Joan Mas, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2016. An Interactive Transcription System of Census Records using Word-Spotting based Information Transfer. 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.54–59.
Abstract: This paper presents a system to assist in the transcription of historical handwritten census records in a crowdsourcing platform. Census records have a tabular structured layout. They consist in a sequence of rows with information of homes ordered by street address. For each household snippet in the page, the list of family members is reported. The censuses are recorded in intervals of a few years and the information of individuals in each household is quite stable from a point in time to the next one. This redundancy is used to assist the transcriber, so the redundant information is transferred from the census already transcribed to the next one. Household records are aligned from one year to the next one using the knowledge of the ordering by street address. Given an already transcribed census, a query by string word spotting is applied. Thus, names from the census in time t are used as queries in the corresponding home record in time t+1. Since the search is constrained, the obtained precision-recall values are very high, with an important reduction in the transcription time. The proposed system has been tested in a real citizen-science experience where non expert users transcribe the census data of their home town.
Anders Hast and Alicia Fornes. 2016. A Segmentation-free Handwritten Word Spotting Approach by Relaxed Feature Matching. 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.150–155.
Abstract: The automatic recognition of historical handwritten documents is still considered challenging task. For this reason, word spotting emerges as a good alternative for making the information contained in these documents available to the user. Word spotting is defined as the task of retrieving all instances of the query word in a document collection, becoming a useful tool for information retrieval. In this paper we propose a segmentation-free word spotting approach able to deal with large document collections. Our method is inspired on feature matching algorithms that have been applied to image matching and retrieval. Since handwritten words have different shape, there is no exact transformation to be obtained. However, the sufficient degree of relaxation is achieved by using a Fourier based descriptor and an alternative approach to RANSAC called PUMA. The proposed approach is evaluated on historical marriage records, achieving promising results.
Juan Ignacio Toledo, Alicia Fornes, Jordi Cucurull and Josep Llados. 2016. Election Tally Sheets Processing System. 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.364–368.
Abstract: In paper based elections, manual tallies at polling station level produce myriads of documents. These documents share a common form-like structure and a reduced vocabulary worldwide. On the other hand, each tally sheet is filled by a different writer and on different countries, different scripts are used. We present a complete document analysis system for electoral tally sheet processing combining state of the art techniques with a new handwriting recognition subprocess based on unsupervised feature discovery with Variational Autoencoders and sequence classification with BLSTM neural networks. The whole system is designed to be script independent and allows a fast and reliable results consolidation process with reduced operational cost.
Albert Berenguel, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Josep Llados and Cristina Cañero. 2016. Banknote counterfeit detection through background texture printing analysis. 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.
Abstract: This paper is focused on the detection of counterfeit photocopy banknotes. The main difficulty is to work on a real industrial scenario without any constraint about the acquisition device and with a single image. The main contributions of this paper are twofold: first the adaptation and performance evaluation of existing approaches to classify the genuine and photocopy banknotes using background texture printing analysis, which have not been applied into this context before. Second, a new dataset of Euro banknotes images acquired with several cameras under different luminance conditions to evaluate these methods. Experiments on the proposed algorithms show that mixing SIFT features and sparse coding dictionaries achieves quasi perfect classification using a linear SVM with the created dataset. Approaches using dictionaries to cover all possible texture variations have demonstrated to be robust and outperform the state-of-the-art methods using the proposed benchmark.
Christophe Rigaud, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Jean-Christophe Burie and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2014. Color descriptor for content-based drawing retrieval. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.267–271.
Abstract: Human detection in computer vision field is an active field of research. Extending this to human-like drawings such as the main characters in comic book stories is not trivial. Comics analysis is a very recent field of research at the intersection of graphics, texts, objects and people recognition. The detection of the main comic characters is an essential step towards a fully automatic comic book understanding. This paper presents a color-based approach for comics character retrieval using content-based drawing retrieval and color palette.
