2023 |
Jose Elias Yauri. (2023)." Deep Learning Based Data Fusion Approaches for the Assessment of Cognitive States on EEG Signals" (Aura Hernandez, & Debora Gil, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, IMPRIMA, .
Abstract: For millennia, the study of the couple brain-mind has fascinated the humanity in order to understand the complex nature of cognitive states. A cognitive state is the state of the mind at a specific time and involves cognition activities to acquire and process information for making a decision, solving a problem, or achieving a goal.
While normal cognitive states assist in the successful accomplishment of tasks; on the contrary, abnormal states of the mind can lead to task failures due to a reduced cognition capability. In this thesis, we focus on the assessment of cognitive states by means of the analysis of ElectroEncephaloGrams (EEG) signals using deep learning methods. EEG records the electrical activity of the brain using a set of electrodes placed on the scalp that output a set of spatiotemporal signals that are expected to be correlated to a specific mental process.
From the point of view of artificial intelligence, any method for the assessment of cognitive states using EEG signals as input should face several challenges. On the one hand, one should determine which is the most suitable approach for the optimal combination of the multiple signals recorded by EEG electrodes. On the other hand, one should have a protocol for the collection of good quality unambiguous annotated data, and an experimental design for the assessment of the generalization and transfer of models. In order to tackle them, first, we propose several convolutional neural architectures to perform data fusion of the signals recorded by EEG electrodes, at raw signal and feature levels. Four channel fusion methods, easy to incorporate into any neural network architecture, are proposed and assessed. Second, we present a method to create an unambiguous dataset for the prediction of cognitive mental workload using serious games and an Airbus-320 flight simulator. Third, we present a validation protocol that takes into account the levels of generalization of models based on the source and amount of test data.
Finally, the approaches for the assessment of cognitive states are applied to two use cases of high social impact: the assessment of mental workload for personalized support systems in the cockpit and the detection of epileptic seizures. The results obtained from the first use case show the feasibility of task transfer of models trained to detect workload in serious games to real flight scenarios. The results from the second use case show the generalization capability of our EEG channel fusion methods at k-fold cross-validation, patient-specific, and population levels.
2021 |
Debora Gil, Oriol Ramos Terrades, & Raquel Perez. (2021). "Topological Radiomics (TOPiomics): Early Detection of Genetic Abnormalities in Cancer Treatment Evolution " In Extended Abstracts GEOMVAP 2019, Trends in Mathematics 15 (Vol. 15, 89–93). Springer Nature.
Abstract: Abnormalities in radiomic measures correlate to genomic alterations prone to alter the outcome of personalized anti-cancer treatments. TOPiomics is a new method for the early detection of variations in tumor imaging phenotype from a topological structure in multi-view radiomic spaces.
2019 |
Antonio Esteban Lansaque. (2019)." An Endoscopic Navigation System for Lung Cancer Biopsy" (Debora Gil, & Carles Sanchez, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, .
Abstract: Lung cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers among men and women. Actually,
lung cancer accounts for 13% of the total cases with a 5-year global survival
rate in patients. Although Early detection increases survival rate from 38% to 67%, accurate diagnosis remains a challenge. Pathological confirmation requires extracting a sample of the lesion tissue for its biopsy. The preferred procedure for tissue biopsy is called bronchoscopy. A bronchoscopy is an endoscopic technique for the internal exploration of airways which facilitates the performance of minimal invasive interventions with low risk for the patient. Recent advances in bronchoscopic devices have increased their use for minimal invasive diagnostic and intervention procedures, like lung cancer biopsy sampling. Despite the improvement in bronchoscopic device quality, there is a lack of intelligent computational systems for supporting in-vivo clinical decision during examinations. Existing technologies fail to accurately reach the lesion due to several aspects at intervention off-line planning and poor intra-operative guidance at exploration time. Existing guiding systems radiate patients and clinical staff,might be expensive and achieve a suboptimlal 70% of yield boost. Diagnostic yield could be improved reducing radiation and costs by developing intra-operative support systems able to guide the bronchoscopist to the lesion during the intervention. The goal of this PhD thesis is to develop an image-based navigation systemfor intra-operative guidance of bronchoscopists to a target lesion across a path previously planned on a CT-scan. We propose a 3D navigation system which uses the anatomy of video bronchoscopy frames to locate the bronchoscope within the airways. Once the bronchoscope is located, our navigation system is able to indicate the bifurcation which needs to be followed to reach the lesion. In order to facilitate an off-line validation
as realistic as possible, we also present a method for augmenting simulated virtual bronchoscopies with the appearance of intra-operative videos. Experiments performed on augmented and intra-operative videos, prove that our algorithm can be speeded up for an on-line implementation in the operating room.
