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Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; J. Mauri; Petia Radeva Reducing cardiac motion in IVUS sequences 2006 Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 33 685-688 details   pdf openurl
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; Petia Radeva On the usefulness of supervised learning for vessel border detection in IntraVascular Imaging 2005 Proceeding of the 2005 conference on Artificial Intelligence Research and Development 67-74 details   pdf openurl
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; Petia Radeva; E.N.Nofrerias Anisotropic processing of image structures for adventitia detection in intravascular ultrasound images 2004 Proc. Computers in Cardiology 31 229-232 details   pdf doi
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Lluis Albarracin; Daniel Calvo; Nuria Gorgorio EyeMath: Identifying Mathematics Problem Solving Processes in a RTS Video Game 2016 5th International Conference Games and Learning Alliance 10056 50-59 details   pdf openurl
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Monica Mitiko; Sergio Shiguemi; Debora Gil A validation protocol for assessing cardiac phase retrieval in IntraVascular UltraSound 2010 Computing in Cardiology 37 899-902 details   pdf url
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Petia Radeva; Antonio Tovar; Debora Gil Vessel structures alignment by spectral analysis of ivus sequences 2006 Proc. of CVII, MICCAI Workshop 39-36 details   pdf url
C. Santa-Marta; Jaume Garcia; A. Bajo; J.J. Vaquero; M. Ledesma-Carbayo; Debora Gil Influence of the Temporal Resolution on the Quantification of Displacement Fields in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Tagged Images 2008 XXVI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica 352–353 details   openurl
Carles Sanchez; Antonio Esteban Lansaque; Agnes Borras; Marta Diez-Ferrer; Antoni Rosell; Debora Gil Towards a Videobronchoscopy Localization System from Airway Centre Tracking 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 352-359 details   pdf doi
Carles Sanchez; Debora Gil; Antoni Rosell; Albert Andaluz; F. Javier Sanchez Segmentation of Tracheal Rings in Videobronchoscopy combining Geometry and Appearance 2013 Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 1 153--161 details   pdf isbn
Carles Sanchez; Debora Gil; Jorge Bernal; F. Javier Sanchez; Marta Diez-Ferrer; Antoni Rosell Navigation Path Retrieval from Videobronchoscopy using Bronchial Branches 2016 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops 9401 62-70 details   pdf openurl
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