framework for Lighting Estimation. In Arxiv.
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Trevor Canham, Javier Vazquez, D Long, Richard F. Murray, & Michael S Brown. (2021). Noise Prism: A Novel Multispectral Visualization Technique. 31st Color and Imaging Conference, .
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Naila Murray, Luca Marchesotti, & Florent Perronnin. (2012). Learning to Rank Images using Semantic and Aesthetic Labels. In 23rd British Machine Vision Conference (110.pp. 1–110.10).
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Anna Salvatella, Maria Vanrell, & Juan J. Villanueva. (2003). Texture Description based on Subtexture Components, 3rd International Workshop on Texture Syntesis and Analysis. In 3rd International Workshop on Texture Synthesis and Analysis, (77–82).
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