Andrew Nolan, Daniel Serrano, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Daniel Ponsa, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). "Obstacle mapping module for quadrotors on outdoor Search and Rescue operations " In International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition.
Abstract: Obstacle avoidance remains a challenging task for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV), due to their limited payload capacity to carry advanced sensors. Unlike larger vehicles, MAV can only carry light weight sensors, for instance a camera, which is our main assumption in this work. We explore passive monocular depth estimation and propose a novel method Position Aided Depth Estimation
(PADE). We analyse PADE performance and compare it against the extensively used Time To Collision (TTC). We evaluate the accuracy, robustness to noise and speed of three Optical Flow (OF) techniques, combined with both depth estimation methods. Our results show PADE is more accurate than TTC at depths between 0-12 meters and is less sensitive to noise. Our findings highlight the potential application of PADE for MAV to perform safe autonomous navigation in
unknown and unstructured environments.
Keywords: UAV
Santi Puch, Irina Sanchez, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Gemma Piella, & Vesna Prckovska. (2018). "Global Planar Convolutions for Improved Context Aggregation in Brain Tumor Segmentation " In International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop (Vol. 11384, pp. 393–405).
Abstract: In this work, we introduce the Global Planar Convolution module as a building-block for fully-convolutional networks that aggregates global information and, therefore, enhances the context perception capabilities of segmentation networks in the context of brain tumor segmentation. We implement two baseline architectures (3D UNet and a residual version of 3D UNet, ResUNet) and present a novel architecture based on these two architectures, ContextNet, that includes the proposed Global Planar Convolution module. We show that the addition of such module eliminates the need of building networks with several representation levels, which tend to be over-parametrized and to showcase slow rates of convergence. Furthermore, we provide a visual demonstration of the behavior of GPC modules via visualization of intermediate representations. We finally participate in the 2018 edition of the BraTS challenge with our best performing models, that are based on ContextNet, and report the evaluation scores on the validation and the test sets of the challenge.
Keywords: Brain tumors; 3D fully-convolutional CNN; Magnetic resonance imaging; Global planar convolution
Joan Serrat, & Enric Marti. (1991)." Elastic matching using interpolation splines" In IV Spanish Symposium of Pattern Recognition and image Analysis.
Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Lluis Albarracin, Daniel Calvo, & Nuria Gorgorio. (2016). "EyeMath: Identifying Mathematics Problem Solving Processes in a RTS Video Game " In 5th International Conference Games and Learning Alliance (Vol. 10056, pp. 50–59).
Abstract: Photorealistic virtual environments are crucial for developing and testing automated driving systems in a safe way during trials. As commercially available simulators are expensive and bulky, this paper presents a low-cost, extendable, and easy-to-use (LEE) virtual environment with the aim to highlight its utility for level 3 driving automation. In particular, an experiment is performed using the presented simulator to explore the influence of different variables regarding control transfer of the car after the system was driving autonomously in a highway scenario. The results show that the speed of the car at the time when the system needs to transfer the control to the human driver is critical.
Keywords: Simulation environment; Automated Driving; Driver-Vehicle interaction
Saad Minhas, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Shoaib Ehsan, Katerine Diaz, Ales Leonardis, Antonio Lopez, et al. (2016). "LEE: A photorealistic Virtual Environment for Assessing Driver-Vehicle Interactions in Self-Driving Mode " In 14th European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (Vol. 9915, pp. 894–900).
Abstract: Photorealistic virtual environments are crucial for developing and testing automated driving systems in a safe way during trials. As commercially available simulators are expensive and bulky, this paper presents a low-cost, extendable, and easy-to-use (LEE) virtual environment with the aim to highlight its utility for level 3 driving automation. In particular, an experiment is performed using the presented simulator to explore the influence of different variables regarding control transfer of the car after the system was driving autonomously in a highway scenario. The results show that the speed of the car at the time when the system needs to transfer the control to the human driver is critical.
Keywords: Simulation environment; Automated Driving; Driver-Vehicle interaction
Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1997). "A string-based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans " In 2nd IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (pp. 91–103).
Abstract: This paper deals with the recognition of symbols and struc- tural textures in architectural plans using string matching techniques. A plan is represented by an attributed graph whose nodes represent characteristic points and whose edges represent segments. Symbols and textures can be seen as a set of regions, i.e. closed loops in the graph, with a particular arrangement. The search for a symbol involves a graph matching between the regions of a model graph and the regions of the graph representing the document. Discriminating a texture means a clus- tering of neighbouring regions of this graph. Both procedures involve a similarity measure between graph regions. A string codification is used to represent the sequence of outlining edges of a region. Thus, the simila- rity between two regions is defined in terms of the string edit distance between their boundary strings. The use of string matching allows the recognition method to work also under presence of distortion.
Josep Llados, Horst Bunke, & Enric Marti. (1996). "Using cyclic string matching to find rotational and reflectional symmetric shapes " In H. B. H. N. R.C. Bolles (Ed.), Intelligent Robots: Sensing, Modeling and Planning (Dagstuhl Workshop) (pp. 164–179). Saarbrucken (Germany).: World Scientific.
Josep Llados, Jaime Lopez-Krahe, Gemma Sanchez, & Enric Marti. (2000)." Interprétation de cartes et plans par mise en correspondance de graphes de attributs" In 12 Congrès Francophone AFRIF–AFIA (Vol. 3, pp. 225–234).
Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1995). "Interpretacio de dibuixos lineals mitjançant tècniques d isomorfisme entre grafs " In Trobada de Joves Investigadors.
Abstract: L’anàlisi de documents té com a objectiu la interpretació automàtica de documents impresos sobre paper, amb la finalitat d’obtenir una descripció simbòlica d’aquests, que permeti el seu emmagatzemament i posterior tractament computacional. Les tècniques basades en grafs relacionals d’atributs permeten representar de manera compacta la informació continguda en dibuixos lineals i mitjançant mecanismes d’isomorfisme entre grafs, reconèixer-hi certes estructures i d’aquesta manera, interpretar el document. En aquest treball es dóna una visió general de les tènciques de grafs aplicades al reconeixement visual d’objectes en problemes d’anàlisi de documents. Aquestes tècniques s’il·lustren amb un exemple de reconeixement de plànols dibuixats a mà alçada. Finalment es proposa la utilització de tècniques de Hough com a mecanisme per accelerar el procés de reconeixement aplicant un cert coneixement sobre el domini en el que es treballa
Gemma Sanchez, Ernest Valveny, Josep Llados, Enric Marti, Oriol Ramos Terrades, N.Lozano, et al. (2003)." A system for virtual prototyping of architectural projects" In Proceedings of Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Pattern Recognition (pp. 65–74).