Jiaolong Xu, Liang Xiao and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Self-supervised Domain Adaptation for Computer Vision Tasks. ACCESS, 7, 156694–156706.
Abstract: Recent progress of self-supervised visual representation learning has achieved remarkable success on many challenging computer vision benchmarks. However, whether these techniques can be used for domain adaptation has not been explored. In this work, we propose a generic method for self-supervised domain adaptation, using object recognition and semantic segmentation of urban scenes as use cases. Focusing on simple pretext/auxiliary tasks (e.g. image rotation prediction), we assess different learning strategies to improve domain adaptation effectiveness by self-supervision. Additionally, we propose two complementary strategies to further boost the domain adaptation accuracy on semantic segmentation within our method, consisting of prediction layer alignment and batch normalization calibration. The experimental results show adaptation levels comparable to most studied domain adaptation methods, thus, bringing self-supervision as a new alternative for reaching domain adaptation. The code is available at this link. https://github.com/Jiaolong/self-supervised-da.
Cesar de Souza, Adrien Gaidon, Yohann Cabon, Naila Murray and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Generating Human Action Videos by Coupling 3D Game Engines and Probabilistic Graphical Models. IJCV, 128, 1505–1536.
Abstract: Deep video action recognition models have been highly successful in recent years but require large quantities of manually-annotated data, which are expensive and laborious to obtain. In this work, we investigate the generation of synthetic training data for video action recognition, as synthetic data have been successfully used to supervise models for a variety of other computer vision tasks. We propose an interpretable parametric generative model of human action videos that relies on procedural generation, physics models and other components of modern game engines. With this model we generate a diverse, realistic, and physically plausible dataset of human action videos, called PHAV for “Procedural Human Action Videos”. PHAV contains a total of 39,982 videos, with more than 1000 examples for each of 35 action categories. Our video generation approach is not limited to existing motion capture sequences: 14 of these 35 categories are procedurally-defined synthetic actions. In addition, each video is represented with 6 different data modalities, including RGB, optical flow and pixel-level semantic labels. These modalities are generated almost simultaneously using the Multiple Render Targets feature of modern GPUs. In order to leverage PHAV, we introduce a deep multi-task (i.e. that considers action classes from multiple datasets) representation learning architecture that is able to simultaneously learn from synthetic and real video datasets, even when their action categories differ. Our experiments on the UCF-101 and HMDB-51 benchmarks suggest that combining our large set of synthetic videos with small real-world datasets can boost recognition performance. Our approach also significantly outperforms video representations produced by fine-tuning state-of-the-art unsupervised generative models of videos.
Keywords: Procedural generation; Human action recognition; Synthetic data; Physics
Daniel Hernandez and 8 others. 2019. Slanted Stixels: A way to represent steep streets. IJCV, 127, 1643–1658.
Abstract: This work presents and evaluates a novel compact scene representation based on Stixels that infers geometric and semantic information. Our approach overcomes the previous rather restrictive geometric assumptions for Stixels by introducing a novel depth model to account for non-flat roads and slanted objects. Both semantic and depth cues are used jointly to infer the scene representation in a sound global energy minimization formulation. Furthermore, a novel approximation scheme is introduced in order to significantly reduce the computational complexity of the Stixel algorithm, and then achieve real-time computation capabilities. The idea is to first perform an over-segmentation of the image, discarding the unlikely Stixel cuts, and apply the algorithm only on the remaining Stixel cuts. This work presents a novel over-segmentation strategy based on a fully convolutional network, which outperforms an approach based on using local extrema of the disparity map. We evaluate the proposed methods in terms of semantic and geometric accuracy as well as run-time on four publicly available benchmark datasets. Our approach maintains accuracy on flat road scene datasets while improving substantially on a novel non-flat road dataset.
Zhijie Fang and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Intention Recognition of Pedestrians and Cyclists by 2D Pose Estimation. TITS, 21(11), 4773–4783.
