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Enric Marti; Jaume Rocarias; Ricardo Toledo; Aura Hernandez-Sabate Caronte: plataforma Moodle con gestion flexible de grupos. Primeras experiencias en asignaturas de Ingenieria Informatica 2009 15th Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informatica 461–468 details   pdf isbn
Joel Barajas; Jaume Garcia; Karla Lizbeth Caballero; Francesc Carreras; Sandra Pujades; Petia Radeva Correction of Misalignment Artifacts Among 2-D Cardiac MR Images in 3-D Space 2006 1st International Wokshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging (CVII’06) 3217 114-121 details   pdf isbn
Jaume Garcia; Petia Radeva; Francesc Carreras Combining Spectral and Active Shape methods to Track Tagged MRI 2004 Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development 37-44 details   pdf openurl
J.L.Bruguera; R.Casado; M.Martinez; I.Corral; Enric Marti; L.A.Branda El apoyo institucional como elemento favorecedor de la coordinación docente: experiencias en diferentes universidades 2009 Revista Red-U details   openurl
Cristina Cañero; Petia Radeva; Oriol Pujol; Ricardo Toledo; Debora Gil; J. Saludes; Juan J. Villanueva; B. Garcia del Blanco; J. Mauri; E. Fernandez-Nofrerias; J.A. Gomez-Hospital; E. Iraculis; J. Comin; C. Quiles; F. Jara; A. Cequier; E. Esplugas Optimal Stent Implantation: Three-dimensional Evaluation of the Mutual Position of Stent and Vessel via Intracoronary Ecography 1999 Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99) details   pdf openurl
Cristina Cañero; Petia Radeva; Oriol Pujol; Ricardo Toledo; Debora Gil; J. Saludes; Juan J. Villanueva; B. Garcia del Blanco; J. Mauri; Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias; J.A. Gomez-Hospital; E. Iraculis; J. Comin; C. Quiles; F. Jara; A. Cequier; E.Esplugas Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of the coronary tree using intravascular ultrasound images 1999 Proceedings of International Conference on Computer in Cardiology (CIC´99) details   pdf openurl
Debora Gil; Jordi Gonzalez; Gemma Sanchez (eds) Computer Vision: Advances in Research and Development 2007 Proceedings of the 2nd CVC International Workshop details   isbn
Enric Marti; Jordi Regincos; Jaime Lopez-Krahe; Juan J.Villanueva A system for interpretation of hand line drawings as three-dimensional scene for CAD input 1991 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 472-480 details   openurl
G.Estape; Enric Marti L’ús d’aplicacions de visualització 3D com a eina d’aprenenetatge en activitats formatives dirigides i autònomes: el cas del programa Bluestar 2008 V Jornades d’Innovació Docent UAB details   openurl
Jaume Garcia Statistical Models of the Architecture and Function of the Left Ventricle 2009 PhD Thesis, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-CVC details   pdf openurl
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