2017 |
H. Martin Kjer, Jens Fagertun, Sergio Vera, & Debora Gil. (2017). "Medial structure generation for registration of anatomical structures " In Skeletonization, Theory, Methods and Applications (Vol. 11).
2015 |
David Roche. (2015)." A Statistical Framework for Terminating Evolutionary Algorithms at their Steady State" (Debora Gil, & Jesus Giraldo, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, .
Abstract: As any iterative technique, it is a necessary condition a stop criterion for terminating Evolutionary Algorithms (EA). In the case of optimization methods, the algorithm should stop at the time it has reached a steady state so it can not improve results anymore. Assessing the reliability of termination conditions for EAs is of prime importance. A wrong or weak stop criterion can negatively aect both the computational eort and the nal result.
In this Thesis, we introduce a statistical framework for assessing whether a termination condition is able to stop EA at its steady state. In one hand a numeric approximation to steady states to detect the point in which EA population has lost its diversity has been presented for EA termination. This approximation has been applied to dierent EA paradigms based on diversity and a selection of functions covering the properties most relevant for EA convergence. Experiments show that our condition works regardless of the search space dimension and function landscape and Dierential Evolution (DE) arises as the best paradigm. On the other hand, we use a regression model in order to determine the requirements ensuring that a measure derived from EA evolving population is related to the distance to the optimum in xspace.
Our theoretical framework is analyzed across several benchmark test functions
and two standard termination criteria based on function improvement in f-space and EA population x-space distribution for the DE paradigm. Results validate our statistical framework as a powerful tool for determining the capability of a measure for terminating EA and select the x-space distribution as the best-suited for accurately stopping DE in real-world applications.
Debora Gil, F. Javier Sanchez, Gloria Fernandez Esparrach, & Jorge Bernal. (2015). "3D Stable Spatio-temporal Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Videos " In Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy. Revised selected papers of Second International Workshop, CARE 2015, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2015 (Vol. 9515, pp. 140–152).
Abstract: Computational intelligent systems could reduce polyp miss rate in colonoscopy for colon cancer diagnosis and, thus, increase the efficiency of the procedure. One of the main problems of existing polyp localization methods is a lack of spatio-temporal stability in their response. We propose to explore the response of a given polyp localization across temporal windows in order to select
those image regions presenting the highest stable spatio-temporal response.
Spatio-temporal stability is achieved by extracting 3D watershed regions on the
temporal window. Stability in localization response is statistically determined by analysis of the variance of the output of the localization method inside each 3D region. We have explored the benefits of considering spatio-temporal stability in two different tasks: polyp localization and polyp detection. Experimental results indicate an average improvement of 21:5% in polyp localization and 43:78% in polyp detection.
Keywords: Colonoscopy, Polyp Detection, Polyp Localization, Region Extraction, Watersheds
Hanne Kause, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Patricia Marquez, Andrea Fuster, Luc Florack, Hans van Assen, et al. (2015). "Confidence Measures for Assessing the HARP Algorithm in Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging " In Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Revised selected papers of Imaging and Modelling Challenges 6th International Workshop, STACOM 2015, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2015 (Vol. 9534, pp. 69–79). Springer International Publishing.
Abstract: Cardiac deformation and changes therein have been linked to pathologies. Both can be extracted in detail from tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI) using harmonic phase (HARP) images. Although point tracking algorithms have shown to have high accuracies on HARP images, these vary with position. Detecting and discarding areas with unreliable results is crucial for use in clinical support systems. This paper assesses the capability of two confidence measures (CMs), based on energy and image structure, for detecting locations with reduced accuracy in motion tracking results. These CMs were tested on a database of simulated tMRI images containing the most common artifacts that may affect tracking accuracy. CM performance is assessed based on its capability for HARP tracking error bounding and compared in terms of significant differences detected using a multi comparison analysis of variance that takes into account the most influential factors on HARP tracking performance. Results showed that the CM based on image structure was better suited to detect unreliable optical flow vectors. In addition, it was shown that CMs can be used to detect optical flow vectors with large errors in order to improve the optical flow obtained with the HARP tracking algorithm.
Patricia Marquez. (2015)." A Confidence Framework for the Assessment of Optical Flow Performance" (Debora Gil, & Aura Hernandez, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, .
Abstract: Optical Flow (OF) is the input of a wide range of decision support systems such as car driver assistance, UAV guiding or medical diagnose. In these real situations, the absence of ground truth forces to assess OF quality using quantities computed from either sequences or the computed optical flow itself. These quantities are generally known as Confidence Measures, CM. Even if we have a proper confidence measure we still need a way to evaluate its ability to discard pixels with an OF prone to have a large error. Current approaches only provide a descriptive evaluation of the CM performance but such approaches are not capable to fairly compare different confidence measures and optical flow algorithms. Thus, it is of prime importance to define a framework and a general road map for the evaluation of optical flow performance.
