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Adrien Gaidon, Antonio Lopez and Florent Perronnin. 2018. The Reasonable Effectiveness of Synthetic Visual Data. IJCV, 126(9), 899–901.
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Jiaolong Xu, Liang Xiao and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Self-supervised Domain Adaptation for Computer Vision Tasks. ACCESS, 7, 156694–156706.
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Cesar de Souza, Adrien Gaidon, Yohann Cabon, Naila Murray and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Generating Human Action Videos by Coupling 3D Game Engines and Probabilistic Graphical Models. IJCV, 128, 1505–1536.
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Daniel Hernandez and 8 others. 2019. Slanted Stixels: A way to represent steep streets. IJCV, 127, 1643–1658.
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Zhijie Fang and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Intention Recognition of Pedestrians and Cyclists by 2D Pose Estimation. TITS, 21(11), 4773–4783.
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Akhil Gurram, Onay Urfalioglu, Ibrahim Halfaoui, Fahd Bouzaraa and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Semantic Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Artificial Intelligence. ITSM, 13(4), 99–103.
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Juan Jose Rubio and 8 others. 2019. Multi-class structural damage segmentation using fully convolutional networks. COMPUTIND, 112, 103121.
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Fei Yang, Luis Herranz, Joost Van de Weijer, Jose Antonio Iglesias, Antonio Lopez and Mikhail Mozerov. 2020. Variable Rate Deep Image Compression with Modulated Autoencoder. SPL, 27, 331–335.
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Gabriel Villalonga, Joost Van de Weijer and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Recognizing new classes with synthetic data in the loop: application to traffic sign recognition. SENS, 20(3), 583.
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Akhil Gurram, Ahmet Faruk Tuna, Fengyi Shen, Onay Urfalioglu and Antonio Lopez. 2021. Monocular Depth Estimation through Virtual-world Supervision and Real-world SfM Self-Supervision. TITS, 23(8), 12738–12751.
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