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Margarita Torre, Beatriz Remeseiro, Petia Radeva, & Fernando Martinez. (2020). DeepNEM: Deep Network Energy-Minimization for Agricultural Field Segmentation. JSTAEOR - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 726–737.
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Frederic Sampedro, Anna Domenech, Sergio Escalera, & Ignasi Carrio. (2015). Deriving global quantitative tumor response parameters from 18F-FDG PET-CT scans in patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. NMC - Nuclear Medicine Communications, 36(4), 328–333.
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Eduard Vazquez, Ramon Baldrich, Joost Van de Weijer, & Maria Vanrell. (2011). Describing Reflectances for Colour Segmentation Robust to Shadows, Highlights and Textures. TPAMI - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 33(5), 917–930.
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Sergio Escalera, R. M. Martinez, Jordi Vitria, Petia Radeva, & Maria Teresa Anguera. (2010). Deteccion automatica de la dominancia en conversaciones diadicas. EP - Escritos de Psicologia, 3(2), 41–45.
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