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Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; Enric Marti A string-based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans 1997 2nd IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition 91-103 details   pdf doi
Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; Enric Marti Segmentation and analysis of linial texture in plans 1997 Actes de la conférence Artificielle et Complexité. details   openurl
Gloria Fernandez Esparrach; Jorge Bernal; Cristina Rodriguez de Miguel; Debora Gil; Fernando Vilariño; Henry Cordova; Cristina Sanchez Montes; I.Araujo ; Maria Lopez Ceron; J.Llach; F. Javier Sanchez Colonic polyps are correctly identified by a computer vision method using wm-dova energy maps 2015 Proceedings of 23 United European- UEG Week 2015 details   pdf url
Gloria Fernandez Esparrach; Jorge Bernal; Cristina Rodriguez de Miguel; Debora Gil; Fernando Vilariño; Henry Cordova; Cristina Sanchez Montes; Isis Ara Utilidad de la visión por computador para la localización de pólipos pequeños y planos 2016 XIX Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Española de Gastroenterología, Gastroenterology Hepatology 39 94 details   openurl
Guillermo Torres; Debora Gil A multi-shape loss function with adaptive class balancing for the segmentation of lung structures 2020 International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 15 S154-55 details   openurl
Guillermo Torres; Debora Gil; Antoni Rosell; S. Mena; Carles Sanchez Virtual Radiomics Biopsy for the Histological Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules – Intermediate Results of the RadioLung Project 2023 International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery details   openurl
Guillermo Torres; Debora Gil; Antoni Rosell; S. Mena; Carles Sanchez Virtual Radiomics Biopsy for the Histological Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules 2023 37th International Congress and Exhibition is organized by Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery details   openurl
Guillermo Torres; Debora Gil; Antonio Rosell; Sonia Baeza; Carles Sanchez A radiomic biopsy for virtual histology of pulmonary nodules 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging details   openurl
Guillermo Torres; Jan Rodríguez Dueñas; Sonia Baeza; Antoni Rosell; Carles Sanchez; Debora Gil Prediction of Malignancy in Lung Cancer using several strategies for the fusion of Multi-Channel Pyradiomics Images 2023 7th Workshop on Digital Image Processing for Medical and Automotive Industry in the framework of SYNASC 2023 details   pdf url
Guillermo Torres; Sonia Baeza; Carles Sanchez; Ignasi Guasch; Antoni Rosell; Debora Gil An Intelligent Radiomic Approach for Lung Cancer Screening 2022 Applied Sciences 12 1568 details   doi
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