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Angel Valencia, Roger Idrovo, Angel Sappa, Douglas Plaza, & Daniel Ochoa. (2017). A 3D Vision Based Approach for Optimal Grasp of Vacuum Grippers. In IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics.
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Anjan Dutta, Pau Riba, Josep Llados, & Alicia Fornes. (2017). Pyramidal Stochastic Graphlet Embedding for Document Pattern Classification. In 14th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 33–38).
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Anna Salvatella, Maria Vanrell, & Ramon Baldrich. (2003). Subtexture Components for Texture Description. In 1rst. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis IbPRIA 2003 (Vol. 2652, pp. 884–892). LNCS.
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Antoni Rosell, Sonia Baeza, S. Garcia-Reina, JL. Mate, Ignasi Guasch, I. Nogueira, et al. (2022). Radiomics to increase the effectiveness of lung cancer screening programs. Radiolung preliminary results. ERJ - European Respiratory Journal, 60(66).
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Antonio Lopez. (1997). Ridge/Valley-like structures: Creases, separatrices and drainage patterns.
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Antonio Lopez, Jiaolong Xu, Jose Luis Gomez, David Vazquez, & German Ros. (2017). From Virtual to Real World Visual Perception using Domain Adaptation -- The DPM as Example. In Gabriela Csurka (Ed.), Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision Applications (pp. 243–258). Springer.
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Antonio Lopez, & Joan Serrat. (1996). Tracing crease curves by solving a system of differential equations. In ECCV 1996 (Vol. 1064). LNCS.
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Antonio Lopez, & Joan Serrat. (1995). Image Analysis through Surface Geometric Descriptors. In VI National Simposium on Pattern Recognition and image Analysis..
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Ariel Amato. (2014). Moving cast shadow detection. ELCVIA - Electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis, 13(2), 70–71.
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B. Gotschy, Matthias S. Keil, H. Klos, & I. Rystau. (1994). Transition from static to dynamic Jahn-Teller distortion in (P(C6 H5)4)2 C60|. Solid State Communications, 92(12), 935–938.
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B. Moghaddam, David Guillamet, & Jordi Vitria. (2003). Local Appearance-Based Models using High-Order Statistics of Image Features. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
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Bart M. Ter Haar Romeny, W. Niessen, J. Weickert, P. Van Roermund, W. Van Enk, Antonio Lopez, et al. (1996). Orientation detection of trabecular bone. In Biophysics and Molecular Biology, International Biophysics Congress. Volume 65, pgs. P–H5–43.
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Bogdan Raducanu, Alireza Bosaghzadeh, & Fadi Dornaika. (2014). Facial Expression Recognition based on Multi-view Observations with Application to Social Robotics. In 1st Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing (pp. 1–8).
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Bogdan Raducanu, Alireza Bosaghzadeh, & Fadi Dornaika. (2015). Multi-observation Face Recognition in Videos based on Label Propagation. In 6th Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures AMFG2015 (pp. 10–17).
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Bogdan Raducanu, & Fadi Dornaika. (2014). Embedding new observations via sparse-coding for non-linear manifold learning. PR - Pattern Recognition, 47(1), 480–492.
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