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Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Jiaolong Xu, Muhammad Anwer Rao, Joost Van de Weijer, Andrew Bagdanov, & Antonio Lopez. (2015). Recognizing Actions through Action-specific Person Detection. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(11), 4422–4432.
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G.Blasco, Simone Balocco, J.Puig, J.Sanchez-Gonzalez, W.Ricart, J.Daunis-I-Estadella, et al. (2015). Carotid pulse wave velocity by magnetic resonance imaging is increased in middle-aged subjects with the metabolic syndrome. ICJI - International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 31(3), 603–612.
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Lluis Garrido, M.Guerrieri, & Laura Igual. (2015). Image Segmentation with Cage Active Contours. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(12), 5557–5566.
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David Aldavert, Marçal Rusiñol, Ricardo Toledo, & Josep Llados. (2015). A Study of Bag-of-Visual-Words Representations for Handwritten Keyword Spotting. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 18(3), 223–234.
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Mikhail Mozerov, & Joost Van de Weijer. (2015). Global Color Sparseness and a Local Statistics Prior for Fast Bilateral Filtering. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(12), 5842–5853.
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Dimosthenis Karatzas, Lluis Gomez, Anguelos Nicolaou, Suman Ghosh, Andrew Bagdanov, Masakazu Iwamura, et al. (2015). ICDAR 2015 Competition on Robust Reading. In 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR2015 (pp. 1156–1160).
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Lluis Gomez, & Dimosthenis Karatzas. (2015). Object Proposals for Text Extraction in the Wild. In 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR2015 (pp. 206–210).
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Maedeh Aghaei, Mariella Dimiccoli, & Petia Radeva. (2015). Towards social interaction detection in egocentric photo-streams. In Proceedings of SPIE, 8th International Conference on Machine Vision , ICMV 2015 (Vol. 9875).
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Ivan Huerta, Michael Holte, Thomas B. Moeslund, & Jordi Gonzalez. (2015). Chromatic shadow detection and tracking for moving foreground segmentation. IMAVIS - Image and Vision Computing, 41, 42–53.
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Josep M. Gonfaus, Marco Pedersoli, Jordi Gonzalez, Andrea Vedaldi, & Xavier Roca. (2015). Factorized appearances for object detection. CVIU - Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 138, 92–101.
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Julie Digne, Mariella Dimiccoli, Neus Sabater, & Philippe Salembier. (2015). Neighborhood Filters and the Recovery of 3D Information. In Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging (pp. 1645–1673). Springer New York.
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Maedeh Aghaei, Mariella Dimiccoli, & Petia Radeva. (2015). Multi-Face Tracking by Extended Bag-of-Tracklets in Egocentric Videos.
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Fadi Dornaika, Bogdan Raducanu, & Alireza Bosaghzadeh. (2015). Facial expression recognition based on multi observations with application to social robotics. In Bruce Flores (Ed.), Emotional and Facial Expressions: Recognition, Developmental Differences and Social Importance (pp. 153–166). Nova Science publishers.
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Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Meritxell Joanpere, Nuria Gorgorio, & Lluis Albarracin. (2015). Mathematics learning opportunities when playing a Tower Defense Game. IJSG - International Journal of Serious Games, 57–71.
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Gloria Fernandez Esparrach, Jorge Bernal, Cristina Rodriguez de Miguel, Debora Gil, Fernando Vilariño, Henry Cordova, et al. (2015). Colonic polyps are correctly identified by a computer vision method using wm-dova energy maps. In Proceedings of 23 United European- UEG Week 2015.
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