Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, R. Tazi, Jorge Bernal, Y. Ruiz, L. Planas, et al. (2015)." Quasi-real time digital assessment of Central Airway Obstruction" In 3rd European congress for bronchology and interventional pulmonology ECBIP2015.
Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, T. Gache, N. Koufos, Marta Diez-Ferrer, & Antoni Rosell. (2016). "SENSA: a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment " In 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology.
Abstract: Documenting the severity of a static or dynamic Central Airway Obstruction (CAO) is crucial to establish proper diagnosis and treatment, predict possible treatment effects and better follow-up the patients. The subjective visual evaluation of a stenosis during video-bronchoscopy still remains the most common way to assess a CAO in spite of a consensus among experts for a need to standardize all calculations [1].
The Computer Vision Center in cooperation with the «Hospital de Bellvitge», has developed a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment (SENSA), which computes CAO directly by analyzing standard bronchoscopic data without the need of using other imaging tecnologies.
Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, Debora Gil, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2013). "On-line lumen centre detection in gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy " In Klaus Miguel Angel and Drechsler Stefan and González Ballester Raj and Wesarg Cristina and Shekhar Marius George and Oyarzun Laura M. and L. Erdt (Ed.), Second International Workshop Clinical Image-Based Procedures (Vol. 8361, pp. 31–38). Springer International Publishing.
Abstract: We present in this paper a novel lumen centre detection for gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopic images. The proposed method is based on the appearance and geometry of the lumen, which we defined as the darkest image region which centre is a hub of image gradients. Experimental results validated on the first public annotated gastro-respiratory database prove the reliability of the method for a wide range of images (with precision over 95 %).
Keywords: Lumen centre detection; Bronchoscopy; Colonoscopy
Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2015)." Towards On-line Quantification of Tracheal Stenosis from Videobronchoscopy" In 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions IPCAI2015 (Vol. 10, pp. 935–945).
Abstract: PURPOSE:
Lack of objective measurement of tracheal obstruction degree has a negative impact on the chosen treatment prone to lead to unnecessary repeated explorations and other scanners. Accurate computation of tracheal stenosis in videobronchoscopy would constitute a breakthrough for this noninvasive technique and a reduction in operation cost for the public health service.
Stenosis calculation is based on the comparison of the region delimited by the lumen in an obstructed frame and the region delimited by the first visible ring in a healthy frame. We propose a parametric strategy for the extraction of lumen and tracheal ring regions based on models of their geometry and appearance that guide a deformable model. To ensure a systematic applicability, we present a statistical framework to choose optimal parametric values and a strategy to choose the frames that minimize the impact of scope optical distortion.
Our method has been tested in 40 cases covering different stenosed tracheas. Experiments report a non- clinically relevant [Formula: see text] of discrepancy in the calculated stenotic area and a computational time allowing online implementation in the operating room.
Our methodology allows reliable measurements of airway narrowing in the operating room. To fully assess its clinical impact, a prospective clinical trial should be done.
Carles Sanchez, Miguel Viñas, Coen Antens, Agnes Borras, & Debora Gil. (2018). "Back to Front Architecture for Diagnosis as a Service " In 20th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 343–346).
Abstract: Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model in which a provider hosts applications in a server that customers use via internet. Since SaaS does not require to install applications on customers' own computers, it allows the use by multiple users of highly specialized software without extra expenses for hardware acquisition or licensing. A SaaS tailored for clinical needs not only would alleviate licensing costs, but also would facilitate easy access to new methods for diagnosis assistance. This paper presents a SaaS client-server architecture for Diagnosis as a Service (DaaS). The server is based on docker technology in order to allow execution of softwares implemented in different languages with the highest portability and scalability. The client is a content management system allowing the design of websites with multimedia content and interactive visualization of results allowing user editing. We explain a usage case that uses our DaaS as crowdsourcing platform in a multicentric pilot study carried out to evaluate the clinical benefits of a software for assessment of central airway obstruction.
Cristina Cañero, Petia Radeva, Oriol Pujol, Ricardo Toledo, Debora Gil, J. Saludes, et al. (1999). "Optimal Stent Implantation: Three-dimensional Evaluation of the Mutual Position of Stent and Vessel via Intracoronary Ecography " In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99).
