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Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2020. Co-Training for On-Board Deep Object Detection. ACCESS, 194441–194456.
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Jiaolong Xu, Liang Xiao and Antonio Lopez. 2019. Self-supervised Domain Adaptation for Computer Vision Tasks. ACCESS, 7, 156694–156706.
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Lluis Pere de las Heras, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Sergi Robles and Gemma Sanchez. 2015. CVC-FP and SGT: a new database for structural floor plan analysis and its groundtruthing tool. IJDAR, 18(1), 15–30.
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Idoia Ruiz and Joan Serrat. 2022. Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Traffic Sign Recognition. SENS, 22(12), 4389.
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Naveen Onkarappa and Angel Sappa. 2015. Synthetic sequences and ground-truth flow field generation for algorithm validation. MTAP, 74(9), 3121–3135.
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Jose Luis Gomez, Gabriel Villalonga and Antonio Lopez. 2023. Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation Models. SENS, 23(2), 621.
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Carme Julia, Angel Sappa, Felipe Lumbreras, Joan Serrat and Antonio Lopez. 2009. An iterative multiresolution scheme for SFM with missing data. JMIV, 34(3), 240–258.
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Debora Gil, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Mireia Brunat, Steven Jansen and Jordi Martinez-Vilalta. 2011. Structure-preserving smoothing of biomedical images. PR, 44(9), 1842–1851.
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Juan Jose Rubio and 8 others. 2019. Multi-class structural damage segmentation using fully convolutional networks. COMPUTIND, 112, 103121.
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Katerine Diaz, Francesc J. Ferri and W. Diaz. 2015. Incremental Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors for Image Classification. TNNLS, 26(8), 1761–1775.
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