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Jean-Christophe Burie; J. Chazalon; M. Coustaty; S. Eskenazi; Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman; M. Mehri; Nibal Nayef; Jean-Marc Ogier; S. Prum; Marçal Rusiñol ICDAR2015 Competition on Smartphone Document Capture and OCR (SmartDoc) 2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR2015 1161 - 1165 details   doi
Jean-Marc Ogier; Wenyin Liu; Josep Llados (eds) Graphics Recognition: Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution 2010 8th International Workshop GREC 2009. 6020 details   isbn
Jialuo Chen; M.A.Souibgui; Alicia Fornes; Beata Megyesi A Web-based Interactive Transcription Tool for Encrypted Manuscripts 2020 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology 52-59 details   pdf openurl
Jialuo Chen; Mohamed Ali Souibgui; Alicia Fornes; Beata Megyesi Unsupervised Alphabet Matching in Historical Encrypted Manuscript Images 2021 4th International Conference on Historical Cryptology 34-37 details   pdf openurl
Jialuo Chen; Pau Riba; Alicia Fornes; Juan Mas; Josep Llados; Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora Word-Hunter: A Gamesourcing Experience to Validate the Transcription of Historical Manuscripts 2018 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition 528-533 details   pdf doi
Joan M. Nuñez; Jorge Bernal; Miquel Ferrer; Fernando Vilariño Impact of Keypoint Detection on Graph-based Characterization of Blood Vessels in Colonoscopy Videos 2014 CARE workshop details   pdf doi
Joan Mas Syntactic approaches to recognize bi-dimensional shapes in graphics recognition. Application to sketching interfaces 2005 CVC Technical Report #86 details   openurl
Joan Mas A Syntactic Pattern Recognition Approach based on a Distribution Tolerant Adjacency Grammar and a Spatial Indexed Parser. Application to Sketched Document Recognition 2010 PhD Thesis, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-CVC details   isbn
Joan Mas; Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados An Interactive Transcription System of Census Records using Word-Spotting based Information Transfer 2016 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 54-59 details   pdf doi
Joan Mas; B. Lamiroy; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados Automatic Adjacency Grammar Generation from User Drawn Sketches 2006 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR´06), 2: 1026–1029 details   openurl
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