Jaime Moreno, & Xavier Otazu. (2011). Image coder based on Hilbert scanning of embedded quadTrees. In Data Compression Conference (p. 470).
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Jaime Moreno, & Xavier Otazu. (2011). Image compression algorithm based on Hilbert scanning of embedded quadTrees: an introduction of the Hi-SET coder. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (pp. 1–6).
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Susana Alvarez, Xavier Otazu, & Maria Vanrell. (2005). Image Segmentation Based on Inter-Feature Distance Maps. In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 131: 75–82.
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Eduard Vazquez, Joost Van de Weijer, & Ramon Baldrich. (2008). Image Segmentation in the Presence of Shadows and Highligts. In 10th European Conference on Computer Vision (Vol. 5305, 1–14). LNCS.
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Arjan Gijsenij, Theo Gevers, & Joost Van de Weijer. (2012). Improving Color Constancy by Photometric Edge Weighting. TPAMI - IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(5), 918–929.
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O. Fors, J. Nuñez, Xavier Otazu, A. Prades, & Robert D. Cardinal. (2010). Improving the Ability of Image Sensors to Detect Faint Stars and Moving Objects Using Image Deconvolution Techniques. SENS - Sensors, 10(3), 1743–1752.
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Maria Vanrell, Ramon Baldrich, Anna Salvatella, Robert Benavente, & Francesc Tous. (2004). Induction operators for a computational colour-texture representation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 94(1–3):92–114, ISSN: 1077–3142 (IF: 0.651).
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Danna Xue, Javier Vazquez, Luis Herranz, Yang Zhang, & Michael S Brown. (2023). Integrating High-Level Features for Consistent Palette-based Multi-image Recoloring. CGF - Computer Graphics Forum, .
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Jordi Roca, A.Owen, G.Jordan, Y.Ling, C. Alejandro Parraga, & A.Hurlbert. (2011). Inter-individual Variations in Color Naming and the Structure of 3D Color Space. In Journal of Vision (Vol. 12, 166).
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Joost Van de Weijer, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, & Marc Masana. (2013). Interactive Visual and Semantic Image Retrieval. In Angel Sappa, & Jordi Vitria (Eds.), Multimodal Interaction in Image and Video Applications (Vol. 48, pp. 31–35). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Sagnik Das, Hassan Ahmed Sial, Ke Ma, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell, & Dimitris Samaras. (2020). Intrinsic Decomposition of Document Images In-the-Wild. In 31st British Machine Vision Conference.
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Shida Beigpour, Marc Serra, Joost Van de Weijer, Robert Benavente, Maria Vanrell, Olivier Penacchio, et al. (2013). Intrinsic Image Evaluation On Synthetic Complex Scenes. In 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp. 285–289).
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Xavier Otazu, M. Gonzalez-Audicana, O. Fors, & J. Nuñez. (2005). Introduction of Sensor Spectral Response Into Image Fusion Methods. Application to Wavelet-Based Methods. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(10): 2376–2385 (IF: 1.627).
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Robert Benavente, C. Alejandro Parraga, & Maria Vanrell. (2010). La influencia del contexto en la definicion de las fronteras entre las categorias cromaticas. In 9th Congreso Nacional del Color (92–95).
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Naila Murray, & Eduard Vazquez. (2010). Lacuna Restoration: How to choose a neutral colour? In Proceedings of The CREATE 2010 Conference (248–252).
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Xavier Boix. (2009). Learning Conditional Random Fields for Stereo (Vol. 136). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Naila Murray, Luca Marchesotti, & Florent Perronnin. (2012). Learning to Rank Images using Semantic and Aesthetic Labels. In 23rd British Machine Vision Conference (110.pp. 1–110.10).
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Hassan Ahmed Sial, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell, & Dimitris Samaras. (2020). Light Direction and Color Estimation from Single Image with Deep Regression. In London Imaging Conference.
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