Josep Llados, Horst Bunke, & Enric Marti. (1996). "Structural Recognition of hand drawn floor plans " In VI National Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Cordoba.
Abstract: A system to recognize hand drawn architectural drawings in a CAD environment has been deve- loped. In this paper we focus on its high level interpretation module. To interpret a floor plan, the system must identify several building elements, whose description is stored in a library of pat- terns, as well as their spatial relationships. We propose a structural approach based on subgraph isomorphism techniques to obtain a high-level interpretation of the document. The vectorized input document and the patterns to be recognized are represented by attributed graphs. Discrete relaxation techniques (AC4 algorithm) have been applied to develop the matching algorithm. The process has been divided in three steps: node labeling, local consistency and global consistency verification. The hand drawn creation causes disturbed line drawings with several accuracy errors, which must be taken into account. Here we have identified them and the AC4 algorithm has been adapted to manage them.
Keywords: Rotational Symmetry; Reflectional Symmetry; String Matching.
Debora Gil, Oriol Rodriguez, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2006)." Statistical descriptors of the Myocardial perfusion in angiographic images" In Proc. Computers in Cardiology (pp. 677–680).
Abstract: Restoration of coronary flow after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction does not always correlate with adequate myocardial perfusion. Recently, coronary angiography has been used to assess microcirculation integrity (Myocardial BlushAnalysis, MBA). Although MBA correlates with patient prognosis there are few image processing methods addressing objective perfusion quantification. The goal of this work is to develop statistical descriptors of the myocardial dyeing pattern allowing objective assessment of myocardial perfusion. Experiments on healthy right coronary arteries show that our approach allows reliable measurements without any specific image acquisition protocol.
Keywords: Anisotropic processing; intravascular ultrasound (IVUS); vessel border segmentation; vessel structure classification.
Antonio Esteban Lansaque, Carles Sanchez, Agnes Borras, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2016). "Stable Anatomical Structure Tracking for video-bronchoscopy Navigation " In 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops.
Abstract: Bronchoscopy allows to examine the patient airways for detection of lesions and sampling of tissues without surgery. A main drawback in lung cancer diagnosis is the diculty to check whether the exploration is following the correct path to the nodule that has to be biopsied. The most extended guidance uses uoroscopy which implies repeated radiation of clinical sta and patients. Alternatives such as virtual bronchoscopy or electromagnetic navigation are very expensive and not completely robust to blood, mocus or deformations as to be extensively used. We propose a method that extracts and tracks stable lumen regions at dierent levels of the bronchial tree. The tracked regions are stored in a tree that encodes the anatomical structure of the scene which can be useful to retrieve the path to the lesion that the clinician should follow to do the biopsy. We present a multi-expert validation of our anatomical landmark extraction in 3 intra-operative ultrathin explorations.
Keywords: Lung cancer diagnosis; video-bronchoscopy; airway lumen detection; region tracking
Antonio Esteban Lansaque, Carles Sanchez, Agnes Borras, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2016). "Stable Airway Center Tracking for Bronchoscopic Navigation " In 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology.
Abstract: Bronchoscopists use X‐ray fluoroscopy to guide bronchoscopes to the lesion to be biopsied without any kind of incisions. Reducing exposure to X‐ray is important for both patients and doctors but alternatives like electromagnetic navigation require specific equipment and increase the cost of the clinical procedure. We propose a guiding system based on the extraction of airway centers from intra‐operative videos. Such anatomical landmarks could be
matched to the airway centerline extracted from a pre‐planned CT to indicate the best path to the lesion. We present an extraction of lumen centers
from intra‐operative videos based on tracking of maximal stable regions of energy maps.
Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, T. Gache, N. Koufos, Marta Diez-Ferrer, & Antoni Rosell. (2016). "SENSA: a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment " In 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology.
Abstract: Documenting the severity of a static or dynamic Central Airway Obstruction (CAO) is crucial to establish proper diagnosis and treatment, predict possible treatment effects and better follow-up the patients. The subjective visual evaluation of a stenosis during video-bronchoscopy still remains the most common way to assess a CAO in spite of a consensus among experts for a need to standardize all calculations [1].
The Computer Vision Center in cooperation with the «Hospital de Bellvitge», has developed a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment (SENSA), which computes CAO directly by analyzing standard bronchoscopic data without the need of using other imaging tecnologies.
Marta Ligero, Guillermo Torres, Carles Sanchez, Katerine Diaz, Raquel Perez, & Debora Gil. (2019). "Selection of Radiomics Features based on their Reproducibility " In 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 403–408).
