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Petia Radeva; Joan Serrat; Enric Marti A snake for model-based segmentation 1995 Proc. Conf. Fifth Int Computer Vision 816-821 details   pdf doi
Marta Ligero; Guillermo Torres; Carles Sanchez; Katerine Diaz; Raquel Perez; Debora Gil Selection of Radiomics Features based on their Reproducibility 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 403-408 details   pdf doi
Debora Gil; Jaume Garcia; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Enric Marti Manifold parametrization of the left ventricle for a statistical modelling of its complete anatomy 2010 8th Medical Imaging 7623 304 details   pdf doi
Carles Sanchez; Debora Gil; T. Gache; N. Koufos; Marta Diez-Ferrer; Antoni Rosell SENSA: a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment 2016 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology details   pdf openurl
Antoni Gurgui; Debora Gil; Enric Marti; Vicente Grau Left-Ventricle Basal Region Constrained Parametric Mapping to Unitary Domain 2016 7th International Workshop on Statistical Atlases & Computational Modelling of the Heart 10124 163-171 details   doi
Debora Gil; Jaume Garcia; Mariano Vazquez; Ruth Aris; Guilleaume Houzeaux Patient-Sensitive Anatomic and Functional 3D Model of the Left Ventricle Function 2008 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanichs (WCCM8) details   pdf isbn
Debora Gil; Jaume Garcia; Manuel Vazquez; Ruth Aris; Guillaume Houzeaux Patient-Sensitive Anatomic and Functional 3D Model of the Left Ventricle Function 2008 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanichs (WCCM8)/5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) details   pdf url
Jaume Garcia; Debora Gil; Francesc Carreras ; Sandra Pujades; R.Leta; Xavier Alomar; Guillem Pons-LLados Un Model 3D del Ventricle Esquerre Integrant Anatomia i Funcionalitat 2008 XX Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Cardiologia, Actes del Congres 122 details   pdf openurl
Josep Llados; Enric Marti; Jordi Regincos Interpretación de diseños a mano alzada como técnica de entrada a un sistema CAD en un ámbito de arquitectura 1993 III National Conference on Computer Graphics (CEIG'93) 1 33-46 details   openurl
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; Albert Teis How Do Conservation Laws Define a Motion Suppression Score in In-Vivo Ivus Sequences? 2007 Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symp 2231-2234 details   pdf doi
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