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Debora Gil; Petia Radeva; J. Mauri Ivus Segmentation Via a Regularized Curvature Flow 2002 X Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB 2002 133-136 details   pdf openurl
Antoni Gurgui; Debora Gil; Enric Marti Laplacian Unitary Domain for Texture Morphing 2015 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISIGRAPP2015 1 693-699 details   doi
G.Estape; Enric Marti L’ús d’aplicacions de visualització 3D com a eina d’aprenenetatge en activitats formatives dirigides i autònomes: el cas del programa Bluestar 2008 V Jornades d’Innovació Docent UAB details   openurl
Ernest Valveny; Enric Marti Learning of structural descriptions of graphic symbols using deformable template matching 2001 Proc. Sixth Int Document Analysis and Recognition Conf 455-459 details   pdf doi
Saad Minhas; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Shoaib Ehsan; Katerine Diaz; Ales Leonardis; Antonio Lopez; Klaus McDonald Maier LEE: A photorealistic Virtual Environment for Assessing Driver-Vehicle Interactions in Self-Driving Mode 2016 14th European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops 9915 894-900 details   pdf openurl
Francesc Carreras; Jaume Garcia; Debora Gil; Sandra Pujadas; Chi ho Lion; R.Suarez-Arias; R.Leta; Xavier Alomar; Manuel Ballester; Guillem Pons-Llados Left ventricular torsion and longitudinal shortening: two fundamental components of myocardial mechanics assessed by tagged cine-MRI in normal subjects 2012 International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 28 273-284 details   doi
Antoni Gurgui; Debora Gil; Enric Marti; Vicente Grau Left-Ventricle Basal Region Constrained Parametric Mapping to Unitary Domain 2016 7th International Workshop on Statistical Atlases & Computational Modelling of the Heart 10124 163-171 details   doi
Enric Marti; Jordi Regincos; Juan Jose Villanueva; Jaime Lopez-Krahe Line drawing interpretation as polyhedral objects to man-machine interaction in CAD systems 1994 Advances in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 158-169 details   pdf isbn
Patricia Marquez; Debora Gil; R.Mester; Aura Hernandez-Sabate Local Analysis of Confidence Measures for Optical Flow Quality Evaluation 2014 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 3 450-457 details   pdf openurl
Esmitt Ramirez; Carles Sanchez; Debora Gil Localizing Pulmonary Lesions Using Fuzzy Deep Learning 2019 21st International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing 290-294 details   pdf doi
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