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Albert Suso; Pau Riba; Oriol Ramos Terrades; Josep Llados A Self-supervised Inverse Graphics Approach for Sketch Parametrization 2021 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 12916 28-42 details   url
Sanket Biswas; Pau Riba; Josep Llados; Umapada Pal Graph-Based Deep Generative Modelling for Document Layout Generation 2021 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 12917 525-537 details   pdf doi
Jialuo Chen; Pau Riba; Alicia Fornes; Juan Mas; Josep Llados; Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora Word-Hunter: A Gamesourcing Experience to Validate the Transcription of Historical Manuscripts 2018 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition 528-533 details   pdf doi
Olivier Lefebvre; Pau Riba; Charles Fournier; Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados; Rejean Plamondon; Jules Gagnon-Marchand Monitoring neuromotricity on-line: a cloud computing approach 2015 17th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society IGS2015 details   pdf url
Oriol Ramos Terrades; N. Serrano; Albert Gordo; Ernest Valveny; Alfons Juan-Ciscar Interactive-predictive detection of handwritten text blocks 2010 17th Document Recognition and Retrieval Conference, part of the IS&T-SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium 7534 75340Q–75340Q–10 details   doi
Andrea Gemelli; Sanket Biswas; Enrico Civitelli; Josep Llados; Simone Marinai Doc2Graph: A Task Agnostic Document Understanding Framework Based on Graph Neural Networks 2022 17th European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops 13804 329–344 details   pdf doi
Subhajit Maity; Sanket Biswas; Siladittya Manna; Ayan Banerjee; Josep Llados; Saumik Bhattacharya; Umapada Pal SelfDocSeg: A Self-Supervised vision-based Approach towards Document Segmentation 2023 17th International Conference on Doccument Analysis and Recognition 14187 342–360 details   pdf doi
Francesc Net; Marc Folia; Pep Casals; Lluis Gomez Transductive Learning for Near-Duplicate Image Detection in Scanned Photo Collections 2023 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 14191 3-17 details   url
Ayan Banerjee; Sanket Biswas; Josep Llados; Umapada Pal SwinDocSegmenter: An End-to-End Unified Domain Adaptive Transformer for Document Instance Segmentation 2023 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 14187 307–325 details   url
Wenwen Yu; Chengquan Zhang; Haoyu Cao; Wei Hua; Bohan Li; Huang Chen; Mingyu Liu; Mingrui Chen; Jianfeng Kuang; Mengjun Cheng; Yuning Du; Shikun Feng; Xiaoguang Hu; Pengyuan Lyu; Kun Yao; Yuechen Yu; Yuliang Liu; Wanxiang Che; Errui Ding; Cheng-Lin Liu; Jiebo Luo; Shuicheng Yan; Min Zhang; Dimosthenis Karatzas; Xing Sun; Jingdong Wang; Xiang Bai ICDAR 2023 Competition on Structured Text Extraction from Visually-Rich Document Images 2023 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 14188 536–552 details   url
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