2007 |
Enric Marti, Carme Julia, & Debora Gil. (2007). "A PBL Experience in the Teaching of Computer Graphics " In XVII Congreso Español de Informàtica Gráfica (Vol. 25, pp. 95–103).
Abstract: Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an educational strategy to improve student’s learning capability that, in recent years, has had a progressive acceptance in undergraduate studies. This methodology is based on solving a problem or project in a student working group. In this way, PBL focuses on learning the necessary tools to correctly find a solution to given problems. Since the learning initiative is transferred to the student, the PBL method promotes students own abilities. This allows a better assessment of the true workload that carries out the student in the subject. It follows that the methodology conforms to the guidelines of the Bologna document, which quantifies the student workload in a subject by means of the European credit transfer system (ECTS). PBL is currently applied in undergraduate studies needing strong practical training such as medicine, nursing or law sciences. Although this is also the case in engineering studies, amazingly, few experiences have been reported. In this paper we propose to use PBL in the educational organization of the Computer Graphics subjects in the Computer Science degree. Our PBL project focuses in the development of a C++ graphical environment based on the OpenGL libraries for visualization and handling of different graphical objects. The starting point is a basic skeleton that already includes lighting functions, perspective projection with mouse interaction to change the point of view and three predefined objects. Students have to complete this skeleton by adding their own functions to solve the project. A total number of 10 projects have been proposed and successfully solved. The exercises range from human face rendering to articulated objects, such as robot arms or puppets. In the present paper we extensively report the statement and educational objectives for two of the projects: solar system visualization and a chess game. We report our earlier educational experience based on the standard classroom theoretical, problem and practice sessions and the reasons that motivated searching for other learning methods. We have mainly chosen PBL because it improves the student learning initiative. We have applied the PBL educational model since the beginning of the second semester. The student’s feedback increases in his interest for the subject. We present a comparative study of the teachers’ and students’ workload between PBL and the classic teaching approach, which suggests that the workload increase in PBL is not as high as it seems.
Cite Key: MJG2007a
Enric Marti, Carme Julia, & Debora Gil. (2007)." PBL en la docencia de gráficos por computador" (Vol. 1). Valladolid.
Enric Marti, J. Rocarias, Petia Radeva, H. Tizon, & Jordi Vitria. (2007)." Caronte. Un gestor documental para asignaturas de universidad en el EEES" .
Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, Petia Radeva, Ricardo Toledo, & Jordi Vitria. (2007)." Caronte: implementació i millora d activitats d avaluació i primeres experiències amb diferents organitzacions docents" . Bellaterra (Spain).
Enric Marti, S.Fernandez, & G.Estape. (2007)." BlueStar: implementació d’una aplicació per a la visualització 3D de funcions reals, com a eina d’aprenentatge" . Bellaterra (Spain).
Jaume Garcia, Debora Gil, Francesc Carreras, Sandra Pujades, & R.Leta. (2007). "Modelització 4-Dimensional de la Funció Siatólica del Ventricle Esquerre " In XIX Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Cardiologia de Barcelona (pp. 133–134). Barcelona (Spain).
Abstract: L’evolució tecnològica en el tractament de les imatges mèdiques permet reconstruir, amb el software apropiat, imatges tridimensionals de les estructures cardiovasculars i dotar-les de moviment. Les imatges 4D resultants faciliten l’estudi de la fisiopatologia de la insuficiència cardíaca en base als transtorns de l’activació electromecànica ventricular, el que pot ser d’interès en el procés de selecció de pacients candidats a teràpies de resincronització. Presentem els resultats preliminars de la reconstrucció 4D del ventricle esquerre (VE) a partir de les seqüències de tagging miocàrdic del VE.
Cite Key: GGC2007
Oriol Rodriguez-Leor, Debora Gil, Eduard Fernandez-Nofrerias, H. Tizon, S. Montserrat, Vicente del Valle, et al. (2007)." Caracterització de la Perfusió Miocàrdica mitjançant anàlisi estadístic de l espectre en l angiografia de contrast" In XIX Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Cardiologia de Barcelona (130). Barcelona (Spain).
