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Arnau Ramisa, Adriana Tapus, David Aldavert, Ricardo Toledo and Ramon Lopez de Mantaras. 2009. Robust Vision-Based Localization using Combinations of Local Feature Regions Detectors. AR, 27(4), 373–385.
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Antonio Lopez, Ernest Valveny and Juan J. Villanueva. 2005. Real-time quality control of surgical material packaging by artificial vision. Assembly Automation, 25(3).
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Jaume Amores. 2013. Multiple Instance Classification: review, taxonomy and comparative study. AI, 201, 81–105.
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Katerine Diaz, Aura Hernandez-Sabate and Antonio Lopez. 2016. A reduced feature set for driver head pose estimation. ASOC, 45, 98–107.
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Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Jose Elias Yauri, Pau Folch, Miquel Angel Piera and Debora Gil. 2022. Recognition of the Mental Workloads of Pilots in the Cockpit Using EEG Signals. APPLSCI, 12(5), 2298.
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