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  Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Albert Gordo; Ernest Valveny A rotation invariant page layout descriptor for document classification and retrieval 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 481–485 details   doi
Albert Gordo; Ernest Valveny The diagonal split: A pre-segmentation step for page layout analysis & classification 2009 4th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 5524 290–297 details   doi
Marçal Rusiñol; Josep Llados Logo Spotting by a Bag-of-words Approach for Document Categorization 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 111–115 details   doi
Sergio Escalera; Alicia Fornes; Oriol Pujol; Alberto Escudero; Petia Radeva Circular Blurred Shape Model for Symbol Spotting in Documents 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1985-1988 details   url
Sergio Escalera; Alicia Fornes; Oriol Pujol; Petia Radeva Multi-class Binary Symbol Classification with Circular Blurred Shape Models 2009 15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing 5716 1005–1014 details   doi
Miquel Ferrer; Ernest Valveny; F. Serratosa; I. Bardaji; Horst Bunke Graph-based k-means clustering: A comparison of the set versus the generalized median graph 2009 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns 5702 342–350 details   doi
Ricard Coll; Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados Graphological Analysis of Handwritten Text Documents for Human Resources Recruitment 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 1081–1085 details   doi
Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; Horst Bunke Symbol-independent writer identification in old handwritten music scores 2009 In proceedings of 8th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition 186–197 details   isbn
Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; Horst Bunke On the use of textural features for writer identification in old handwritten music scores 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 996 - 1000 details   doi
Agnes Borras; Josep Llados Corest: A measure of color and space stability to detect salient regions according to human criteria 2009 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 204-209 details   isbn
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