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Enric Marti; Antoni Gurgui; Debora Gil; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Jaume Rocarias; Ferran Poveda ABP on line: Seguimiento, estregas y evaluación en aprendizaje basado en proyectos 2014 8th International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation details   pdf openurl
Carles Sanchez; Oriol Ramos Terrades; Patricia Marquez; Enric Marti; Jaume Rocarias; Debora Gil Evaluación automática de prácticas en Moodle para el aprendizaje autónomo en Ingenierías 2014 8th International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation details   pdf openurl
Carles Sanchez Tracheal Structure Characterization using Geometric and Appearance Models for Efficient Assessment of Stenosis in Videobronchoscopy 2014 PhD Thesis, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-CVC details   isbn
Carles Sanchez; Debora Gil; R. Tazi; Jorge Bernal; Y. Ruiz; L. Planas; F. Javier Sanchez; Antoni Rosell Quasi-real time digital assessment of Central Airway Obstruction 2015 3rd European congress for bronchology and interventional pulmonology ECBIP2015 details   openurl
Hanne Kause; Patricia Marquez; Andrea Fuster; Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Luc Florack; Debora Gil; Hans van Assen Quality Assessment of Optical Flow in Tagging MRI 2015 5th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference BME2015 details   openurl
David Roche A Statistical Framework for Terminating Evolutionary Algorithms at their Steady State 2015 PhD Thesis, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-CVC details   openurl
Patricia Marquez A Confidence Framework for the Assessment of Optical Flow Performance 2015 PhD Thesis, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-CVC details   isbn
Sergio Vera Anatomic Registration based on Medial Axis Parametrizations 2015 PhD Thesis, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-CVC details   isbn
Gloria Fernandez Esparrach; Jorge Bernal; Cristina Rodriguez de Miguel; Debora Gil; Fernando Vilariño; Henry Cordova; Cristina Sanchez Montes; I.Araujo ; Maria Lopez Ceron; J.Llach; F. Javier Sanchez Colonic polyps are correctly identified by a computer vision method using wm-dova energy maps 2015 Proceedings of 23 United European- UEG Week 2015 details   pdf url
Antonio Esteban Lansaque; Carles Sanchez; Agnes Borras; Marta Diez-Ferrer; Antoni Rosell; Debora Gil Stable Airway Center Tracking for Bronchoscopic Navigation 2016 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology details   pdf openurl
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