Abstract: Anticipating the intentions of vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and cyclists is critical for performing safe and comfortable driving maneuvers. This is the case for human driving and, thus, should be taken into account by systems providing any level of driving assistance, from advanced driver assistant systems (ADAS) to fully autonomous vehicles (AVs). In this paper, we show how the latest advances on monocular vision-based human pose estimation, i.e. those relying on deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), enable to recognize the intentions of such VRUs. In the case of cyclists, we assume that they follow traffic rules to indicate future maneuvers with arm signals. In the case of pedestrians, no indications can be assumed. Instead, we hypothesize that the walking pattern of a pedestrian allows to determine if he/she has the intention of crossing the road in the path of the ego-vehicle, so that the ego-vehicle must maneuver accordingly (e.g. slowing down or stopping). In this paper, we show how the same methodology can be used for recognizing pedestrians and cyclists' intentions. For pedestrians, we perform experiments on the JAAD dataset. For cyclists, we did not found an analogous dataset, thus, we created our own one by acquiring and annotating videos which we share with the research community. Overall, the proposed pipeline provides new state-of-the-art results on the intention recognition of VRUs.
Akhil Gurram, Onay Urfalioglu, Ibrahim Halfaoui, Fahd Bouzaraa and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Semantic Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Artificial Intelligence. ITSM, 13(4), 99–103.
Abstract: Depth estimation provides essential information to perform autonomous driving and driver assistance. A promising line of work consists of introducing additional semantic information about the traffic scene when training CNNs for depth estimation. In practice, this means that the depth data used for CNN training is complemented with images having pixel-wise semantic labels where the same raw training data is associated with both types of ground truth, i.e., depth and semantic labels. The main contribution of this paper is to show that this hard constraint can be circumvented, i.e., that we can train CNNs for depth estimation by leveraging the depth and semantic information coming from heterogeneous datasets. In order to illustrate the benefits of our approach, we combine KITTI depth and Cityscapes semantic segmentation datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art results on monocular depth estimation.
Juan Jose Rubio and 8 others. 2019. Multi-class structural damage segmentation using fully convolutional networks. COMPUTIND, 112, 103121.
Abstract: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has benefited from computer vision and more recently, Deep Learning approaches, to accurately estimate the state of deterioration of infrastructure. In our work, we test Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) with a dataset of deck areas of bridges for damage segmentation. We create a dataset for delamination and rebar exposure that has been collected from inspection records of bridges in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The dataset consists of 734 images with three labels per image, which makes it the largest dataset of images of bridge deck damage. This data allows us to estimate the performance of our method based on regions of agreement, which emulates the uncertainty of in-field inspections. We demonstrate the practicality of FCNs to perform automated semantic segmentation of surface damages. Our model achieves a mean accuracy of 89.7% for delamination and 78.4% for rebar exposure, and a weighted F1 score of 81.9%.
Keywords: Bridge damage detection; Deep learning; Semantic segmentation
Fei Yang, Luis Herranz, Joost Van de Weijer, Jose Antonio Iglesias, Antonio Lopez and Mikhail Mozerov. 2020. Variable Rate Deep Image Compression with Modulated Autoencoder. SPL, 27, 331–335.
Abstract: Variable rate is a requirement for flexible and adaptable image and video compression. However, deep image compression methods (DIC) are optimized for a single fixed rate-distortion (R-D) tradeoff. While this can be addressed by training multiple models for different tradeoffs, the memory requirements increase proportionally to the number of models. Scaling the bottleneck representation of a shared autoencoder can provide variable rate compression with a single shared autoencoder. However, the R-D performance using this simple mechanism degrades in low bitrates, and also shrinks the effective range of bitrates. To address these limitations, we formulate the problem of variable R-D optimization for DIC, and propose modulated autoencoders (MAEs), where the representations of a shared autoencoder are adapted to the specific R-D tradeoff via a modulation network. Jointly training this modulated autoencoder and the modulation network provides an effective way to navigate the R-D operational curve. Our experiments show that the proposed method can achieve almost the same R-D performance of independent models with significantly fewer parameters.
