Frederic Sampedro, Anna Domenech, Sergio Escalera, & Ignasi Carrio. (2015). Deriving global quantitative tumor response parameters from 18F-FDG PET-CT scans in patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. NMC - Nuclear Medicine Communications, 36(4), 328–333.
The aim of the study was to address the need for quantifying the global cancer time evolution magnitude from a pair of time-consecutive positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) scans. In particular, we focus on the computation of indicators using image-processing techniques that seek to model non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) progression or response severity.
A total of 89 pairs of time-consecutive PET-CT scans from NHL patients were stored in a nuclear medicine station for subsequent analysis. These were classified by a consensus of nuclear medicine physicians into progressions, partial responses, mixed responses, complete responses, and relapses. The cases of each group were ordered by magnitude following visual analysis. Thereafter, a set of quantitative indicators designed to model the cancer evolution magnitude within each group were computed using semiautomatic and automatic image-processing techniques. Performance evaluation of the proposed indicators was measured by a correlation analysis with the expert-based visual analysis.
The set of proposed indicators achieved Pearson's correlation results in each group with respect to the expert-based visual analysis: 80.2% in progressions, 77.1% in partial response, 68.3% in mixed response, 88.5% in complete response, and 100% in relapse. In the progression and mixed response groups, the proposed indicators outperformed the common indicators used in clinical practice [changes in metabolic tumor volume, mean, maximum, peak standardized uptake value (SUV mean, SUV max, SUV peak), and total lesion glycolysis] by more than 40%.
Computing global indicators of NHL response using PET-CT imaging techniques offers a strong correlation with the associated expert-based visual analysis, motivating the future incorporation of such quantitative and highly observer-independent indicators in oncological decision making or treatment response evaluation scenarios.
Xavier Perez Sala, Fernando De la Torre, Laura Igual, Sergio Escalera, & Cecilio Angulo. (2017). Subspace Procrustes Analysis. IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision, 121(3), 327–343.
Abstract: Procrustes Analysis (PA) has been a popular technique to align and build 2-D statistical models of shapes. Given a set of 2-D shapes PA is applied to remove rigid transformations. Then, a non-rigid 2-D model is computed by modeling (e.g., PCA) the residual. Although PA has been widely used, it has several limitations for modeling 2-D shapes: occluded landmarks and missing data can result in local minima solutions, and there is no guarantee that the 2-D shapes provide a uniform sampling of the 3-D space of rotations for the object. To address previous issues, this paper proposes Subspace PA (SPA). Given several
instances of a 3-D object, SPA computes the mean and a 2-D subspace that can simultaneously model all rigid and non-rigid deformations of the 3-D object. We propose a discrete (DSPA) and continuous (CSPA) formulation for SPA, assuming that 3-D samples of an object are provided. DSPA extends the traditional PA, and produces unbiased 2-D models by uniformly sampling different views of the 3-D object. CSPA provides a continuous approach to uniformly sample the space of 3-D rotations, being more efficient in space and time. Experiments using SPA to learn 2-D models of bodies from motion capture data illustrate the benefits of our approach.
Yagmur Gucluturk, Umut Guclu, Xavier Baro, Hugo Jair Escalante, Isabelle Guyon, Sergio Escalera, et al. (2018). Multimodal First Impression Analysis with Deep Residual Networks. TAC - IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 8(3), 316–329.
Abstract: People form first impressions about the personalities of unfamiliar individuals even after very brief interactions with them. In this study we present and evaluate several models that mimic this automatic social behavior. Specifically, we present several models trained on a large dataset of short YouTube video blog posts for predicting apparent Big Five personality traits of people and whether they seem suitable to be recommended to a job interview. Along with presenting our audiovisual approach and results that won the third place in the ChaLearn First Impressions Challenge, we investigate modeling in different modalities including audio only, visual only, language only, audiovisual, and combination of audiovisual and language. Our results demonstrate that the best performance could be obtained using a fusion of all data modalities. Finally, in order to promote explainability in machine learning and to provide an example for the upcoming ChaLearn challenges, we present a simple approach for explaining the predictions for job interview recommendations
Marc Oliu, Ciprian Corneanu, Kamal Nasrollahi, Olegs Nikisins, Sergio Escalera, Yunlian Sun, et al. (2016). Improved RGB-D-T based Face Recognition. BIO - IET Biometrics, 5(4), 297–303.
Abstract: Reliable facial recognition systems are of crucial importance in various applications from entertainment to security. Thanks to the deep-learning concepts introduced in the field, a significant improvement in the performance of the unimodal facial recognition systems has been observed in the recent years. At the same time a multimodal facial recognition is a promising approach. This study combines the latest successes in both directions by applying deep learning convolutional neural networks (CNN) to the multimodal RGB, depth, and thermal (RGB-D-T) based facial recognition problem outperforming previously published results. Furthermore, a late fusion of the CNN-based recognition block with various hand-crafted features (local binary patterns, histograms of oriented gradients, Haar-like rectangular features, histograms of Gabor ordinal measures) is introduced, demonstrating even better recognition performance on a benchmark RGB-D-T database. The obtained results in this study show that the classical engineered features and CNN-based features can complement each other for recognition purposes.
Sergio Escalera, Oriol Pujol, & Petia Radeva. (2009). Separability of Ternary Codes for Sparse Designs of Error-Correcting Output Codes. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 30(3), 285–297.
Abstract: Error Correcting Output Codes (ECOC) represent a successful framework to deal with multi-class categorization problems based on combining binary classifiers. In this paper, we present a new formulation of the ternary ECOC distance and the error-correcting capabilities in the ternary ECOC framework. Based on the new measure, we stress on how to design coding matrices preventing codification ambiguity and propose a new Sparse Random coding matrix with ternary distance maximization. The results on the UCI Repository and in a real speed traffic categorization problem show that when the coding design satisfies the new ternary measures, significant performance improvement is obtained independently of the decoding strategy applied.