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Jaume Amores and Petia Radeva. 2005. Registration and Retrieval of Highly Elastic Bodies using Contextual Information. PRL, 26(11), 1720–1731.
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Jaume Amores and Petia Radeva. 2005. Retrieval of IVUS Images Using Contextual Information and Elastic Matching.
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Angel Sappa. 2006. Unsupervised Contour Closure Algorithm for Range Image Edge-Based Segmentation.
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Jaume Amores, N. Sebe and Petia Radeva. 2006. Boosting the distance estimation: Application to the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier. PRL, 27(3), 201–209.
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Angel Sappa, David Geronimo, Fadi Dornaika and Antonio Lopez. 2006. On-board camera extrinsic parameter estimation. EL, 42(13), 745–746.
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Jaume Amores. 2013. Multiple Instance Classification: review, taxonomy and comparative study. AI, 201, 81–105.
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Angel Sappa. 2006. Splitting up Panoramic Range Images into Compact 2½D Representations.
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Jaume Amores. 2015. MILDE: multiple instance learning by discriminative embedding. KAIS, 42(2), 381–407.
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Angel Sappa and M.A. Garcia. 2007. Generating compact representations of static scenes by means of 3D object hierarchies.
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Angel Sappa and M.A. Garcia. 2007. Coarse-to-Fine Approximation of Range Images with Bounded Error Adaptive Triangular Meshes.
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