Abstract: We present a new automatic technique to visualize and quantify the mutual position between the stent and the vessel wall by considering their three-dimensional reconstruction. Two deformable generalized cylinders adapt to the image features in all IVUS planes corresponding to the vessel wall and the stent in order to reconstruct the boundaries of the stent and the vessel in space. The image features that characterize the stent and the vessel wall are determined in terms of edge and ridge image detectors taking into account the gray level of the image pixels. We show that the 30 reconstruction by deformable cylinders is accurate and robust due to the spatial data coherence in the considered volumetric IVUS image. The main clinic utility of the stent and vessel reconstruction by deformable’ cylinders consists of its possibility to visualize and to assess the optimal stent introduction.
Cristina Cañero, Petia Radeva, Oriol Pujol, Ricardo Toledo, Debora Gil, J. Saludes, et al. (1999). "Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of the coronary tree using intravascular ultrasound images " In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99).
Abstract: In this paper we propose a new Computer Vision technique to reconstruct the vascular wall in space using a deformable model-based technique and compounding methods, based in biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound data jicsion. It is also proposed a generalpurpose three-dimensional guided interpolation method. The three dimensional centerline of the vessel is reconstructed from geometrically corrected biplane angiographies using automatic segmentation methods and snakes. The IVUS image planes are located in the threedimensional space and correctly oriented. A led interpolation method based in B-SurJaces and snakes isused to fill the gaps among image planes
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2011). "Using statistical inference for designing termination conditions ensuring convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms " In 11th European Conference on Artificial Life.
Abstract: A main challenge in Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) is determining a termination condition ensuring stabilization close to the optimum in real-world applications. Although for known test functions distribution-based quantities are good candidates (as far as suitable parameters are used), in real-world problems an open question still remains unsolved. How can we estimate an upper-bound for the termination condition value ensuring a given accuracy for the (unknown) EA solution?
We claim that the termination problem would be fully solved if we defined a quantity (depending only on the EA output) behaving like the solution accuracy. The open question would be, then, satisfactorily answered if we had a model relating both quantities, since accuracy could be predicted from the alternative quantity. We present a statistical inference framework addressing two topics: checking the correlation between the two quantities and defining a regression model for predicting (at a given confidence level) accuracy values from the EA output.
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2011). "An inference model for analyzing termination conditions of Evolutionary Algorithms " In 14th Congrès Català en Intel·ligencia Artificial (pp. 216–225).
Abstract: In real-world problems, it is mandatory to design a termination condition for Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) ensuring stabilization close to the unknown optimum. Distribution-based quantities are good candidates as far as suitable parameters are used. A main limitation for application to real-world problems is that such parameters strongly depend on the topology of the objective function, as well as, the EA paradigm used.
We claim that the termination problem would be fully solved if we had a model measuring to what extent a distribution-based quantity asymptotically behaves like the solution accuracy. We present a regression-prediction model that relates any two given quantities and reports if they can be statistically swapped as termination conditions. Our framework is applied to two issues. First, exploring if the parameters involved in the computation of distribution-based quantities influence their asymptotic behavior. Second, to what extent existing distribution-based quantities can be asymptotically exchanged for the accuracy of the EA solution.
Keywords: Evolutionary Computation Convergence, Termination Conditions, Statistical Inference
David Roche, Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo. (2012). "Assessing agonist efficacy in an uncertain Em world " In A. Christopoulus and M. Bouvier (Ed.), 40th Keystone Symposia on mollecular and celular biology (79). Keystone Symposia.
Abstract: The operational model of agonism has been widely used for the analysis of agonist action since its formulation in 1983. The model includes the Em parameter, which is defined as the maximum response of the system. The methods for Em estimation provide Em values not significantly higher than the maximum responses achieved by full agonists. However, it has been found that that some classes of compounds as, for instance, superagonists and positive allosteric modulators can increase the full agonist maximum response, implying upper limits for Em and thereby posing doubts on the validity of Em estimates. Because of the correlation between Em and operational efficacy, τ, wrong Em estimates will yield wrong τ estimates.
In this presentation, the operational model of agonism and various methods for the simulation of allosteric modulation will be analyzed. Alternatives for curve fitting will be presented and discussed.