Marçal Rusiñol and 7 others. 2012. CVC-UAB's participation in the Flowchart Recognition Task of CLEF-IP 2012. Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum.
Rahat Khan, Joost Van de Weijer, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Damien Muselet. 2013. Towards multispectral data acquisition with hand-held devices. 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.2053–2057.
Abstract: We propose a method to acquire multispectral data with handheld devices with front-mounted RGB cameras. We propose to use the display of the device as an illuminant while the camera captures images illuminated by the red, green and
blue primaries of the display. Three illuminants and three response functions of the camera lead to nine response values which are used for reflectance estimation. Results are promising and show that the accuracy of the spectral reconstruction improves in the range from 30-40% over the spectral
reconstruction based on a single illuminant. Furthermore, we propose to compute sensor-illuminant aware linear basis by discarding the part of the reflectances that falls in the sensorilluminant null-space. We show experimentally that optimizing reflectance estimation on these new basis functions decreases
the RMSE significantly over basis functions that are independent to sensor-illuminant. We conclude that, multispectral data acquisition is potentially possible with consumer hand-held devices such as tablets, mobiles, and laptops, opening up applications which are currently considered to be unrealistic.
Keywords: Multispectral; mobile devices; color measurements
Christophe Rigaud, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Joost Van de Weijer, Jean-Christophe Burie and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2013. Automatic text localisation in scanned comic books. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications.814–819.
Abstract: Comic books constitute an important cultural heritage asset in many countries. Digitization combined with subsequent document understanding enable direct content-based search as opposed to metadata only search (e.g. album title or author name). Few studies have been done in this direction. In this work we detail a novel approach for the automatic text localization in scanned comics book pages, an essential step towards a fully automatic comics book understanding. We focus on speech text as it is semantically important and represents the majority of the text present in comics. The approach is compared with existing methods of text localization found in the literature and results are presented.
Keywords: Text localization; comics; text/graphic separation; complex background; unstructured document
Christophe Rigaud, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Joost Van de Weijer, Jean-Christophe Burie and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2013. An active contour model for speech balloon detection in comics. 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.1240–1244.
Abstract: Comic books constitute an important cultural heritage asset in many countries. Digitization combined with subsequent comic book understanding would enable a variety of new applications, including content-based retrieval and content retargeting. Document understanding in this domain is challenging as comics are semi-structured documents, combining semantically important graphical and textual parts. Few studies have been done in this direction. In this work we detail a novel approach for closed and non-closed speech balloon localization in scanned comic book pages, an essential step towards a fully automatic comic book understanding. The approach is compared with existing methods for closed balloon localization found in the literature and results are presented.
Alicia Fornes, Xavier Otazu and Josep Llados. 2013. Show through cancellation and image enhancement by multiresolution contrast processing. 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.200–204.
Abstract: Historical documents suffer from different types of degradation and noise such as background variation, uneven illumination or dark spots. In case of double-sided documents, another common problem is that the back side of the document usually interferes with the front side because of the transparency of the document or ink bleeding. This effect is called the show through phenomenon. Many methods are developed to solve these problems, and in the case of show-through, by scanning and matching both the front and back sides of the document. In contrast, our approach is designed to use only one side of the scanned document. We hypothesize that show-trough are low contrast components, while foreground components are high contrast ones. A Multiresolution Contrast (MC) decomposition is presented in order to estimate the contrast of features at different spatial scales. We cancel the show-through phenomenon by thresholding these low contrast components. This decomposition is also able to enhance the image removing shadowed areas by weighting spatial scales. Results show that the enhanced images improve the readability of the documents, allowing scholars both to recover unreadable words and to solve ambiguities.
David Aldavert, Marçal Rusiñol, Ricardo Toledo and Josep Llados. 2013. Integrating Visual and Textual Cues for Query-by-String Word Spotting. 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.511–515.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a word spotting framework that follows the query-by-string paradigm where word images are represented both by textual and visual representations. The textual representation is formulated in terms of character $n$-grams while the visual one is based on the bag-of-visual-words scheme. These two representations are merged together and projected to a sub-vector space. This transform allows to, given a textual query, retrieve word instances that were only represented by the visual modality. Moreover, this statistical representation can be used together with state-of-the-art indexation structures in order to deal with large-scale scenarios. The proposed method is evaluated using a collection of historical documents outperforming state-of-the-art performances.
Anjan Dutta, Jaume Gibert, Josep Llados, Horst Bunke and Umapada Pal. 2012. Combination of Product Graph and Random Walk Kernel for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents. 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition.1663–1666.
Abstract: This paper explores the utilization of product graph for spotting symbols on graphical documents. Product graph is intended to find the candidate subgraphs or components in the input graph containing the paths similar to the query graph. The acute angle between two edges and their length ratio are considered as the node labels. In a second step, each of the candidate subgraphs in the input graph is assigned with a distance measure computed by a random walk kernel. Actually it is the minimum of the distances of the component to all the components of the model graph. This distance measure is then used to eliminate dissimilar components. The remaining neighboring components are grouped and the grouped zone is considered as a retrieval zone of a symbol similar to the queried one. The entire method works online, i.e., it doesn't need any preprocessing step. The present paper reports the initial results of the method, which are very encouraging.
Klaus Broelemann, Anjan Dutta, Xiaoyi Jiang and Josep Llados. 2012. Hierarchical graph representation for symbol spotting in graphical document images. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshop. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 529–538. (LNCS.)
Abstract: Symbol spotting can be defined as locating given query symbol in a large collection of graphical documents. In this paper we present a hierarchical graph representation for symbols. This representation allows graph matching methods to deal with low-level vectorization errors and, thus, to perform a robust symbol spotting. To show the potential of this approach, we conduct an experiment with the SESYD dataset.
Thanh Ha Do, Salvatore Tabbone and Oriol Ramos Terrades. 2012. Text/graphic separation using a sparse representation with multi-learned dictionaries. 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new approach to extract text regions from graphical documents. In our method, we first empirically construct two sequences of learned dictionaries for the text and graphical parts respectively. Then, we compute the sparse representations of all different sizes and non-overlapped document patches in these learned dictionaries. Based on these representations, each patch can be classified into the text or graphic category by comparing its reconstruction errors. Same-sized patches in one category are then merged together to define the corresponding text or graphic layers which are combined to createfinal text/graphic layer. Finally, in a post-processing step, text regions are further filtered out by using some learned thresholds.
Keywords: Graphics Recognition; Layout Analysis; Document Understandin
Thanh Ha Do, Salvatore Tabbone and Oriol Ramos Terrades. 2012. Noise suppression over bi-level graphical documents using a sparse representation. Colloque International Francophone sur l'Écrit et le Document.