Thanh Ha Do, Salvatore Tabbone and Oriol Ramos Terrades. 2014. Spotting Symbol Using Sparsity over Learned Dictionary of Local Descriptors. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.156–160.
Abstract: This paper proposes a new approach to spot symbols into graphical documents using sparse representations. More specifically, a dictionary is learned from a training database of local descriptors defined over the documents. Following their sparse representations, interest points sharing similar properties are used to define interest regions. Using an original adaptation of information retrieval techniques, a vector model for interest regions and for a query symbol is built based on its sparsity in a visual vocabulary where the visual words are columns in the learned dictionary. The matching process is performed comparing the similarity between vector models. Evaluation on SESYD datasets demonstrates that our method is promising.
Dimosthenis Karatzas, Sergi Robles and Lluis Gomez. 2014. An on-line platform for ground truthing and performance evaluation of text extraction systems. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.242–246.
Abstract: This paper presents a set of on-line software tools for creating ground truth and calculating performance evaluation metrics for text extraction tasks such as localization, segmentation and recognition. The platform supports the definition of comprehensive ground truth information at different text representation levels while it offers centralised management and quality control of the ground truthing effort. It implements a range of state of the art performance evaluation algorithms and offers functionality for the definition of evaluation scenarios, on-line calculation of various performance metrics and visualisation of the results. The
presented platform, which comprises the backbone of the ICDAR 2011 (challenge 1) and 2013 (challenges 1 and 2) Robust Reading competitions, is now made available for public use.
P. Wang, V. Eglin, C. Garcia, C. Largeron, Josep Llados and Alicia Fornes. 2014. A Novel Learning-free Word Spotting Approach Based on Graph Representation. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.207–211.
Abstract: Effective information retrieval on handwritten document images has always been a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a novel handwritten word spotting approach based on graph representation. The presented model comprises both topological and morphological signatures of handwriting. Skeleton-based graphs with the Shape Context labelled vertexes are established for connected components. Each word image is represented as a sequence of graphs. In order to be robust to the handwriting variations, an exhaustive merging process based on DTW alignment result is introduced in the similarity measure between word images. With respect to the computation complexity, an approximate graph edit distance approach using bipartite matching is employed for graph matching. The experiments on the George Washington dataset and the marriage records from the Barcelona Cathedral dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art structural methods.
David Fernandez, R.Manmatha, Josep Llados and Alicia Fornes. 2014. Sequential Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.101–105.
Abstract: In this work we present a handwritten word spotting approach that takes advantage of the a priori known order of appearance of the query words. Given an ordered sequence of query word instances, the proposed approach performs a
sequence alignment with the words in the target collection. Although the alignment is quite sparse, i.e. the number of words in the database is higher than the query set, the improvement in the overall performance is sensitively higher than isolated word spotting. As application dataset, we use a collection of handwritten marriage licenses taking advantage of the ordered
index pages of family names.
Marçal Rusiñol, J. Chazalon and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2014. Combining Focus Measure Operators to Predict OCR Accuracy in Mobile-Captured Document Images. 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis and Systems.181–185.
Abstract: Mobile document image acquisition is a new trend raising serious issues in business document processing workflows. Such digitization procedure is unreliable, and integrates many distortions which must be detected as soon as possible, on the mobile, to avoid paying data transmission fees, and losing information due to the inability to re-capture later a document with temporary availability. In this context, out-of-focus blur is major issue: users have no direct control over it, and it seriously degrades OCR recognition. In this paper, we concentrate on the estimation of focus quality, to ensure a sufficient legibility of a document image for OCR processing. We propose two contributions to improve OCR accuracy prediction for mobile-captured document images. First, we present 24 focus measures, never tested on document images, which are fast to compute and require no training. Second, we show that a combination of those measures enables state-of-the art performance regarding the correlation with OCR accuracy. The resulting approach is fast, robust, and easy to implement in a mobile device. Experiments are performed on a public dataset, and precise details about image processing are given.