Patricia Marquez, Debora Gil, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, & Daniel Kondermann. (2013). "When Is A Confidence Measure Good Enough? " In 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (Vol. 7963, pp. 344–353). Springer Link.
Abstract: Confidence estimation has recently become a hot topic in image processing and computer vision.Yet, several definitions exist of the term “confidence” which are sometimes used interchangeably. This is a position paper, in which we aim to give an overview on existing definitions,
thereby clarifying the meaning of the used terms to facilitate further research in this field. Based on these clarifications, we develop a theory to compare confidence measures with respect to their quality.
Keywords: Optical flow, confidence measure, performance evaluation
Andrew Nolan, Daniel Serrano, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Daniel Ponsa, & Antonio Lopez. (2013). "Obstacle mapping module for quadrotors on outdoor Search and Rescue operations " In International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition.
Abstract: Obstacle avoidance remains a challenging task for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV), due to their limited payload capacity to carry advanced sensors. Unlike larger vehicles, MAV can only carry light weight sensors, for instance a camera, which is our main assumption in this work. We explore passive monocular depth estimation and propose a novel method Position Aided Depth Estimation
(PADE). We analyse PADE performance and compare it against the extensively used Time To Collision (TTC). We evaluate the accuracy, robustness to noise and speed of three Optical Flow (OF) techniques, combined with both depth estimation methods. Our results show PADE is more accurate than TTC at depths between 0-12 meters and is less sensitive to noise. Our findings highlight the potential application of PADE for MAV to perform safe autonomous navigation in
unknown and unstructured environments.
Keywords: UAV
Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2015)." Towards On-line Quantification of Tracheal Stenosis from Videobronchoscopy" In 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions IPCAI2015 (Vol. 10, pp. 935–945).
Abstract: PURPOSE:
Lack of objective measurement of tracheal obstruction degree has a negative impact on the chosen treatment prone to lead to unnecessary repeated explorations and other scanners. Accurate computation of tracheal stenosis in videobronchoscopy would constitute a breakthrough for this noninvasive technique and a reduction in operation cost for the public health service.
Stenosis calculation is based on the comparison of the region delimited by the lumen in an obstructed frame and the region delimited by the first visible ring in a healthy frame. We propose a parametric strategy for the extraction of lumen and tracheal ring regions based on models of their geometry and appearance that guide a deformable model. To ensure a systematic applicability, we present a statistical framework to choose optimal parametric values and a strategy to choose the frames that minimize the impact of scope optical distortion.
Our method has been tested in 40 cases covering different stenosed tracheas. Experiments report a non- clinically relevant [Formula: see text] of discrepancy in the calculated stenotic area and a computational time allowing online implementation in the operating room.
Our methodology allows reliable measurements of airway narrowing in the operating room. To fully assess its clinical impact, a prospective clinical trial should be done.
Debora Gil, Agnes Borras, Manuel Ballester, Francesc Carreras, Ruth Aris, Manuel Vazquez, et al. (2011). "MIOCARDIA: Integrating cardiac function and muscular architecture for a better diagnosis " In Association for Computing Machinery (Ed.), 14th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies. Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract: Deep understanding of myocardial structure of the heart would unravel crucial knowledge for clinical and medical procedures. The MIOCARDIA project is a multidisciplinary project in cooperation with l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau, Clinica la Creu Blanca and Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The ultimate goal of this project is defining a computational model of the myocardium. The model takes into account the deep interrelation between the anatomy and the mechanics of the heart. The paper explains the workflow of the MIOCARDIA project. It also introduces a multiresolution reconstruction technique based on DT-MRI streamlining for simplified global myocardial model generation. Our reconstructions can restore the most complex myocardial structures and provides evidences of a global helical organization.
Albert Andaluz, Francesc Carreras, Cristina Santa Marta, & Debora Gil. (2012). "Myocardial torsion estimation with Tagged-MRI in the OsiriX platform " In Wiro Niessen(Erasmus MC) and Marc Modat(UCL) (Ed.), ISBI Workshop on Open Source Medical Image Analysis software. IEEE.
Abstract: Myocardial torsion (MT) plays a crucial role in the assessment of the functionality of the
left ventricle. For this purpose, the IAM group at the CVC has developed the Harmonic Phase Flow (HPF) plugin for the Osirix DICOM platform . We have validated its funcionalty on sequences acquired using different protocols and including healthy and pathological cases. Results show similar torsion trends for SPAMM acquisitions, with pathological cases introducing expected deviations from the ground truth. Finally, we provide the plugin free of charge at http://iam.cvc.uab.es
Sergio Vera, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, & Debora Gil. (2012). "A medial map capturing the essential geometry of organs " In ISBI Workshop on Open Source Medical Image Analysis software (1691 - 1694). IEEE.
Abstract: Medial representations are powerful tools for describing and parameterizing the volumetric shape of anatomical structures. Accurate computation of one pixel wide medial surfaces is mandatory. Those surfaces must represent faithfully the geometry of the volume. Although morphological methods produce excellent results in 2D, their complexity and quality drops across dimensions, due to a more complex description of pixel neighborhoods. This paper introduces a continuous operator for accurate and efficient computation of medial structures of arbitrary dimension. Our experiments show its higher performance for medical imaging applications in terms of simplicity of medial structures and capability for reconstructing the anatomical volume
Keywords: Medial Surface Representation, Volume Reconstruction,Geometry , Image reconstruction , Liver , Manifolds , Shape , Surface morphology , Surface reconstruction
Debora Gil, Guillermo Torres, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." Transforming radiomic features into radiological words" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
Pau Cano, Debora Gil, & Eva Musulen. (2023)." Towards automatic detection of helicobacter pylori in histological samples of gastric tissue" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
Guillermo Torres, Debora Gil, Antonio Rosell, Sonia Baeza, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." A radiomic biopsy for virtual histology of pulmonary nodules" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2012). "Assessing agonist efficacy in an uncertain Em world " In A. Christopoulus and M. Bouvier (Ed.), 40th Keystone Symposia on mollecular and celular biology (79). Keystone Symposia.
Abstract: The operational model of agonism has been widely used for the analysis of agonist action since its formulation in 1983. The model includes the Em parameter, which is defined as the maximum response of the system. The methods for Em estimation provide Em values not significantly higher than the maximum responses achieved by full agonists. However, it has been found that that some classes of compounds as, for instance, superagonists and positive allosteric modulators can increase the full agonist maximum response, implying upper limits for Em and thereby posing doubts on the validity of Em estimates. Because of the correlation between Em and operational efficacy, τ, wrong Em estimates will yield wrong τ estimates.
In this presentation, the operational model of agonism and various methods for the simulation of allosteric modulation will be analyzed. Alternatives for curve fitting will be presented and discussed.