This thesis provides a framework able to decide which pairs “ optical flow – confidence measure” (OF-CM) are best suited for optical flow error bounding given a confidence level determined by a decision support system. To design this framework we cover the following points:
Descriptive scores. As a first step, we summarize and analyze the sources of inaccuracies in the output of optical flow algorithms. Second, we present several descriptive plots that visually assess CM capabilities for OF error bounding. In addition to the descriptive plots, given a plot representing OF-CM capabilities to bound the error, we provide a numeric score that categorizes the plot according to its decreasing profile, that is, a score assessing CM performance.
Statistical framework. We provide a comparison framework that assesses the best suited OF-CM pair for error bounding that uses a two stage cascade process. First of all we assess the predictive value of the confidence measures by means of a descriptive plot. Then, for a sample of descriptive plots computed over training frames, we obtain a generic curve that will be used for sequences with no ground truth. As a second step, we evaluate the obtained general curve and its capabilities to really reflect the predictive value of a confidence measure using the variability across train frames by means of ANOVA.
The presented framework has shown its potential in the application on clinical decision support systems. In particular, we have analyzed the impact of the different image artifacts such as noise and decay to the output of optical flow in a cardiac diagnose system and we have improved the navigation inside the bronchial tree on bronchoscopy.
Sergio Vera. (2015)." Anatomic Registration based on Medial Axis Parametrizations" (Debora Gil, & Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, .
Abstract: Image registration has been for many years the gold standard method to bring two images into correspondence. It has been used extensively in the eld of medical imaging in order to put images of dierent patients into a common overlapping spatial position. However, medical image registration is a slow, iterative optimization process, where many variables and prone to fall into the pit traps local minima.
A coordinate system parameterizing the interior of organs is a powerful tool for a systematic localization of injured tissue. If the same coordinate values are assigned to specic anatomical sites, parameterizations ensure integration of data across different medical image modalities. Harmonic mappings have been used to produce parametric meshes over the surface of anatomical shapes, given their ability to set values at specic locations through boundary conditions. However, most of the existing implementations in medical imaging restrict to either anatomical surfaces, or the depth coordinate with boundary conditions is given at discrete sites of limited geometric diversity.
The medial surface of the shape can be used to provide a continuous basis for the denition of a depth coordinate. However, given that dierent methods for generation of medial surfaces generate dierent manifolds, not all of them are equally suited to be the basis of radial coordinate for a parameterization. It would be desirable that the medial surface will be smooth, and robust to surface shape noise, with low number of spurious branches or surfaces.
In this thesis we present methods for computation of smooth medial manifolds and apply them to the generation of for anatomical volumetric parameterization that extends current harmonic parameterizations to the interior anatomy using information provided by the volume medial surface. This reference system sets a solid base for creating anatomical models of the anatomical shapes, and allows comparing several patients in a common framework of reference.
2014 |
Carles Sanchez. (2014)." Tracheal Structure Characterization using Geometric and Appearance Models for Efficient Assessment of Stenosis in Videobronchoscopy" (F. Javier Sanchez, Debora Gil, & Jorge Bernal, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, .
Abstract: Recent advances in endoscopic devices have increased their use for minimal invasive diagnostic and intervention procedures. Among all endoscopic modalities, bronchoscopy is one of the most frequent with around 261 millions of procedures per year. Although the use of bronchoscopy is spread among clinical facilities it presents some drawbacks, being the visual inspection for the assessment of anatomical measurements the most prevalent of them. In
particular, inaccuracies in the estimation of the degree of stenosis (the percentage of obstructed airway) decreases its diagnostic yield and might lead to erroneous treatments. An objective computation of tracheal stenosis in bronchoscopy videos would constitute a breakthrough for this non-invasive technique and a reduction in treatment cost.
This thesis settles the first steps towards on-line reliable extraction of anatomical information from videobronchoscopy for computation of objective measures. In particular, we focus on the computation of the degree of stenosis, which is obtained by comparing the area delimited by a healthy tracheal ring and the stenosed lumen. Reliable extraction of airway structures in interventional videobronchoscopy is a challenging task. This is mainly due to the large variety of acquisition conditions (positions and illumination), devices (different digitalizations) and in videos acquired at the operating room the unpredicted presence of surgical devices (such as probe ends). This thesis contributes to on-line stenosis assessment in several ways. We
propose a parametric strategy for the extraction of lumen and tracheal rings regions based on the characterization of their geometry and appearance that guide a deformable model. The geometric and appearance characterization is based on a physical model describing the way bronchoscopy images are obtained and includes local and global descriptions. In order to ensure a systematic applicability we present a statistical framework to select the optimal
parameters of our method. Experiments perform on the first public annotated database, show that the performance of our method is comparable to the one provided by clinicians and its computation time allows for a on-line implementation in the operating room.