Abstract: La valoració de la integritat de la microcirculació coronària aporta informació pronòstica en pacients amb infart agut de miocardi en els que es realitza angioplastia primària. Aquesta valoració és subjectiva i presenta una important variabilitat si no es duta a terme per personal experimentat. Presentem una eina d’anàlisi d’imatge que permet fer una valoració de la microcirculació coronària a partir de seqüències d’angiografia. Hem analitzat les variacions locals en el nivell de gris de la imatge durant la seqüència angiogràfica. Hem identificat els principals fenòmens observats (respiració, batec cardíac, tinció arterial, tinció miocàrdica i soroll radiològic) mitjançant un anàlisi estadístic de l’espectre de Fourier de l’evolució al llarg del temps de la mitja local. Aquest mateix anàlisis permet determinat la influència de cadascun d’ells en la extracció del patró de tinció i selecciona la respiració com el fenomen que més distorsiona el patró de tinció original. Els descriptors proposats s’obtenen fora del rang espectral respiratori. Hem testat la seva capacitat per a detectar els tres fenòmens principals (tinció miocàrdica (MS), tinció arterial (AS) i soroll (NS)) independentment de la respiració. La capacitat de discriminació dels descriptors ha estat valorada mitjançant un mètode de crossvalidation en 30 seqüències d’angiografia. Els descriptors emprats permeten caracteritzar la tinció miocàrdica amb una alta eficiència i fiabilitat. A més no hi ha diferències significatives en l’anàlisi de les seqüències obtingudes amb el pacient respirant amb normalitat o en apnea
Cite Key: RGF2007
2006 |
Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Debora Gil, J. Mauri, & Petia Radeva. (2006). "Reducing cardiac motion in IVUS sequences " In Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Vol. 33, pp. 685–688).
Abstract: Cardiac vessel displacement is a main artifact in IVUS sequences. It hinders visualization of the main structures in an appropriate orientation and alignment and affects extracting vessel measurements. In this paper, we present a novel approach for image sequence alignment based on spectral analysis, which removes rigid dynamics, preserving at the same time the vessel geometry. First, we suppress the translation by taking, for each frame, the center of mass of the image as origin of coordinates. In polar coordinates with such point as origin, the rotation appears as a horizontal displacement. The translation induces a phase shift in the Fourier coefficients of two consecutive polar images. We estimate the phase by adjusting a regression plane to the phases of the principal frequencies. Experiments show that the presented strategy suppress cardiac motion regardless of the acquisition device. 1.
User Notes: ivus
Cite Key: HGM2006a
Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Petia Radeva, Antonio Tovar, & Debora Gil. (2006). "Vessel structures alignment by spectral analysis of ivus sequences " In Proc. of CVII, MICCAI Workshop (pp. 39–36). 1st International Wokshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging (CVII’06). Copenhaguen (Denmark),.
Abstract: Three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) allows to visualize and obtain volumetric measurements of coronary lesions through an exploration of the cross sections and longitudinal views of arteries. However, the visualization and subsequent morpho-geometric measurements in IVUS longitudinal cuts are subject to distortion caused by periodic image/vessel motion around the IVUS catheter. Usually, to overcome the image motion artifact ECG-gating and image-gated approaches are proposed, leading to slowing the pullback acquisition or disregarding part of IVUS data. In this paper, we argue that the image motion is due to 3-D vessel geometry as well as cardiac dynamics, and propose a dynamic model based on the tracking of an elliptical vessel approximation to recover the rigid transformation and align IVUS images without loosing any IVUS data. We report an extensive validation with synthetic simulated data and in vivo IVUS sequences of 30 patients achieving an average reduction of the image artifact of 97% in synthetic data and 79% in real-data. Our study shows that IVUS alignment improves longitudinal analysis of the IVUS data and is a necessary step towards accurate reconstruction and volumetric measurements of 3-D IVUS.
Cite Key: HRT2006
Debora Gil, & Petia Radeva. (2006). "Inhibition of false landmarks " . Pattern Recognition Letters, 27(9), 1022–1030.
Abstract: Corners and junctions are landmarks characterized by the lack of differentiability in the unit tangent to the image level curve. Detectors based on differential operators are not, by their own definition, the best posed as they require a higher degree of differentiability to yield a reliable response. We argue that a corner detector should be based on the degree of continuity of the tangent vector to the image level sets, work on the image domain and need no assumptions on neither the image local structure nor the particular geometry of the corner/junction. An operator measuring the degree of differentiability of the projection matrix on the image gradient fulfills the above requirements. Because using smoothing kernels leads to corner misplacement, we suggest an alternative fake response remover based on the receptive field inhibition of spurious details. The combination of both orientation discontinuity detection and noise inhibition produce our inhibition orientation energy (IOE) landmark locator.
Cite Key: GIR2006