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  Author Title Year (down) Publication Volume Pages Links
Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados Syntactic models to represent perceptually regular repetitive patterns in graphic documents 2003 Proceedings of Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, 194–201 details   openurl
Ernest Valveny; Antonio Lopez Numeral Recognition for Quality Control of Surgical Sachets 2003 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR´03), 379–383 details   pdf openurl
Oriol Ramos Terrades Descripcio i classificacio de simbols tecnics usant la transformada de crestetes 2003 CVC Technical Report #74 details   openurl
Josep Llados; Ernest Valveny; Gemma Sanchez; Enric Marti A Case Study of Pattern Recognition: Symbol Recognition in Graphic Documentsa 2003 Proceedings of Pattern Recognition in Information Systems 1-13 details   url
Gemma Sanchez; Ernest Valveny; Josep Llados; Enric Marti; Oriol Ramos Terrades; N.Lozano; Joan Mas A system for virtual prototyping of architectural projects 2003 Proceedings of Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Pattern Recognition 65-74 details   openurl
Ernest Valveny; Enric Marti A model for image generation and symbol recognition through the deformation of lineal shapes 2003 Pattern Recognition Letters 24 2857-2867 details   pdf doi
Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; K. Tombre A mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes 2002 Pattern Recognition Letters 23 203–214 details   doi
Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; K. Tombre An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Texture Symbols. 2002 Graphics Recognition: Algorithms and Apllications, LNCS 2390: 128–138, Springer Verlag. details   openurl
Francesc Tous; Agnes Borras; Robert Benavente; Ramon Baldrich; Maria Vanrell; Josep Llados Textual Descriptors for browsing people by visual appearence. 2002 5è. Congrés Català d’Intel·ligència Artificial CCIA details   pdf openurl
Ramon Baldrich; Ricardo Toledo; Ernest Valveny; Maria Vanrell Perceptual Colour Image Segmentation. 2002 Proceeding of the Second IASTED International Conference Visualization, Imaging and Image Proceesing VIIP 2002: 145–150. details   openurl
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