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Koen E.A. van de Sande, Theo Gevers, & C.G.M. Snoek. (2010). Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition. TPAMI - IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(9), 1582–1596.
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J. Stöttinger, A. Hanbury, N. Sebe, & Theo Gevers. (2012). Spars Color Interest Points for Image Retrieval and Object Categorization. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(5), 2681–2692.
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R. Valenti, N. Sebe, & Theo Gevers. (2012). What are you looking at? Improving Visual gaze Estimation by Saliency. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 98(3), 324–334.
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R. Valenti, & Theo Gevers. (2012). Accurate Eye Center Location through Invariant Isocentric Patterns. TPAMI - IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(9), 1785–1798.
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Arjan Gijsenij, Theo Gevers, & Joost Van de Weijer. (2012). Improving Color Constancy by Photometric Edge Weighting. TPAMI - IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(5), 918–929.
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R. Valenti, & Theo Gevers. (2012). Combining Head Pose and Eye Location Information for Gaze Estimation. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(2), 802–815.
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Arjan Gijsenij, R. Lu, Theo Gevers, & De Xu. (2012). Color Constancy for Multiple Light Source. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(2), 697–707.
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Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Albert Ali Salah, & Theo Gevers. (2012). A Statistical Method for 2D Facial Landmarking. TIP - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(2), 844–858.
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Alberto Hidalgo, Ferran Poveda, Enric Marti, Debora Gil, Albert Andaluz, Francesc Carreras, et al. (2012). Evidence of continuous helical structure of the cardiac ventricular anatomy assessed by diffusion tensor imaging magnetic resonance multiresolution tractography. ECR - European Radiology, 3(1), 361–362.
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Antonio Hernandez, Miguel Angel Bautista, Xavier Perez Sala, Victor Ponce, Sergio Escalera, Xavier Baro, et al. (2014). Probability-based Dynamic Time Warping and Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for Human Gesture Recognition in RGB-D. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 50(1), 112–121.
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Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Joost Van de Weijer, & Maria Vanrell. (2012). Modulating Shape Features by Color Attention for Object Recognition. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 98(1), 49–64.
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Jose Carlos Rubio, Joan Serrat, Antonio Lopez, & Daniel Ponsa. (2012). Multiple target tracking for intelligent headlights control. TITS - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13(2), 594–605.
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Sergio Escalera, Ana Puig, Oscar Amoros, & Maria Salamo. (2011). Intelligent GPGPU Classification in Volume Visualization: a framework based on Error-Correcting Output Codes. CGF - Computer Graphics Forum, 30(7), 2107–2115.
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Laura Igual, Joan Carles Soliva, Antonio Hernandez, Sergio Escalera, Xavier Jimenez, Oscar Vilarroya, et al. (2011). A fully-automatic caudate nucleus segmentation of brain MRI: Application in volumetric analysis of pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. BEO - BioMedical Engineering Online, 10(105), 1–23.
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Mario Rojas, David Masip, A. Todorov, & Jordi Vitria. (2011). Automatic Prediction of Facial Trait Judgments: Appearance vs. Structural Models. Plos - PloS one, 6(8), e23323.
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