Gabriel Villalonga, Joost Van de Weijer and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Recognizing new classes with synthetic data in the loop: application to traffic sign recognition. SENS, 20(3), 583.
Abstract: On-board vision systems may need to increase the number of classes that can be recognized in a relatively short period. For instance, a traffic sign recognition system may suddenly be required to recognize new signs. Since collecting and annotating samples of such new classes may need more time than we wish, especially for uncommon signs, we propose a method to generate these samples by combining synthetic images and Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) technology. In particular, the GAN is trained on synthetic and real-world samples from known classes to perform synthetic-to-real domain adaptation, but applied to synthetic samples of the new classes. Using the Tsinghua dataset with a synthetic counterpart, SYNTHIA-TS, we have run an extensive set of experiments. The results show that the proposed method is indeed effective, provided that we use a proper Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to perform the traffic sign recognition (classification) task as well as a proper GAN to transform the synthetic images. Here, a ResNet101-based classifier and domain adaptation based on CycleGAN performed extremely well for a ratio∼ 1/4 for new/known classes; even for more challenging ratios such as∼ 4/1, the results are also very positive.
Akhil Gurram, Ahmet Faruk Tuna, Fengyi Shen, Onay Urfalioglu and Antonio Lopez. 2021. Monocular Depth Estimation through Virtual-world Supervision and Real-world SfM Self-Supervision. TITS, 23(8), 12738–12751.
Abstract: Depth information is essential for on-board perception in autonomous driving and driver assistance. Monocular depth estimation (MDE) is very appealing since it allows for appearance and depth being on direct pixelwise correspondence without further calibration. Best MDE models are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained in a supervised manner, i.e., assuming pixelwise ground truth (GT). Usually, this GT is acquired at training time through a calibrated multi-modal suite of sensors. However, also using only a monocular system at training time is cheaper and more scalable. This is possible by relying on structure-from-motion (SfM) principles to generate self-supervision. Nevertheless, problems of camouflaged objects, visibility changes, static-camera intervals, textureless areas, and scale ambiguity, diminish the usefulness of such self-supervision. In this paper, we perform monocular depth estimation by virtual-world supervision (MonoDEVS) and real-world SfM self-supervision. We compensate the SfM self-supervision limitations by leveraging virtual-world images with accurate semantic and depth supervision and addressing the virtual-to-real domain gap. Our MonoDEVSNet outperforms previous MDE CNNs trained on monocular and even stereo sequences.
Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Co-Training for On-Board Deep Object Detection. ACCESS, 194441–194456.
Abstract: Providing ground truth supervision to train visual models has been a bottleneck over the years, exacerbated by domain shifts which degenerate the performance of such models. This was the case when visual tasks relied on handcrafted features and shallow machine learning and, despite its unprecedented performance gains, the problem remains open within the deep learning paradigm due to its data-hungry nature. Best performing deep vision-based object detectors are trained in a supervised manner by relying on human-labeled bounding boxes which localize class instances (i.e. objects) within the training images. Thus, object detection is one of such tasks for which human labeling is a major bottleneck. In this article, we assess co-training as a semi-supervised learning method for self-labeling objects in unlabeled images, so reducing the human-labeling effort for developing deep object detectors. Our study pays special attention to a scenario involving domain shift; in particular, when we have automatically generated virtual-world images with object bounding boxes and we have real-world images which are unlabeled. Moreover, we are particularly interested in using co-training for deep object detection in the context of driver assistance systems and/or self-driving vehicles. Thus, using well-established datasets and protocols for object detection in these application contexts, we will show how co-training is a paradigm worth to pursue for alleviating object labeling, working both alone and together with task-agnostic domain adaptation.