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David Aldavert. 2021. Efficient and Scalable Handwritten Word Spotting on Historical Documents using Bag of Visual Words. (Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey.)
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Jon Almazan, Albert Gordo, Alicia Fornes and Ernest Valveny. 2012. Efficient Exemplar Word Spotting. 23rd British Machine Vision Conference.67.1–67.11.
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Suman Ghosh, Lluis Gomez, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Ernest Valveny. 2015. Efficient indexing for Query By String text retrieval. 6th IAPR International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition CBDAR2015.1236–1240.
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Marçal Rusiñol and Josep Llados. 2010. Efficient Logo Retrieval Through Hashing Shape Context Descriptors. 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.215–222.
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Marçal Rusiñol, David Aldavert, Ricardo Toledo and Josep Llados. 2015. Efficient segmentation-free keyword spotting in historical document collections. PR, 48(2), 545–555.
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Juan Ignacio Toledo, Alicia Fornes, Jordi Cucurull and Josep Llados. 2016. Election Tally Sheets Processing System. 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.364–368.
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Francisco Cruz and Oriol Ramos Terrades. 2014. EM-Based Layout Analysis Method for Structured Documents. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.315–320.
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Hongxing Gao, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Josep Llados. 2014. Embedding Document Structure to Bag-of-Words through Pair-wise Stable Key-regions. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.2903–2908.
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Jaume Gibert, Ernest Valveny and Horst Bunke. 2013. Embedding of Graphs with Discrete Attributes Via Label Frequencies. IJPRAI, 27(3), 1360002–1360029.
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Manuel Carbonell, Joan Mas, Mauricio Villegas, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2019. End-to-End Handwritten Text Detection and Transcription in Full Pages. 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning.29–34.
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