Enric Marti. (1996)." Análisis de elementos gráficos en documentos" . CVC UAB: Computer Vision Centre.
Abstract: En este texto se presenta un estudio sobre las t’ecnicas y aplicaciones de an’alisis de documentos, y más concretamente abordando la problem’atica del an’alisis de de entidades gr’aficas. El ’area de an’alisis de documentos tiene como objetivo la interpretaci’on de documentos impresos sobre papel por m’etodos computacionales, para obtener una descripci’on con un alto nivel de abstracci’on, que permita su posterior tratamiento y archivo por m’etodos inform’aticos. Este objetivo, junto a los trabajos realizados hasta el momento, le otorgan a esta ’area un amplio ’ambito de aplicaciones para la manipulaci’on y archivo de documentos sobre papel, que puede llegar a significar un salto cualitativo importante (del papel al disco ’optico) en el uso de soportes de informaci’on, debido a las importantes prestaciones de acceso y capacidad de archivo que suponen los medios inform’aticos. Generalmente los documentos son introducidos en los sistemas de an’alisis de documentos mediante scanner, obt...
Petia Radeva, A.Amini, J.Huang, & Enric Marti. (1996). "Deformable B-Solids and Implicit Snakes for Localization and Tracking of SPAMM MRI-Data " In Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (pp. 192–201). IEEE Computer Society.
Abstract: To date, MRI-SPAMM data from different image slices have been analyzed independently. In this paper, we propose an approach for 3D tag localization and tracking of SPAMM data by a novel deformable B-solid. The solid is defined in terms of a 3D tensor product B-spline. The isoparametric curves of the B-spline solid have special importance. These are termed implicit snakes as they deform under image forces from tag lines in different image slices. The localization and tracking of tag lines is performed under constraints of continuity and smoothness of the B-solid. The framework unifies the problems of localization, and displacement fitting and interpolation into the same procedure utilizing B-spline bases for interpolation. To track motion from boundaries and restrict image forces to the myocardium, a volumetric model is employed as a pair of coupled endocardial and epicardial B-spline surfaces. To recover deformations in the LV an energy-minimization problem is posed where both tag and ...
Petia Radeva, Amir Amini, Jintao Huang, & Enric Marti. (1996). "Deformable B-Solids: application for localization and tracking of MRI-SPAMM data ". CVC (UAB).
Abstract: To date, MRI-SPAMM data from different image slices have been analyzed independently. In this paper, we propose an approach for 3D tag localization and tracking of SPAMM data by a novel deformable B-solid. The solid is defined in terms of a 3D tensor product B-spline. The isoparametric curves of the B-spline solid have special importance. These are termed implicit snakes as they deform under image forces from tag lines in different image slices. The localization and tracking of tag lines is performed under constraints of continuity and smoothness of the B-solid. The framework unifies the problems of localization, and displacement fitting and interpolation into the same procedure utilizing B-spline bases for interpolation. To track motion from boundaries and restrict image forces to the myocardium, a volumetric model is employed as a pair of coupled endocardial and epicardial B-spline surfaces. To recover deformations in the LV an energy-minimization problem is posed where both tag and ...
Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1997). "A string-based method to recognize symbols and structural textures in architectural plans " In 2nd IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (pp. 91–103).
Abstract: This paper deals with the recognition of symbols and struc- tural textures in architectural plans using string matching techniques. A plan is represented by an attributed graph whose nodes represent characteristic points and whose edges represent segments. Symbols and textures can be seen as a set of regions, i.e. closed loops in the graph, with a particular arrangement. The search for a symbol involves a graph matching between the regions of a model graph and the regions of the graph representing the document. Discriminating a texture means a clus- tering of neighbouring regions of this graph. Both procedures involve a similarity measure between graph regions. A string codification is used to represent the sequence of outlining edges of a region. Thus, the simila- rity between two regions is defined in terms of the string edit distance between their boundary strings. The use of string matching allows the recognition method to work also under presence of distortion.
Josep Llados, Horst Bunke, & Enric Marti. (1997). "Finding rotational symmetries by cyclic string matching " . Pattern recognition letters, 18(14), 1435–1442.
Abstract: Symmetry is an important shape feature. In this paper, a simple and fast method to detect perfect and distorted rotational symmetries of 2D objects is described. The boundary of a shape is polygonally approximated and represented as a string. Rotational symmetries are found by cyclic string matching between two identical copies of the shape string. The set of minimum cost edit sequences that transform the shape string to a cyclically shifted version of itself define the rotational symmetry and its order. Finally, a modification of the algorithm is proposed to detect reflectional symmetries. Some experimental results are presented to show the reliability of the proposed algorithm
Keywords: Rotational symmetry; Reflectional symmetry; String matching
Josep Llados, Horst Bunke, & Enric Marti. (1997). Using Cyclic String Matching to Find Rotational and Reflectional Symmetries in Shapes In Intelligent Robots: Sensing, Modeling and Planning (pp. 164–179). World Scientific Press.
Abstract: Dagstuhl Workshop
Josep Llados, Jaime Lopez-Krahe, & Enric Marti. (1997). "A system to understand hand-drawn floor plans using subgraph isomorphism and Hough transform " In Machine Vision and Applications (Vol. 10, pp. 150–158).
Abstract: Presently, man-machine interface development is a widespread research activity. A system to understand hand drawn architectural drawings in a CAD environment is presented in this paper. To understand a document, we have to identify its building elements and their structural properties. An attributed graph structure is chosen as a symbolic representation of the input document and the patterns to recognize in it. An inexact subgraph isomorphism procedure using relaxation labeling techniques is performed. In this paper we focus on how to speed up the matching. There is a building element, the walls, characterized by a hatching pattern. Using a straight line Hough transform (SLHT)-based method, we recognize this pattern, characterized by parallel straight lines, and remove from the input graph the edges belonging to this pattern. The isomorphism is then applied to the remainder of the input graph. When all the building elements have been recognized, the document is redrawn, correcting the inaccurate strokes obtained from a hand-drawn input.
Keywords: Line drawings – Hough transform – Graph matching – CAD systems – Graphics recognition
Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1997)." Playing with error-tolerant subgraph isomorphism in line drawings" In VII National Symposium on Pattern Recognition and image Analysis.
Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados, & Enric Marti. (1997)." Segmentation and analysis of linial texture in plans" In Actes de la conférence Artificielle et Complexité.. Paris.
Abstract: The problem of texture segmentation and interpretation is one of the main concerns in the field of document analysis. Graphical documents often contain areas characterized by a structural texture whose recognition allows both the document understanding, and its storage in a more compact way. In this work, we focus on structural linial textures of regular repetition contained in plan documents. Starting from an atributed graph which represents the vectorized input image, we develop a method to segment textured areas and recognize their placement rules. We wish to emphasize that the searched textures do not follow a predefined pattern. Minimal closed loops of the input graph are computed, and then hierarchically clustered. In this hierarchical clustering, a distance function between two closed loops is defined in terms of their areas difference and boundary resemblance computed by a string matching procedure. Finally it is noted that, when the texture consists of isolated primitive elements, the same method can be used after computing a Voronoi Tesselation of the input graph.
Keywords: Structural Texture, Voronoi, Hierarchical Clustering, String Matching.
Ernest Valveny, & Enric Marti. (1997)." Dimensions analysis in hand-drawn architectural drawings" In (SNRFAI’97) 7th Spanish National Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (pp. 90–91). CVC-UAB.