Abstract: Dimensionality reduction is key to alleviate machine learning artifacts in clinical applications with Small Sample Size (SSS) unbalanced datasets. Existing methods rely on either the probabilistic distribution of training data or the discriminant power of the reduced space, disregarding the impact of repeatability and uncertainty in features.In the present study is proposed the use of reproducibility of radiomics features to select features with high inter-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The reproducibility includes the variability introduced in the image acquisition, like medical scans acquisition parameters and convolution kernels, that affects intensity-based features and tumor annotations made by physicians, that influences morphological descriptors of the lesion.For the reproducibility of radiomics features three studies were conducted on cases collected at Vall Hebron Oncology Institute (VHIO) on responders to oncology treatment. The studies focused on the variability due to the convolution kernel, image acquisition parameters, and the inter-observer lesion identification. The features selected were those features with a ICC higher than 0.7 in the three studies.The selected features based on reproducibility were evaluated for lesion malignancy classification using a different database. Results show better performance compared to several state-of-the-art methods including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Kernel Discriminant Analysis via QR decomposition (KDAQR), LASSO, and an own built Convolutional Neural Network.
Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, Antoni Rosell, Albert Andaluz, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2013). "Segmentation of Tracheal Rings in Videobronchoscopy combining Geometry and Appearance " In Sebastiano Battiato and José Braz (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Vol. 1, pp. 153–161). Portugal: SciTePress.
Abstract: Videobronchoscopy is a medical imaging technique that allows interactive navigation inside the respiratory pathways and minimal invasive interventions. Tracheal procedures are ordinary interventions that require measurement of the percentage of obstructed pathway for injury (stenosis) assessment. Visual assessment of stenosis in videobronchoscopic sequences requires high expertise of trachea anatomy and is prone to human error. Accurate detection of tracheal rings is the basis for automated estimation of the size of stenosed trachea. Processing of videobronchoscopic images acquired at the operating room is a challenging task due to the wide range of artifacts and acquisition conditions. We present a model of the geometric-appearance of tracheal rings for its detection in videobronchoscopic videos. Experiments on sequences acquired at the operating room, show a performance close to inter-observer variability
Keywords: Video-bronchoscopy, tracheal ring segmentation, trachea geometric and appearance model
Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1997)." Segmentation and analysis of linial texture in plans" In Actes de la conférence Artificielle et Complexité.. Paris.
Abstract: The problem of texture segmentation and interpretation is one of the main concerns in the field of document analysis. Graphical documents often contain areas characterized by a structural texture whose recognition allows both the document understanding, and its storage in a more compact way. In this work, we focus on structural linial textures of regular repetition contained in plan documents. Starting from an atributed graph which represents the vectorized input image, we develop a method to segment textured areas and recognize their placement rules. We wish to emphasize that the searched textures do not follow a predefined pattern. Minimal closed loops of the input graph are computed, and then hierarchically clustered. In this hierarchical clustering, a distance function between two closed loops is defined in terms of their areas difference and boundary resemblance computed by a string matching procedure. Finally it is noted that, when the texture consists of isolated primitive elements, the same method can be used after computing a Voronoi Tesselation of the input graph.
Keywords: Structural Texture, Voronoi, Hierarchical Clustering, String Matching.
Jaume Garcia, Francesc Carreras, Sandra Pujades, & Debora Gil. (2008). "Regional motion patterns for the Left Ventricle function assessment " In Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition ICPR 2008 (pp. 1–4).
Abstract: Regional scores (e.g. strain, perfusion) of the Left Ventricle (LV) functionality are playing an increasing role in the diagnosis of cardiac diseases. A main limitation is the lack of normality models for complementary scores oriented to assessment of the LV integrity. This paper introduces an original framework based on a parametrization of the LV domain, which allows comparison across subjects of local physiological measures of different nature. We compute regional normality patterns in a feature space characterizing the LV function. We show the consistency of the model for the regional motion on healthy and hypokinetic pathological cases
Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Debora Gil, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2006). "Reducing cardiac motion in IVUS sequences " In Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Vol. 33, pp. 685–688).
Abstract: Cardiac vessel displacement is a main artifact in IVUS sequences. It hinders visualization of the main structures in an appropriate orientation and alignment and affects extracting vessel measurements. In this paper, we present a novel approach for image sequence alignment based on spectral analysis, which removes rigid dynamics, preserving at the same time the vessel geometry. First, we suppress the translation by taking, for each frame, the center of mass of the image as origin of coordinates. In polar coordinates with such point as origin, the rotation appears as a horizontal displacement. The translation induces a phase shift in the Fourier coefficients of two consecutive polar images. We estimate the phase by adjusting a regression plane to the phases of the principal frequencies. Experiments show that the presented strategy suppress cardiac motion regardless of the acquisition device. 1.