Xavier Perez Sala, Fernando De la Torre, Laura Igual, Sergio Escalera, & Cecilio Angulo. (2017). Subspace Procrustes Analysis. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 121(3), 327–343.
Abstract: Procrustes Analysis (PA) has been a popular technique to align and build 2-D statistical models of shapes. Given a set of 2-D shapes PA is applied to remove rigid transformations. Then, a non-rigid 2-D model is computed by modeling (e.g., PCA) the residual. Although PA has been widely used, it has several limitations for modeling 2-D shapes: occluded landmarks and missing data can result in local minima solutions, and there is no guarantee that the 2-D shapes provide a uniform sampling of the 3-D space of rotations for the object. To address previous issues, this paper proposes Subspace PA (SPA). Given several
instances of a 3-D object, SPA computes the mean and a 2-D subspace that can simultaneously model all rigid and non-rigid deformations of the 3-D object. We propose a discrete (DSPA) and continuous (CSPA) formulation for SPA, assuming that 3-D samples of an object are provided. DSPA extends the traditional PA, and produces unbiased 2-D models by uniformly sampling different views of the 3-D object. CSPA provides a continuous approach to uniformly sample the space of 3-D rotations, being more efficient in space and time. Experiments using SPA to learn 2-D models of bodies from motion capture data illustrate the benefits of our approach.
Razieh Rastgoo, Kourosh Kiani, & Sergio Escalera. (2023). ZS-GR: zero-shot gesture recognition from RGB-D videos. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 43781–43796.
Abstract: Gesture Recognition (GR) is a challenging research area in computer vision. To tackle the annotation bottleneck in GR, we formulate the problem of Zero-Shot Gesture Recognition (ZS-GR) and propose a two-stream model from two input modalities: RGB and Depth videos. To benefit from the vision Transformer capabilities, we use two vision Transformer models, for human detection and visual features representation. We configure a transformer encoder-decoder architecture, as a fast and accurate human detection model, to overcome the challenges of the current human detection models. Considering the human keypoints, the detected human body is segmented into nine parts. A spatio-temporal representation from human body is obtained using a vision Transformer and a LSTM network. A semantic space maps the visual features to the lingual embedding of the class labels via a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model. We evaluated the proposed model on five datasets, Montalbano II, MSR Daily Activity 3D, CAD-60, NTU-60, and isoGD obtaining state-of-the-art results compared to state-of-the-art ZS-GR models as well as the Zero-Shot Action Recognition (ZS-AR).
Razieh Rastgoo, Kourosh Kiani, & Sergio Escalera. (2023). A deep co-attentive hand-based video question answering framework using multi-view skeleton. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 1401–1429.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel hand –based Video Question Answering framework, entitled Multi-View Video Question Answering (MV-VQA), employing the Single Shot Detector (SSD), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and Co-Attention mechanism with RGB videos as the inputs. Our model includes three main blocks: vision, language, and attention. In the vision block, we employ a novel representation to obtain some efficient multiview features from the hand object using the combination of five 3DCNNs and one LSTM network. To obtain the question embedding, we use the BERT model in language block. Finally, we employ a co-attention mechanism on vision and language features to recognize the final answer. For the first time, we propose such a hand-based Video-QA framework including the multi-view hand skeleton features combined with the question embedding and co-attention mechanism. Our framework is capable of processing the arbitrary numbers of questions in the dataset annotations. There are different application domains for this framework. Here, as an application domain, we applied our framework to dynamic hand gesture recognition for the first time. Since the main object in dynamic hand gesture recognition is the human hand, we performed a step-by-step analysis of the hand detection and multi-view hand skeleton impact on the model performance. Evaluation results on five datasets, including two datasets in VideoQA, two datasets in dynamic hand gesture, and one dataset in hand action recognition show that MV-VQA outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
Razieh Rastgoo, Kourosh Kiani, & Sergio Escalera. (2020). Hand pose aware multimodal isolated sign language recognition. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80, 127–163.
Abstract: Isolated hand sign language recognition from video is a challenging research area in computer vision. Some of the most important challenges in this area include dealing with hand occlusion, fast hand movement, illumination changes, or background complexity. While most of the state-of-the-art results in the field have been achieved using deep learning-based models, the previous challenges are not completely solved. In this paper, we propose a hand pose aware model for isolated hand sign language recognition using deep learning approaches from two input modalities, RGB and depth videos. Four spatial feature types: pixel-level, flow, deep hand, and hand pose features, fused from both visual modalities, are input to LSTM for temporal sign recognition. While we use Optical Flow (OF) for flow information in RGB video inputs, Scene Flow (SF) is used for depth video inputs. By including hand pose features, we show a consistent performance improvement of the sign language recognition model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that this discriminant spatiotemporal features, benefiting from the hand pose estimation features and multi-modal inputs, are fused for isolated hand sign language recognition. We perform a step-by-step analysis of the impact in terms of recognition performance of the hand pose features, different combinations of the spatial features, and different recurrent models, especially LSTM and GRU. Results on four public datasets confirm that the proposed model outperforms the current state-of-the-art models on Montalbano II, MSR Daily Activity 3D, and CAD-60 datasets with a relative accuracy improvement of 1.64%, 6.5%, and 7.6%. Furthermore, our model obtains a competitive results on isoGD dataset with only 0.22% margin lower than the current state-of-the-art model.
Razieh Rastgoo, Kourosh Kiani, & Sergio Escalera. (2020). Video-based Isolated Hand Sign Language Recognition Using a Deep Cascaded Model. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 22965–22987.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an efficient cascaded model for sign language recognition taking benefit from spatio-temporal hand-based information using deep learning approaches, especially Single Shot Detector (SSD), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), from videos. Our simple yet efficient and accurate model includes two main parts: hand detection and sign recognition. Three types of spatial features, including hand features, Extra Spatial Hand Relation (ESHR) features, and Hand Pose (HP) features, have been fused in the model to feed to LSTM for temporal features extraction. We train SSD model for hand detection using some videos collected from five online sign dictionaries. Our model is evaluated on our proposed dataset (Rastgoo et al., Expert Syst Appl 150: 113336, 2020), including 10’000 sign videos for 100 Persian sign using 10 contributors in 10 different backgrounds, and isoGD dataset. Using the 5-fold cross-validation method, our model outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives in sign language recognition