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Josep Llados, Jaime Lopez-Krahe, & Enric Marti. (1997). "A system to understand hand-drawn floor plans using subgraph isomorphism and Hough transform " In Machine Vision and Applications (Vol. 10, pp. 150–158).
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Enric Marti, Debora Gil, & Carme Julia. (2005). "A PBL experience in the teaching of Computer Graphics " In EUROGRAPHICS Proceedings (Vol. 5, pp. 95–103).
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Enric Marti, Carme Julia, & Debora Gil. (2007). "A PBL Experience in the Teaching of Computer Graphics " In XVII Congreso Español de Informàtica Gráfica (Vol. 25, pp. 95–103).
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Enric Marti, Carme Julia, & Debora Gil. (2006). "A PBL Experience in the Teaching of Computer Graphics " . Computer Graphics Forum, 25(1), 95–103.
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Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2015)." Towards On-line Quantification of Tracheal Stenosis from Videobronchoscopy" In 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions IPCAI2015 (Vol. 10, pp. 935–945).
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Debora Gil, Ruth Aris, Agnes Borras, Esmitt Ramirez, Rafael Sebastian, & Mariano Vazquez. (2019). "Influence of fiber connectivity in simulations of cardiac biomechanics " . International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14(1), 63–72.
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Carles Sanchez. (2014)." Tracheal Structure Characterization using Geometric and Appearance Models for Efficient Assessment of Stenosis in Videobronchoscopy" (F. Javier Sanchez, Debora Gil, & Jorge Bernal, Eds.). Ph.D. thesis, Ediciones Graficas Rey, .
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Jaume Garcia, Francesc Carreras, Sandra Pujades, & Debora Gil. (2008). "Regional motion patterns for the Left Ventricle function assessment " In Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition ICPR 2008 (pp. 1–4).
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Debora Gil, Oriol Rodriguez, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2006)." Statistical descriptors of the Myocardial perfusion in angiographic images" In Proc. Computers in Cardiology (pp. 677–680).
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Joan M. Nuñez. (2011). "Computer vision techniques for characterization of finger joints in X-ray image " (Dr. Fernando Vilariño and Dra. Debora Gil, Ed.) (Vol. 165). Master's thesis, , .
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