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Marwa Dhiaf and 6 others. 2023. CSSL-MHTR: Continual Self-Supervised Learning for Scalable Multi-script Handwritten Text Recognition.
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Ayan Banerjee, Sanket Biswas, Josep Llados and Umapada Pal. 2024. SemiDocSeg: Harnessing Semi-Supervised Learning for Document Layout Analysis. IJDAR.
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Ruben Perez Tito. 2023. Exploring the role of Text in Visual Question Answering on Natural Scenes and Documents. (Ph.D. thesis, IMPRIMA.)
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Souhail Bakkali and 6 others. 2023. TransferDoc: A Self-Supervised Transferable Document Representation Learning Model Unifying Vision and Language.
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Ruben Tito and 10 others. 2023. Privacy-Aware Document Visual Question Answering.
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Beata Megyesi, Alicia Fornes, Nils Kopal and Benedek Lang. 2024. Historical Cryptology. Learning and Experiencing Cryptography with CrypTool and SageMath.
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Ayan Banerjee, Sanket Biswas, Josep Llados and Umapada Pal. 2024. GraphKD: Exploring Knowledge Distillation Towards Document Object Detection with Structured Graph Creation.
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Mohamed Ali Souibgui and 8 others. 2023. Text-DIAE: a self-supervised degradation invariant autoencoder for text recognition and document enhancement. Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
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Khanh Nguyen, Ali Furkan Biten, Andres Mafla, Lluis Gomez and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2023. Show, Interpret and Tell: Entity-Aware Contextualised Image Captioning in Wikipedia. Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.1940–1948.
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Sounak Dey, Anjan Dutta, Suman Ghosh, Ernest Valveny and Josep Llados. 2018. Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Multi-object Image Retrieval Framework. 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision.
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